Milk Crates and Turntables. A Music Discussion Podcast

Ep. 147 - A Flashback Fiesta of 1974's Music And Happenings.

Scott McLean Episode 147

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Remember the flutter of excitement when you found a long-lost mixtape, each track a portal to the past? That rush of nostalgia is what we're serving up in our latest episode, as we take the scenic route back to 1974, an era rich with bell bottoms, tank tops, and tunes that refuse to fade. Jack, Mark, Lou, and I invite you into our circle for a laugh-filled journey, where personal anecdotes and the quirks of our teenage years collide with the music that became the soundtrack of our lives.

Ever played '45 poker'? It's a game where the deck is stacked with memories, and each flip of a record delves into the heart of the '70s music scene. From the amusing saga of The Zombies' two-band tour to the reverence of vinyl in the shadow of Roulette Records, our episode spins a yarn as eclectic as the 45s we reminisce over. And with guest appearances that add spice to our banter, we're critiquing and celebrating in equal measure, ensuring you're right there with us, grooving to the beat of nostalgia.

Rounding out the experience, we invite you to weigh in—what's the true legacy of Rush without Neil Peart? How do today's ticket prices compare to the inaugural American Music Awards back in '74? We're tackling these debates head-on, while also paying homage to the icons and epic moments that have etched themselves into music history. From the myths of Mama Cass to the debate over "Young Frankenstein" versus "Blazing Saddles," our conversation is as vibrant and diverse as the era we're celebrating. Tune in, and let the familiar chords of the past strike a chord in your heart.


Well, here we are, episode 147. And on this episode we're going to take the number 47 and flip it and we're going to talk about the year 1974. Now I don't know if we did this year already or not. Everything starts to jumble together after 147 episodes. But we're going to do it again and, as usual, the wrecking tour here. Lewis, back from his sabbatical, he's got his bell bottoms on his hip, huggers, his tank top and he wants more, more, more of 1974. Enjoy the show.


The KOFB Studio presents Milk Crates and Turntables, a music discussion podcast hosted by scott mcclain. Now let's talk music enjoy the show yeah, thank you, amanda, for that introduction.


It usually fades out a little better, but since Restream reconfigured everything, I just cut it short. You get the point. You've been listening to it long enough. Welcome to the podcast. You know the name, I'm not going to say it. We're streaming live right over now on Facebook, youtube, twitch, to XD Live. We're streaming live over a bunch of platforms, and welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends. We're so glad you could attend. Come inside. Come inside. We have an interesting show tonight. 1974. 1974. Let's see how old. Let me see Mark Smith was. He was talking like this in 74. I got that one wrong, mark Smith.


I was saying, mom Stacy took my ice cream.


Mom Stacy took, it doesn't work. It doesn't work on this microphone. That was my voice. Oh shit, okay this is what happens when I'm I'm using another microphone and I didn't test all this stuff. So evidently lou, who was 19 in 1974, yeah, I'm on starting, starting right away buddy right off the bat.


Yeah, starting right away yeah, yeah, so I'm using this. This I was 13. You're 13. Well, you're a teenager. Uh, let's get the uh chat over here. Let's see what got. I don't think anybody's on yet, so it doesn't matter, they should be on. They should be. That's right, mark. Where's your sister? What's up with this?


She's on for an hour tonight, because at 8 she has to do something, so she's on for the first hour. Well, she's late.


She's late.


She's allowed to be Yeah's true, that's true, our sisters, our big siblings, scott, are allowed to do things.


Yes, yeah, unfortunately. Yes, that's true, unfortunately. Um so yeah, I'm using this nine dollar microphone that I bought. It's not a nine dollar microphone, it's a microphone I got for nine dollars. I upped my game. I got a new arm here. A nice arm, a new boom, but it is nice. It is nice. Let me do something here.


It might sound better than the other one. Oh, shut the fuck up.


Don't give me that shit.


What do you think, Lou? $9.


$9. See, he's got more bass in it. You got a bassier voice. It's an audio technica at 2020. It's actually I. I I saw a review on it, I I looked it up and there's a video and in the video the guy is like the beauty of this mic, you can beat the hell out of this thing and it can take a beat and it's it's got a good build and it still will come out with a nice sound. So there you go I mean the road.


Any microphone that can take a good beating right, right, it's not like a delicate mic.


It's, it's, it's. It takes me, but check this out. All right, I'm gonna. I'm gonna take the screen over. Hold on right. Can you guys hear me? Yeah, check out this. This nice boom, mom right nice nice build right it's, it's. It's a little plasticky, but uh, check this out whoa ah, white saber look at that.


Right, I can do this. Uh, somebody in the back is going to get jealous right, you got this little mode.


It kind of changes colors, pulsates iron man can't do that no. No, Then you do this and I get you all these different colors. Right? Nice change Like that. I like that one.


There's a pulse Anyone doesn't mess with your camera.


I guess not.


Okay, that's shifting. I have a bulb that does that and the shifting light makes you in and out.


Oh, this motherfucker. You know what? I have a bulb that does that and the shifting light makes you in and out.


You know what Is this a thing now with him? My brother call him clean. Are you guys live and talking about music and shit? This fucking asshole? He is the producer. No, he's not. I'm taking him out of the credits. Oh no, I'm taking him out of the credits. He's done. Taking him out of the credits, he's done no, he keeps me in line he's done. You know what I don't like the mic? It's like I'm hiding behind it. Does that sound?


familiar what are you talking about?


yeah, welcome to milk crates and turntables, welcome to milk duds and turntables.


Welcome to milk duds.


So we're talking about 1974 tonight. See, this is a visual. The podcast listeners have no fucking idea what I'm doing right now. He's got stage fright this condenser mic. It has to be positioned in a certain way and it covers right up to the bottom of my nose. So I'm I don't know what. The fuck am I explaining this, for it's boring. Yeah, exactly, don't blame the equipment.


Yeah, yeah I'll blame you hey, you know what? Okay you you want to fuck around and play the blame game.


Okay, I'm gonna. I'm going to give you a true story. I'm going to give you a true story.


Oh boy.


Yes, I was in fifth grade. I was in fifth, oh, the fucking dynamic puke, yeah, the dynamic puke, fucking big head, todd the wet sprocket and Colin McLean. So I was in fifth grade and they introduced you to instruments, right, and I really, really wanted to play the clarinet. I don't know why, I love the sound of it, right, and I was like I wanted to play the clarinet. And I came home and I told my, my brother, colin he's my oldest brother, so, figure, how old are you in fifth grade? Nine or ten, yeah, about nine or ten, right. So he's probably like 13, right, 13. And I said I wanted to play the clarinet and this motherfucker proceeds to shame me, shame me and embarrass me into never wanting to play that again.


Yeah, I could have been a sax I could have been a clarinet player, which would have moved over to maybe saxophone or something cool.


He could have been benny goodman he started he.


I think he called me gay and yeah I think. I think he said a lot of cruel things to me when I was nine because, I wanted to play the saxophone, and he was relentless, so why the fuck would I do it then? Right, so he ruined that for me. So it's funny, you say that he ruined a lot of things for me.


Now that we're fucking talking about it, it's funny you say it, scott, because when I was in fifth grade at Zion Lutheran, we picked an instrument we wanted to play in band. I wanted to play the trumpet, but you had to right then and there get a sound on the trumpet. You can't right, so I'm blowing on the thing, forget it. So then the teacher says I think you'd be better on clarinet.


And I took up the clarinet, see there you go you took my fucking spot there, you go and look at me now yeah, I'm, I had a fairly successful career, I had a fair, I'm fairly successful in life and and I still don't fucking play the clarinet. So really, look at me now, imagine how great I could have been if I played the clarinet why I don't know fucking great I would have been.


Why don't you take it up now?


I'm way too fucking busy with this podcast shit to take up anything, typically liquor stick, as they call it yeah, good, one, lou good. Yeah, this podcast, shit my other, what what's?


that ever hear klezmer music. It's yiddish music. Yeah, yeah, a lot of clarinet. It's just wailing, it's wailing is what it is.


Yeah, yeah, my other podcast taking up a lot of time. Now how's? It going how's it doing? It's going good. You know what? On? Um on uh, what is it? Um? What's the? I'm gonna tell you right now. Um on one of the, uh, one of the app good pods. Right, good pods is an app. It's one of those. It was last week. It was number one in the nonprofit fucking category for the week.


All right yeah.


Good job, yeah, and number one in the something else and number then in the top 100, I was like I had three things in in 50 and under. Yeah.


Whatever Not bad for a guy with Oscar Mayer fingers.


You know, from now on, whenever I hear the name Oscar Mayer, I think of my daughter when she said, did you see that movie? And I said what movie? She said Oscar Mayer. I said Oscar Mayer. What the hell is that about? She goes. You know the bomb, the guy that made the bomb.


Oscar Meyer.


And he made a hell of a wiener. Yeah, yeah, yeah, just ask Japan.


Did he invent sushi? Is that going too?


much Raw radioactive fish? I don't think so. Uh oh, james vitale says. My mother said they were going to find me in lewis lake with a clarinet sticking out was he a bad player I don't know, but that's great I'm your mother I'm gonna find you in. Lewis lake was like this lake. It's still there where we grew up and went up, and it's one of those lakes that just became polluted, like you just couldn't swim in it. Nothing you could do with it, you could always see a shopping cart.


You see a shopping cart?


Yeah, it would freeze over in the wintertime. Then we would skate on it when it used to freeze over and it used to be cold enough to do that. The clarinet. Imagine death by clarinet, really, jesus?




With the clarinet sticking out of your back. That's pretty detailed, wouldn't you?


say that's pretty fucking detailed. It's the mouthpiece, then going into it Exactly.


It's the mouthpiece that goes in. Well, if it was the horn part, that's pretty sick. That was a blunt force it could happen.


Alright, let's let's move into 1974.


It didn't start off well hey wait, are we going to do poker?


oh fuck, yeah, yeah, thanks, man, because lou wasn't here last week but we but we still lost, we, we pulled, we pulled 45 and you still lost I'm still lost 45, so you're there, okay, yeah I reshuffled the I don't know 80 or so fucking 45s that we have here. So here we go. We'll start with Lou this week. Okay, start with Lou. These are all wedged in there, so it's like fucking, let's get it over on camera as much as I can.


There we go, then it's awkward. Fuck that. You know it's there. All right, here we go. This is Lose, starting off with Areola Records.


I like it already Areola Am I right A-R-I-O-L-A.


Areola, it's a body part.


It's a body part. Areola, america. It does kind of look like a boob, a black boob, doesn't it? My face in the middle of it. Look at that.


What the fuck your honker coming out of the areola the private chat, the private chat's coming up on my screen. This shit, yeah, we're all seeing your private shit, scott.


Oh, let's see.


Your private chat. We're all seeing your private shit, Scott. Oh, let's see.


Hold on, hold on, I'm not looking. Oh, this fucking guy.


Oh Jesus, hey, hey.


Just in time for 45 poker. So what did I hear? What did I hear last week? That you said fuck him. Is that what I heard?


Yeah, that's exactly what I said when my shit was going bad and mark said oh, what you need is jack, and I said fuck him. He is the last person I fucking need right now wow, yeah, which means you did need him.


That was just your way of admitting it it's very hurtful, very hurtful, you know you know it's hurtful that your mic is not like you.


Just get a little closer. You know How's that. Now you sound professional. Yeah, the rumbling. Yeah, are we going to hear a train tonight? Jack, with the seven and a half minutes we're going to get you for.


I can open up the window. I'm sure that the train will absolutely go by my window's open we might have to move.


So what's been going on? Jack, Give us a quick rundown.


Just a lot of traveling. I've been bouncing around the country I have. In the last seven weeks I have been in you ready for this one California, nevada, arizona. San Antonio, austin, miami, dayton yeah. One california nevada, arizona um san antonio, austin, miami, dayton, yeah wow, that's a lot that is, I'm not. I'm not even done yet, man does what I can new orleans yep, yep new orleans yep new Orleans Great music town.


And he still hasn't brushed his teeth.


So Jack said he's on a mission to see how long he can go without brushing his teeth. You know we're 45 seconds in and I'm just so happy that I joined the call.


Dave Phillips, king of the 45, says hello boys and Jack Jack's not one of the boys. Evidently, according to the King of the 45, says Hello boys, and Jack Jack's not one of the boys. Evidently, according to the King of the 45s, it's very hurtful. I don't know he's on the what you drinking there, buddy?


Ice tea.


Oh, long Island, you're drinking it like a girl.


What the fuck With your pinky up? It's in a little glass with ice.


You're sipping it. It's not a little glass, it's a big glass.


That's a little. And why are you sipping?


You're supposed to gulp iced tea like a fucking man. Anyway, hey Jack, you want to play 45 poker Now?


that we okay. We heard all your travels and you're doing great, I don't know how to play, but I'll play. Well, I pull a 45, right, and then it's a sign. We go in order, we're going to start with Lou, and then we'll do Mark, then we'll do you, then we'll do me.


Yeah, lou's got an area I have 45s.


No, my 45s. I have 45s from like 1972, from 67.


Look at these.


Look at this.


Look Pearl Jam Fan Club.


Oh no, look at this. Look Pearl Jam fan club oh no.


Look at this.


I fucking.


What do we got? Wishing well, Eddie Vedder, Pearl Jam Nice.


Is that wishing well, like Terrence Trent Diaby wishing well?


It probably is not.


I wouldn't think so, or whatever he calls himself now Look at this Dave Phillips. Shut the fuck. Dave Phillips says Jack is in his own league. Fuck Jack. Oh, look at Todd Big head. Todd the West Rocket Jack is back. Finally a good show. You know what people. You know what people. That's an insult to Mark and Lou.


There you go, see. You know what people that's an insult to Mark and Lou there you go, see. I'm honored to do that. Look at that one.


Yeah, it's a 45. It's a nice cover. We couldn't read it because it's backwards.


How about that one?


It's fucking backwards. It's Morrissey. I know that you got your shit on Mira, oh, here you go, is that? Better. What's the song?


uh, you have, uh, you've killed me in good looking man about town yeah, you've killed.


That's typical morrissey.


Yeah, perfect title let me see if I can fix my camera yeah, get, get the reverse.


It's going, the settings, you'll see mirror. There you go. Now you're normal. Got a good view of that trash can in the background you like that?


well, you're in my painting studio lou.


Lou has upped his game. Look at his studio, dude. Looks like he's in like a fucking gourmet kitchen, like he's got spices up on the wall behind him. He's got a fucking table. Jack's still showing his 45s. I like the flower Oasis, okay, okay, no insult to Lou and Jack. Lou and Mark. Jack was an original. No, you don't, don't explain yourself. Dave Phillips, king of the 45s, you said it, you said what you said and that's all there is to it. That's it, that's it.


You won't be forgiven we were all fans of the show, watching you and Jack for a long time.


Not OD Green, whatever that means. What do we?


got REM Fan Club private release oh. Lou Huh, what else do we got?


I don't know, but this isn't 45 Polka.


Generation X.


Yeah, yeah.


The Standells, yeah, the Stranglers, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, yeah.


The Standells were not from Boston.


The Strokes they weren't.


The Standells were not from Boston.


Did you hear that they were not? They were not Foo Fighters.


All right, all right, we got your catalog of 45s. Now can we get to the game my? Can we get to the game my?


backdrop's an original.


There it is, that's right.


That's right.


Looks very real.


That's right. Thanks for your cataloging of very current 45s.


Jack, it would be a very hard game if we were using your 45s, but you know what we're not we're using. Patty Yossi actually sent me all these 45s, so that goes, we're going, we're going back in the day. All right, here we go. This was lose. This was lose. Areola records I think he might have got this one before. Uh, marmalade is the name of the band. Marmalade, fly, fly, fly or falling apart at the seams. Fly, fly, fly sounds original, sounds up to fly, nothing or fly, robin fly yeah.


Oh, that's what I thought it was too yeah no, so that's a little lecher fly lou. Got the titty records, areola records.


All right, here we go all right, I quit already here's.


Mark, here's Mark. From what Mark? It's Dunhill Records, but it's in a Capitol record sheath. Oh, I have a lot Dunhill Records. Three Dog Night, three Dog Night. Okay, let me see, let Me Serenade you, or Storybook Feeling.


We had that one before too, it's just like a deck of cards.


We're going to get some of them. All right, here we go. Here's Jack's, here's Jack's. Okay, let's see what Jack got. I'm writing these down. Jack's got Capitol Records. Capitol Records, right. Green, yeah with the green bullseye. Wings, wings, green, yeah with the green bullseye. Uh, wings, wings.


Oh, let them in number one, jack's in the lead.


Right now, jack's in the lead. All right, here we go. Here's mine. Let's see. But jack, this game changes real fast, as we found out. Yeah.


Yeah, it's not for me. One big not for Lou so far. It's really fun.


Yeah, well, you know that's All right. Here we go. Casablanca Records, donna Summer Dim all the lights, sweetheart, gonna dance tonight. That was the number one. Yeah, that was the number one, all right, all right, let's see Round two. Here the number one. Yeah, that was the number one, all right, all right, let's see round two. Here we go. Lou, let's go to the front of the deck here anywhere. See, we got for lou. All right, he's got. Uh, oh, he's got a covered a not for sale. This is a promo, evidently, that somebody wrote all over looks like manson people look at that?


who is?


it. Can you tell who it is? It looks like uh. Looks like looking glass. No, looks like uh looks like hippies.


It's hard to see.


I know let's see what's inside this. Uh, dr hook. Oh, the stimu next. Uh, let me see is there a back?


there's a b-side right. Uh, the b-side is the stimu.


It's uh includes excerpts of songs contained in dr hook's capital album bankrupt, so it's maybe you should do a redraw.


That's not a single, that's a promo.


I think he deserves a redraw jack I, I would throw that away if I were you. Okay, throw away I'll take that.


That's fair enough. Fair enough, I'm not that much of an asshole. What's a stimu? I don't know that was. That's the name. It says the stimu, it's whatever the fuck that all right, here we go. Redraw for lou. Okay, uh, we got a blank sheath, but eagles one of these nights oh, that just took the lead right there that might. That might be the winner right there that might hold you off, I know how to fuck this up mark, here we go, here we go, I'll fuck it up.


Uh, oh shit, um, from a and m records. I love that. I love that cover, I love that. Right, that's stuck in the middle with you. Oh shit, yeah, pulling out some heavy hitters here tonight. What's Jack going to get? A fucking tuna fish sandwich.


Or 45.


Yeah, well, I'll pull his 45. Mark's in the lead. From Polydor Records. Polydor Records. The road apples Jack's got the road apples. From Polyshore Records.


Polyshore Records the road apples. Jack's got the road apples From Pauly Shore Records, Pauly.


Shore Records the road apples. Let's live together.


That's it. I have to tell you I have no idea what you guys are doing. I don't know how to play this game.


You just sit there and fucking accept what's given to you. That's how you play the game.


Sounds like I'm in prison. Do you ever play?


poker. Do you ever play poker? Do you ever play poker, jack, sure, you deal five cards, right, it's straight. No draw. Whatever five cards you get, that's your hand, right? That's what 45 poker is. We do it with three 45s each.


Sit and take what's given to? You. That doesn't sound like straight poker to me.


It's not complicated.


Okay, here we go.


I think this is between Lou and Mark, unless I pull a doozy right here, road Apples, I don't know.


Jack's got the wings, though.


Yeah, but Road Apple just fucked that up for him.


I think they popped up on Music Rollers once.


Let's see what do I got. The Brothers Johnson, the Brothers Johnson. I like that cover too.


Look at that.


I'll tell you right now it's the Devil or I'll Be Good to you.


Not a hit, yes it was I'll be good to you, good to you.


Oh, that's right. I'll take it, but it's still. It's a good song.


It's not the stimu, it's not the stimu Exactly.


I've got one here, though. What A stimu. It's a pet, it's a stimu.


Jack comes on and Lou gets a stimu.


All right.


Mark's pulling the flop card.


This is the flop card Mark. All right, so who goes first, Lou? All right Jack's hyperactive, isn't he? This is Date Records. Date Records okay, the Zombies Time of the Season.


Ooh, lose the winner. Don't say that I think lose the winner even though we started off with Areola Records.


I've got Marmalade, I don't even know that song, do you know at least? I think that time of the season was such a big hit that they couldn't wait to get them to the United States to tour. But they were already broken up.


Wow, yeah, and that add-in, that was the thing where he goes. That's an extreme add-in. At the very end they needed to fucking fill in and they just told the guy just do. And that was became a key part of the whole song.


So when, when they got, when they finally got their shit together to get the zombies to tour the United States, there was they finally got their shit together to get the zombies to tour the United States.


There was actually two bands that were touring the United States Calling themselves the zombies. See, you can get away with that before fucking computers.


You don't get that type of anarchy in the insurance industry, man.


We get our shit together. You mean, there's not two?


travelers insurance running around somewhere, all right's.


Next you are, aren't you?


I am okay yeah, I guess.


So all right, uh, reprise records.


All right, sammy davis jr man, candy man, I've got to be me hey, good job man okay, all right all right, give jack a shit, guy shit, 45 he lost anyways that's the first I missed you, hey wait, I'm not looking jack, I'm not looking at the pile.


I love, you got a glass eye.


that's's why I love Betty Davis Jr.


Alright, here we go. Roulette Records Tommy James and the Shondells. I don't know what the A side would be. It's Breakaway and Sweet Cherry Wine.


I'm not even going to write the songs.


Sorry, but it's a cool looking label.


I mean it's cool, yeah, roulette had a great, great label the most mobbed up label.


There was most songs about wine, or about sweet wines.


I've noticed.


Hey, mark, look roulette records that was. That was the levy family, wasn't it? Yeah?


the great morris levy.


I'm saying so so morris levy, scott, you know what morris levy then that levy family was always all also famous for what they owned strawberries records and tapes oh, and you would know see, yeah, you know your store, by the way that's where I got all my cutouts, and if you read the book hit men, you learn about those cutouts because so I, I worked that.


This is how old I am. I worked at strawberries records and tapes downtown and one of my duties was I had to run the elevator. The elevator, yeah, they had a. They had a manually operated elevator.


So let me ask you so if I remember correctly, that wasn't there originally. They became so popular that they had to open the second floor, correct? It used to be just a walk-in one level right and it was the. It was the fucking place right in downtown boston downtown.


I have to tell you one of the funnest jobs I've ever had. It was crazy, but you're right. They started out with records. It was just on the first floor.




And then they expanded. The second floor was like classical and jazz.




And then the third floor was cassettes and singles. They had a DJ booth up there and I remember when I first started working there, the CD section was literally about that.


Right, and you know what. You would do it on this elevator, depending on who was operating it, and it was the old fucking gate. You know the accordion gate Right Yep, and it had the handle on the handle. And whoever you could get somebody on any given day that was either stoned or never did it before and they go below it, they go below it and then they go and they won't open that fucking thing until it's level Well, not all the time. I've stepped down a couple times.


There were a couple of times where it was like, close enough, get up there.


It was like you had to be a fucking true those elevator guys back in the day in these apartment buildings in the cities like they were fucking pros at that. Man, yeah, elevator operators, yeah, yeah. The ups and downs of being an elevator operator. All right come on, move on who's?


up who's left. By the way, like I said, I recommend if you haven't read Hitman. It's a book about the industry. It involves Vinny the Chin and all that and Morris.


Levy Gigante yeah.


It's a fascinating book. You learn a lot about who was the guy that managed the Eagles. What was his name? Irving Azoff. He basically bootlegged his own record label with Vinny and uh, that's where all the cutouts came from.


I used to find a lot of MCA cutouts, you know the reason Lennon had to cut three uh Chuck Berry songs on his rock and roll album because of come together. He swept words, and so you didn't mess with Mars Levy.


That's right, mark. I had the opportunity working at strawberries. I met the levy boys, a couple of times really, and they so you know, we used to do a cup, we used to do in stores, so we had the, the gap band, that um that came in and did an in-store and my responsibility, they gave me cab fare and I literally I'm ashamed to say, but not really I had to go out and find them cocaine.


Why would you be ashamed of that? Oh, I know, because you're an executive now.


Hey, I just told the story. You know the funny thing, scott is there. I was in downtown Boston but I got in the cab and where did I go?




Winthrop, massachusetts, yep.


It's only six miles away.


Yep, it's only six miles away.


It's only six miles away. That's it. We knew where to get it all right. Who's?


up. Uh, who's last one?


it's me, let's see, yep, I'm done.


But I got an empty one for scott. There you go, of course. Reprise records.




Ah Nancy Sinatra. These boots are made for war All right. Well.


I still. I got to go with Lou One of these nights Marmalade- in time of the season, or Mark Steelers wheel stuck in the middle with you. Jack, you make the call, yeah. I don't know, scott, I think you have more of a contending chance and then good to you was a pretty big hit, so I had dim all the lights right good to you and nancy sinatra. I think I did win this, I think you did I think you didn't get a stinker.


I can't pick, fly, fly, fly for the last one. Yeah, luke got an areola, wow look at that.


I won. Hey, okay, until next week. Until next week. Jack will be back every episode. Now for this exciting part.


And me and Scott have the same box.


We have the same boxes.


I don't even know, how that happened.


What are the odds Next time? I'm definitely in because I get a couple of boxes of 45s and some of them quite good.


Hey, Jack, Jack, did you used to see the 45 boxes in strawberries? They sold all that shit in there, right oh sure they did. Do you ever think of those and go like they were garbage at the time? And now you you know what I have. I have one of those record racks it's like it's the metal ones that has the slots and it's got the shape of like a clef minor or something. Right, it's pretty. I was like I don't put shit in it, but it's just cool. That's a retro piece right there.


Retro piece, you know. I mean I'm not sure that it would fit with the sophisticated decor of your house.


looking at your background right now, hey hey, this is the studio, this isn't my house. Oh, that reminds me, hold on Iron man, on, there you go, woo yeah.




He got a Liverpool sock in Jersey jersey. All right, let's jump into 1974.


Let's see what we got here. Gentlemen, it didn't start off. The year didn't start off well. January 1st english jazz musician john dankworth is named cbe in the uk and nobody gives a fuck. Uh, january 3rd, bob dylan and the band begin their 40-date concert tour at chicago stadium.


It's dylan's first tour since 1966 and also led to the release of an album later that year. One of the classics before the flood, yep yeah, there you go.


That was one of rock's big, first money-making high ticket tours too by the way.


By the way, mark and lou, you know, just so you know, scott and I spoke this morning. No, we didn't.


Scott looks a little nervous here.


Look who's in the background, hey, deb.


What's up, Deb? The beautiful Deborah is in the house. There you go.


That just added a lot of clout.


A fucking egg sandwich. Look at that. On fucking English muffin.


That's a great dude, I love that. I love that I may have to leave. Tell Deb.


Tell Deb, she looked beautiful on camera.


I'd rather have her sitting there. Yeah, she camera, I'd rather have her sitting there. Yeah, she does. I'd rather have her sitting there than you, and you know what. She knows more than I do.


I bet she does. Oh, I bet you she knows a lot. Yeah, all right, well, that's not a tuna fish sandwich, but it'll do. It'll do.


Let's see January 17th 1974, mitchell releases her album court and spark nice. And what's the song? By the way, you didn't let me finish my thought like we got it.


Oh, yeah, yeah scott sabotaged me.


You know what. You know what he told me. Guys, what tonight we're gonna cover? 1973, oh wait, but now, as paul harvey said, and now?


the rest of the story didn't?


we used to love listening to that shit, right? And now the rest of the story. That was my bad. I changed it up at like 4 o'clock this afternoon because I realized we already did 1973 and we actually did 74, but in albums we did albums that turned 50, so we stole many albums that year, next week.


We could do more. I mean yeah, yeah, that was a huge year this audience doesn't remember.


They don't have a longevity of what we talk about. They don't remember. They just like to be entertained by the stupidity of it all 73 was a big year for albums 74, 74, yeah, yeah uh, what was the hit off of jody? Joni mitchell's album caught in spark. Help me, yep, help me. I think I'm falling in love again yeah I'm good, it's like she's in the room.


Dino Martin, singer and son of Dean Martin, is arrested on suspicion of possession and sale of two machine guns. Dino wasn't fucking around, I thought he was in the military. The fucking he wasn't fucking around you get like the Rolling Stones and john lennon. Like they had weed fucking dean omad and got two machine guns.


Like that's he went to the air. He went to the air, yeah probably stole him from there.


You know, I got, I got accused I got accused one time when I was in southern california machi air force base. I get Base, I get called down. I get called down to the to the law enforcement desk. I'm off duty when I pull up there.


I got a hockey jersey on, you know fucking baggy shorts, timberlands. I just and I see these two fucking biker dudes like bearded, leathered, tatted biker dudes on bikes. They pull up. I go in the law enforcement desk. I see my chief. He's like hey, uh, these guys want to talk to you. I go who the fuck are these guys undercover? Undercover for san bernardino police department and undercover, you know, cops they were, so that we sit down in the room and I'm like, okay, like I'm not some country bumpkin right all scared and shit. I'm like, fuck these motherfuckers, what do you want from me?


Long story short, somebody got caught with fucking military grade weapons, m16s, and they said I sold it to them. Not good, it was probably some dude I met at a bar. He fucking got my name and they tried to interrogate me. I'm like, fuck this, you're going to fucking charge me or not? But I didn't fucking steal any M16s. I looked at my chief. I said are there any weapons missing from the armory? No, there you go. Got anything else for me? No, I gotta go get me. Did you ever find out who did it? No, but, uh, my chief told me afterwards. One of them says oh, I think he's guilty I think, he's guilty for fucking, stealing m16s and selling them.


I'm a gun runner now, but dino scott, scott scott's defense was like you know you, you can't fit an m16 through a glory and selling them.


I'm a gun runner now. But Dino Scott's defense was you know you can't fit an M16 through a glory hole.


That's right. Only the barrel. Only the barrel can fit through. Yeah, and in Jack's case it's a very small barrel.


Hey, that hurts, don't go there. Snub nose yeah.


February 12th 1974, new York's Rock Club, the bottom line, opens in Greenwich Village. I worked there. Who was the first headlining act at the bottom line?


Do you know? It wasn't Bruce.


Springsteen, was it no?


No, it wasn't Bruce Springsteen.


It's not the most. It was Dr John. There you go, buddy. There you go, dr John.


Good call Jack when did you work there, lou, the summer of 84.


I don't know.


Did you see anybody? Good Lou any good stories from there. Yeah, I saw Taj Mahal.


That's cool.


Soupy Sales, which was atrocious. His two heavy metal sons were there. Bo Diddley played and at the end I had to knock on his door because he had a hooker in there, a working girl, a sex worker. I said, mr Diddley, we got to go.


She was in there trying to buy an M16.


She got it all right, oh, you're not, dino Martin, what?


Jack, did you let?


that dog lick your fucking mouth.




You did. What the fuck is wrong? Why do people let dogs lick their mouth?


I'm staying out of this.


What is fucking wrong with you people?


I let my dog drink water out of my mouth. I lay on my back. Get the fuck out of here.


That's just another level of bizarreness right there, but we don't hate you. What's bizarre Wait wait, wait.


I have a trivia question for Scott. I'd be very impressed if he knew this. So, Lou just talked about Subi Sales playing at the club and his sons were there.




Do you know what band his sons were in?


Of course, if you don't get it.


I, of course, I don't remember, I don't remember.


Really, really. Yeah, I don't remember, I'm sorry, I thought you hosted a music show.


They were in a band with a megastar.


What's one of the men from Wizard of Oz?


Who was the man who fell from Earth, David? Oh, they were the spiders from Mars.


Wrong, you idiot I was trying to say Tin man, wizard of Oz, welcome to the what?


Just fucking say it Tin Machine, you moron.


Oh I didn't even listen to them. I didn't like them. I didn't like them. No, I didn't.


But he was being metal, he was trying to be metal.


You were too busy playing Oliver North and selling munitions out of bars. Yeah, I was part of Contra Scott in your defense. Tin Machine, terrible band.


Terrible. Yeah, I didn't listen to them. They had one song on the radio. I was like the fuck is this?


I'm not buying it. I like Reeves Gabrels.


Reeves Gabrels is hey Bostonian really, you know who I like better than Tin Machine Nelson. Okay, now there's a couple of talented brothers.


They actually had some okay songs, better than Tin Machine, nelson. Okay, now there's a couple of talented brothers.


They actually had some okay songs. They actually had more hits than Tin Machine Reeves.


Gabrels was a working musician in Boston and ended up playing with Bowie, you know, with Tin Machine, bowie solo, and I think he's currently still touring with the Cure. Oh, that's a perfect fit.


He was a guitar player or bass player fit, he was a guitar player, guitar player, bass player yeah crazy guitar play unbelievable he played on, even from david bowie, which is a far.


I think I got a fucked up album right hey, so let's, let's finish this little segment of off the beaten track with um lou lets his dog drink water out of his mouth, right or?




I can tell you where all these problems started, right. His father took him to the movies one day, and it was a Saturday night and it was fucking behind the green door.


What's behind the green door?


Here we go again, Jack Lou's father took him to a porno because back in the 70s remember they used to release them like regular films. Deep Throat, like everybody would be in line to go see this.


I'm like Dad. Is there a cartoon?


He's like yeah, it's called Fritz the Cat, oh, oh. Popcorn was weird. How old were you?


I was like 10. Oh my God, I didn't get to tell my 1973 story because we fucked a year out.


Yeah, thanks, Scott.


You're going to hear the whole story tonight, my appendectomy story.


Let's talk about it next week. Jack came in and disrupted the whole show. Yeah, he did.


He was going to tell the story about his dog ate his appendix.


Okay, let's move on. Uh, let's see. Uh, yep, doctor, on february 14th, valentine's day, 1974, the captain and taniel are married.


Okay, they were living in before that I know uh february 16th the cap.


The captain played with the Beach Boys. Yep Tony Tennille sang backing vocals on what famous album.


Dillon John.


No, a little bit later the Wall.


That's right.


Yeah, that's right, I saw her name.


I saw that recently actually, and Lee Rittenhour's name is on there.


I want to know what he played on that album.


Two years of litigation between Grand Funk and former manager Terry Knight are finally resolved. The band gets the rights to its name, but Knight wins the cash settlement. I think he probably walked out of it. The better of the two. February 18th 1974. Yes sells out the first of two nights at madison square garden without any advertising for the show.


See 1974 emerson lake and palmer. Yes, we're selling out arenas and so we're returning forever. It was a wild year for music yeah, progress that was our peak scott, were you a yes fan ever?


I was fringe Fringe. I was never 100% in, but I never disliked them. I liked their music but I just wasn't a prog rock kind of guy.


But I did like them. I do like them. I am totally curious because I know Lou and Mark Give me one favorite yes song.


Oh boy, I'm more of a kind of like, I'm more of a fringe uh fan. I really like them, but I don't know their whole catalog but I can't say I dislike.


I think they're great, so I'm buried at the bottom of the lake of prague. I am so into prague. So, yeah, mark, is the the problem? Yeah, yeah, but elp was my favorite prague band. I was listening to them in kindergarten. But uh, probably Yours Is no Disgrace might be my favorite because it's a concise nine-minute song. Go figure that.


Just a quick. It was a single.


For them it was.


Nice little dance tune.


Yeah, also on February 18, 1974, kiss releases their self-titled debut album.


When did it happen that the beginning of the show turned to this year in music? I mean, what the fuck is going on here?


Well, you left and we just made it better.


Yes, you did. This is fantastic. Yeah, it's very informative.


It's not story time with Jack anymore. Jack, I'm sorry.


Yeah, we're just color commentators, me and Lou.


We grow up a little bit. As the show progresses, we give the audience a little more information. Nobody grew up that. Come on In our milk crates and turntables. You control the laptop, you control the information. Thank you, newman. Milk duds and cornholes plus this. See, this creates conversation. Right, right, it creates conversation. These, these moments in rock history. Jack creates conversation. You get it. Notice the dead air, everybody. Rock history.


Jack, great conversation, you get it. Notice the dead air. Everybody, I'm feeling uncomfortable.


Yeah, I'm staying out of it. Look, I can't even look at the camera.


I'll be back in about 30 minutes February 19th 1974.


I got a question.


You saw them both in 73. Who's both? Who was the other one?


Yes, I think he means EL 73. Who's both?


Who was the?


other one. Yes, I think he means ELP, elp. Oh, the classic here, mark, did you ever get CLP?


Well, when they reformed in the 90s for Black, oh, my first time I saw him was Emerson Lake and Powell from Third Row, and I was in front of my hero, keith Emerson, and I saw Greg Lake give him the finger during that show. But then, yeah, they reformed. I saw him every chance I could. I even got to see him at the Chance, a small bar in Poughkeepsie. They were opening for Jethro Tull and they just went and they did a show at a bar. So I saw them on stage, his moog and everything. The Chance is one of my favorite clubs.


That was magical. Didn't you recently see like a hologram thing where you bought? I don't know, was it a timeshare or something like that. I can't remember what did you have autographed? Was that ELP?


Well, I have the Works, Volume 2 with the white cover. I got Keith to sign it and I got Carl to sign it. I never got to meet Greg. I tried, I tried my best. Oh, the hologram, this thing here is a porcupine tree okay I'm gonna sign that. Yeah, quality stuff if you know porcupine tree, most people don't that's right, that's his band.


We can't say shit about I'm sure that's gonna skyrocket hey jack. So, speaking of concerts, what was the one? Since you are the concert connoisseur, have you ever witnessed band members arguing on stage? I also saw so I went.


I went to the. They were filming mtv's 10th anniversary. They had a it was a free thing at the wang theater, uh, the wang center in boston, where arrowsmith, uh they were filming them do uh doing dream on, and then after they kind of did it like three or four takes, they they just jammed and they played like three or four songs. And I remember Steven Tyler going over to Joe Perry and saying something. I couldn't hear him. Look out of my face, I'm having fun like like right right in front of them, like there was. You know, those guys were not happy, yeah right all right see, see these create discussion.


jack, see, it creates discussion. Okay, moving on, uh, february 19th 1974, the first, the first American Music Awards, broadcast on ABC two weeks before the Grammys. What was that all about? A little competition? Yeah right, helen Reddy and Jim Croce, who were big in 74, are among the winners right. February 20th 1974, cher files for divorce from her husband of 10 years, sonny Bono. That ship sailed, their popularity waned and she's like I gotta be me.


And he went skiing.


And he went, oh, almost like a.


Kennedy, I think I can do one more run today, but not before he was the mayor of Palm Springs, California. Yeah, you ever been to Palm Springs?




Yeah, I've been there once Best fucking cheeseburger I ever had at a Denny's was at Palm Springs. I had to go search something for no, well, listen, I get called out to do a bomb search.


Okay, you were in Palm Springs and you went to denny's let me, let me finish.


So I'm with my bomb dog. I had to leave fucking march air force base and drive to fucking palm springs because this major corporation is having this big event and somebody calls in a fucking bomb threat. So it takes me I don't know how long to get out there. An hour and a half to get out there. So it's at night. I fucking get there. I search this big fucking arena not an arena, a big event place, right, and it's. It's pretty fucking cool. They invite me back the next day. They're like, hey, can you stay? Sure, I'll stay, but that night I'm like I'm fucking hungry.


So there's a denny's going back to wherever I'm staying like a fucking cheeseburger I'm like this is a fucking good cheeseburger for Denny's Palm Springs didn't fuck around, man, they didn't fuck around.


Yeah, my dog got one too.


Did he eat it out of your mouth?


No, and I didn't let him lick my face either. It works better with liquid Mark, oh, here we go All right.


All right, all right, you're going to force it down your throat and you're going to actually choke to death on it, March 1st 1974.


Rush releases.


My ninth, birthday.


Was that your birthday?


My ninth birthday.


Ninth birthday Rush released their self-titled debut album, so it was prog rock time right.


Wow, they were more hard rock then. Yeah, the first album was more hard rock, very Zeppelin influence.


What do you guys think about Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson getting together and playing again?


I don't see any problem with it. Yeah, they should.


I think they should get a kick-ass drummer and go out and play and just have fun.


They can't call it Rush though.


No, they can't.


Maybe they can call themselves Rash.


Or Slow, slow. But I'm reading Getty's, I'm still reading his autobiography because I'm trying to soak it up. Those two are kindred spirits, just like, you know, brothers, you know.


Getty Lee. You know this will give you an idea of the state of the concert industry these days.


Gettily did a book reading at the orpheum theater in boston yeah, it was 250 dollars I tried to get beacon theater tickets same thing, couldn't afford them yeah, just crazy ridiculous money yeah yeah I mean, you're promoting a your book.


You should be charging 20 bucks there you go, concert tickets now.


Just we have this discussion all the time. It's fucking ridiculous it's ridiculous it really is. How much would you pay to see boy george in squeeze?


um, if they were decent seats yeah 125 125.


Yeah, 220 for decent up. You know up closer from halfway forward it's like 220 bucks. You want 120, you go into the almost to the back it's like are you fucking kidding me?


who's in squeeze now? Who is? Who is in the band?


The only two that matter are really Difford and Tilburg. Difford and Tilburg, they're really the voice of it.


Yeah, yeah, I just wanted to make sure both were there, you know, yeah.


The drummer was about 60 when they were famous. Yeah.


But it makes it hard for me to want to go see them because I don't want to spend $400 to see Squeeze. I'd love to see them. They're on my bucket list and I was supposed to see them the Broward Center for the Performing Arts before COVID, and then, well, that fucked that up. Then I was like no, I'm not paying $400 to see them.


I will tell you that just a handful of years ago, Deb and I saw Squeeze. They were fantastic.


Yeah, oh, I bet they are I just don't want to pay the price.


They are consummate professionals. Yeah, and I get it. You don't want to waste your money. You want to spend it on stuff like you have behind you.


Yeah, exactly, exactly, because these are worth way more than what I paid for them. I get it. That's, that's. And the hulk don't forget the eight and a half foot hulk out my living room too, and my wife says as long as you're having fun, that's always what she says. All right, let's see moving on.


What time did she let you out of that room?


Yeah, she's going to come and unlock it at 9.30. March 2nd 1974. The 16th annual Grammy Awards are presented in Los Angeles, hosted by Andy Williams. Stevie Wonder's Inner Visions wins Album of the Year and Roberta Flack's version of Killing Me Softly with his song wins both Record of the Year and song of the year. Bet middler wins best new house.


You know, what I don't like is there's a whole fucking generation of kids that only know the fuji's version I was just gonna say that because when you read roberta flack's version I'm like there was no version before that.


They had to put that for this generation that I mean, okay, credit to the fuji's for bringing it and making it a bomb hit again. But my stepdaughter we were recently going to breakfast, the four of us and she's like oh yeah, the Fugees thing. And I said no, they don't, they're not the original. She goes, yeah, like there's this thing right. And you know what?


I fucking hate that Wah wah, wah, wah, wow, wow, wow, wow.


Yeah, because now every time you hear the fucking roberta flack version. That's an earworm. Yeah, hey, I don't want to criticize, but I'm looking at the um the chat. So our boy, dave phillips, went from seeing elp and yes in 73 to going to fenway park and seeing hootie and the blowfish and the Barenaked Ladies.


He's also a huge fan of fucking. What's the band that Dave Phillips loves?


Jay Giles.


No, not just Jay Giles, oh, matchbox 20. He's a huge Matchbox 20 fan.


He's got a wide Very collected Some of it's shit though I admire that.


I admire you, Dave.


You go see Hootie yeah man.


Yeah, you go see, because evidently he's on a money-making tour with that one.


I just wonder what's he going to wear at the Hootie show?


Is it going to be the yes?


shirt or the ELP shirt. Oh Dave, yeah, Dave.


Hey, listen, music is like wine. You like what you like. No one can pick on you. Some people like a $100 bottle of wine. I like Yellowtail. Okay.


I can pick on you for that. Leave me alone. That's right, lou, you get them, buddy.


Lose a sommelier yeah.


Well, nothing wrong with yellow tail. Let's see March 4th 1974 nothing happened. March 10th nothing happened. There either.


March 12th John.


Lennon is involved in an altercation with a photographer outside the Troubadour in Los Angeles. Lennon and his friend Harry Nilsson have been heckling comedian Tommy Smothers and are forced to leave the club. He's wearing a tampon on his head. Yeah, and then didn't Nilsson? He owned that apartment in.


Hollywood, right yeah, the death apartment. No, it wasn't in Hollywood, it was in London.


Oh, that's the one, yeah, who bought that didn't uh jimmy page, buy that or something like that no, no, he, he owned it pete townsend bought it mama cast died there.


Yeah, she did not die of eating a ham sandwich, she didn't show it on it?


no, she did not. She was a fat pig she was a fat pig television, it was on the news she


did not. There are, there are crime scene photos, or you know, like the coroner or whatnot, and that ham sandwich did not have a bite out of it last week there was an article. She ate the whole thing and spit it up.


Yeah, listen, listen just because there's no bite out of the bread doesn't mean she said, fuck the bread, I need to lose weight, I'm just gonna eat the ham she went keto.


But then what was it three or four later? Uh, three or four years later, keith Moon died in the same apartment.


Yeah, yeah. And then who bought it? Pete Townsend bought it, I think.


I don't think anybody bought it. Who the hell would buy that? No, Pete Townsend bought it.


He did, he bought it.


Don't fucking argue with me After Keith Moon died.


I don't think so he did.


Look it up. Look it up, I'm going to fucking prove you wrong. Look it up, I'm telling you. You want to make it interesting? Oh, let's bet on. I don't know if Oasis is ever going to get back together again.


Which they will.


No, they're not.


Yes, they will.


Liam is fucking killing it, not in the US. Us Doesn't need the US.


Doesn't need it, and no one was killing it in the US either.


So there you go. What if they're?


offered a stadium tour in the US. He might take it Like playing.






Garden again.


It's going to happen At some point. It's going to happen.


They're not getting any younger. They got money, though, I assume.


Absolutely. They got plenty of money. These guys are not healthy either, so they better do it soon. Are they not healthy? They don't look healthy.


Nah, liam's fine, they look fine, they look fine.


Noel just got divorced.


He just got divorced so he was going through that. Noel got divorced from the wife. That Liam called a bitch on Twitter. That's that kind of you know. Let's see when are we. I don't know.


April 7th. I mean, come on, are we going to go through every fucking day of the month?


Oh, april 6th, Scott, I'm following you. Read April 6th.


April 6th, 2,200,000 music fans attend the California Jam Rock Festival. Artists performing at the event include Emerson Lake, Palmer, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Black Oak, Arkansas and the Eagles.


And I have ELP's performance and Deep Purple's performance when Richie blew up his amp and burned it, oh, that was stellar.


On March 31st. Heading backwards, let me see. On the 30th, the Ramones play their first concert at the Performance Studio in new york. On the 31st, record producer phil specter is badly injured in a car accident, details of which are largely suppressed. On april 6th, abba wins the 19th eurovision song Contest and nobody fucking cares. Yeah, a lot of people cared there With Waterloo.


Well, that one they did.


Yeah, April 16th Queen plays their first North American concert, opening for Mott the Hoople. Mott the Hoople, that was their first tour In Denver, in Denver, but, jack, we always go back to. Queen was not as big as everybody thought they were until after freddie mercury died in the in the end. They were big, but they weren't. I think their legend grew bigger than what they actually were in the end you.


You can and I know we've talked about this before, but you can go on the internet and you can actually look at the attendance of the last us queen tour. The hot they did, they. They did okay on the east coast and the west coast, but in like the midwest and the south, they were playing for half-filled arenas, yeah but what album were they touring for the hot I? Think it was. It was hot space, yeah, and that killed them in the us they killed them because, because our country is homophobic.


Yeah, right, yep.


And on that tour, that's gay.


Don't say that.


That's so gay. I have a DVD of them on that tour in England where they played to about 60,000 people and the songs from Hot Space were heavy. They did them really good.


They never toured the US again, and I was like I loved Queen.


I was hoping they would and they never did.


They were huge. Before that, though. They had their peak. They did peak they were definitely playing arenas.


I don't know if they.


Oh gee, that's too bad.


Jack froze. It's like that Paul McCartney song Frozen Jack.


Gee, that's too bad Jack froze.


It's like that Paul McCartney song.


Frozen Jack. Oh gee, this is too bad. Look at this. He was in mid-sentence too. This is horrible.


This is horrible Jack is frozen.


I don't know how. What Now the show's ruined. Jack's frozen, he'll reboot.


And there he goes, he's off, there he goes. I think he planned that.


I think he planned it yeah, yeah, he loves those dramatic exits I got this little chord here he just went yeah, he just you know he hit disconnect in mid sentence. He thinks you know, oh, look at me, I, I'm Jack.


How long was he on?


for he was on for almost an hour. Is that his limitation?


I know he said that that's why we only did one hour shows.


Jack couldn't go more than an hour. We did 90 minutes a couple times and he's like fucking exhausted.


Me and Lou and Perry can't get. We just make two hours it's.


it's hard to do well, in our fucking us three it's usually two and a half hours, yeah yeah, 90, 90 minutes to me, feels like, because I like doing it so much like I don't want to go. Yeah, if the last half hour sucks, yeah yeah, I like, I like doing it.


This is fun, uh, on april 25th 1974.


it's fun, but I like doing it. This is fun On April 25th 1974.


I don't know if it's fun, but I like doing it. That's what she said.


It better be fun here. I don't know about music relish I try to make it fun.


It's always a barrel of monkeys in both houses.


Your comments.


It's the monkey house house, it's a madhouse uh, let's see my father daughter dance at her wedding. Was hold my hand, that's oh that's all right.


You know it's too bad. Uh, that's so nice.


You know what else is nice?


jack's back gee if we thought you did this whole dramatic exit like you usually do. No no. Somehow I lost my internet for a couple of minutes.


Gee, that was so horrible. There was dead air until you came back on.


Dude, I can leave again.


Just dead air. We didn't know what to do.


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disrupt. What are we on april 8th, april 25th?


pam morrison is found dead. Okay, uh, may 7th, led zeppelin announces their new record label, swan song records. Uh, may 11th, the new york police bagpipe band performs. Who cares? No, I'd read that whole thing, though it's funny, it's okay uh. They performed shortly after midnight at the portsmouth rhode island ramada inn in connection with a national police week event, prompting a drunken spree lasting until dawn by at least a dozen off-duty members of the boston police department.


With bagpipes, the officers ran naked through the motel, smashing chairs and tables soiling rugs discharging fire extinguishers, exploding firecrackers, setting off a burglar alarm, disconnecting a security camera, slashing automobile tires, throwing pictures into the motel courtyard, causing an estimated $1,027.75 in damage including liquor stolen from a locked cabinet and unpaid breakfast bills. What a fucking part In 74, $1,000 was a lot of money.


Scott, can you just repeat that again? What type of alarm did they trip? A burglar alarm, A burglar alarm.


I think you're still thinking about Denny's A burglar alarm A burglar alarm.


I think, you're still thinking about Denny's A burglar alarm.


I said burglar. Oh, I said burglar, I didn't say burglar alarm. Burglar alarm, burglar, what the fuck do you say? A burglar, burglar alarm. There you go. There you go, burglar, burglar, okay you got me a burglar alarm.


Oh okay, you got me all right burglar alarm.


I'm still thinking of Denny's hey they set up a cheese burglar alarm.


That was a grand slam.


Fuck it this mic. I like the arm, but it's fucking in my way. That was a grand slam. Good one, lou. There you go with the little Denny's reference there. Jack thought it was an actual compliment.


No, no, I knew what he meant.


No you didn't. All right, let's see. May 25th 1974, 25 years after it was recorded, rock Around the Clock by Bill Haley in the comments returns to the Billboard Top 40 after its renewed popularity from its use in the film american graffiti. There you go and happy days and happy days.


And happy days also, by the way you know rock around the clock, you know kind of a cheesy campy song. The guitar solo in that is awesome, it's unbelievable, it's awesome.


No doubt. Let's see when are we going. June 5th 1974. Sly Stone marries actress and model Kathy Silva During a sold-out performance at Madison Square Garden. Wow, was he late for his own wedding? I don't know, but imagine that You're playing. All of a sudden you stop and you watch Sly Stone get fucking married on stage. That's a pretty unique show. Did they consummate the marriage on the stage? Okay, june 14th? No, then Sly Stone proceeded to lay down on the stage and let his dog drink water out of his mouth.


That is so hard.


June 14th 1974, david Bowie launches his Diamond Dogs tour.


Great tour.


Let me see.


Scott, did you ever get to see Bowie?


I did. I saw him with you.


Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah, I got in a fight.


I got in a fight down on the floor there. What tour was?


that Shocking.


That was the.


Serious Moonlight Tour 83.


Oh, yep, he sang one of my favorite songs by him. It's good when you get to see a song that they don't usually play. That gets put on the set list. Cracked Actor, that gets put on the set list. Cracked Actor oh, they played. Cracked Actor Big Scott came out on stage.


We were this close from Stevie Ray Vaughan touring with him.


I know Too bad I know, but we did get to see him. I saw him.


Yeah, me too, you saw.


Earl Slick instead. That was.


Earl Slick.


Yeah, yeah.


Good one, lou. There you go, check out the brain on lou, look I heard.


I heard that earl slick was picking on stevie when they were in rehearsals, like they knew he couldn't read music and they would like put sheets of music in front of them and they say, come on, read this.


You know, come on, yeah you know what, on july 29th 1974, having performed at two sold-out concerts at the London Palladium, mama Cass Elliot dies in her sleep after suffering a heart attack in Mayfair Flat in London at the age of 32.


He was up for two days partying.


Yeah, two. Days.


There's a great article in the paper from Sunday.


I'm going to go on Wiki and change that. I'm going to go on Wikipedia and change that.


How did it become ham sandwich? I'm looking on wikipedia change that?


how did it become ham?


sandwich. Why wasn't turkey roast?


beef, so that the club sandwich there was. Uh, there's a book coming. There's a book coming out by by the lady that reported it, by her daughter, and they. She interviewed the lady that reported it and what it? What they said was the manager was trying to let people know that she didn't die of a drug overdose, right, yeah, so she came up, or he came up with the next best thing, which was a terrible mistake and that lady was a friend of hers.


She still feels horrible about it. Yeah, yeah, yeah but it's true.


So anyways, on july 29th also that day, the ham ham sandwich. Neil Peart officially joins.


Russia. Thank you, scott, neil who Peart Peart. Thank you, scott. Don't do this, jack, come on, peart, it's like Perry, it's Peart, it's Peart.




Why was that? No, I didn't have a problem with it. It's the first name.


His name was nell like get the fuck out of here.


Hey, we're canadian, jesus christ hey, did you know, on on august 7th 1974, peter wolf, peter wolf of jay goffman married actress faye duniway. Yeah, wow, wow. She was a fucking hottie back in the day.


How long did that last. That's a big score.


That's like a way out of your league score. That's like Jack and Debra's score.


Yeah, you're not kidding, that's true, I'm out.


Who am I to talk?


Way out of my league. I think they divorced in like 78 or 79. Yeah, that sounds about right. Yeah, didn't you want her to become a housewife or a recruiter or something?


well conflicting lives, you know you know scott probably knows this if you live in the boston area, you're gonna eventually you're gonna run into p, into Peter Wolfe. He's a crazy talented guy and musicologist but he's a lunatic.


Yeah he's definitely an oddball man.


I take it you guys have run into him Many times.


I told you I went to a concert.


I sat next to him at a Bob Dylan show.


Dude. I went in to see the Fabulous Thunderbirds that were backing up bob seger. I was working the concert jack. You know, I used to work the canine security. I'd go in and just check it out and I'm sitting there up on the side of the stage in an empty part of the section and I look over to my right and I've said this story a hundred times and it's peter wolf and he's just sitting there by himself and he takes out a banana and starts fucking eating the banana. Like watching the Fabulous Thunderbirds. I'm like this is fucking surreal. What the fuck.


So for the record, after Scott saw that he went out and got himself a burglar.


See that, did you see, dave Phillips?


You're off your game. What do you sayeter? Wolf is a legend no, the burglar is the part of the outside building.


Next to the pergola.


Okay, let's see by the way, just before we leave him entirely, if you have an opportunity, you should listen to the peter wolf album sleepless. Okay, in literally. And if you don't take my word for it, when rolling stone did the top 500 albums of all time, that album was on that list, believe it or not. Okay, I'm gonna listen to it. Yeah yeah, it's actually very good.


August 16th 1974, the Ramones' first appearance at CBGB.


Anybody ever go to CBGB's Mark. You must have been there I did, I did.


I saw a no-name band, I think I was like 17. I was drunk, I didn't really, but no, I didn't use the bathroom.


Lou, did you see anybody notable?


Chesterfield Kings.


Ah, cool.


I barely remember.


I was there twice.


The bathroom was the bathroom that they claim it was. I don't think it was on purpose.


The place was a shithole, it was a dive.


Ranger score. Ranger score. Sorry guys, what's the Bruins score? Are the Bruins A shithole? Ranger score. Ranger score. Sorry guys, Sorry. What's the Bruins?


score. What's the Bruins? Are the Bruins playing tonight?


No, they're not, they're not.


No, let's see. This is interesting and there's a trivia question that goes with it. October 3rd 1974, idi Amin, president of Uganda, instructs his country's acting high commissioner in london to recruit two six foot tall scott scott's bag pipers with military backgrounds to serve as his bodyguards. What was the movie based on him called the king of scotland yeah last king of scotland that's great


great fucking movie with forest whitaker with james mcavoy and forest whitakervoy.


And. Forrest Whitaker yeah, Great actor James.


McAvoy, you know, the thing about Forrest Whitaker is he has that one eye Lazy eye. It doesn't stop him from being cast-typed, whatever you call it. He can fucking change it up and it never changes his look.


no, no let me ask you something. What was the movie? Uh, the crying game. Yeah, what's his voiceover dubbed? I swear it was, because I see his lips moving and it doesn't go exactly, and I don't know if you could get the english accent like they wanted him to have, or the style or whatever. But uh, he was great in that one too.


Yeah, yeah yeah, I think they did the voiceover when the penis was in his mouth. I think they had to do a voiceover for that one.


I've never seen that movie. Is it worth seeing?


Oh fuck yeah, dude, and the title song, great song. Yeah, that's right.


Boy George. Boy George, october 18th 1974. Al Green is attacked while bathing. He's attacked by his girlfriend, grits Of several weeks, mrs Mary Woodson, 29-year-old mother. She scalds him with a hot pan of boiling grits and commits suicide. Oh, reportedly because he rejected her marriage proposal. That was the best thing he ever did the grit is worth it.


Yeah, that's when he became a christian.


He became born again yeah, hey, can we address todd sockman saying that the ramones suck?


they do. Oh god, we've had this discussion before, jack.


They're overrated well they were the first to do what they did, yeah, but they were overrated, not not not that talented.


They did what they did they were trailblazers and that's fine and almost almost everything that you listened to that was rooted in punk came from them, so but it doesn't mean they were good and they could write a song, unlike most punk.


Yeah, a 90 second fucking song yeah, yeah, just couldn't write a song.


Save their life, you know right worst concert he's ever seen. He said, uh, let's see. December 12 1974. Uh, mick taylor leaves the rolling stones after six years and they were never really the same after that.


That was their best period with absolutely it was I'll tell you, you, listen, you listen to some of the bootlegs from when he was in that band. He was a blazing guitar, he was incredible.


He just that's what I said the story behind sway, when he just got sick of fucking waiting for for keith riches to show up the studio. They waited and waited. He was fuck it. I'll just play it. Yeah, and that's like I say. That's fucking guitar valhalla right there. Oh, that's one of my favorite songs that's my favorite song by them, that fucking he's just shredding maybe some of his best work so yeah, you know, the, the rolling stones were never the same.


He was never the same.


No, you're right, you're right.


No, it was it was a bad move all around. But but just question amongst everybody would would you actually go see them right now?


they're on tour no, no, no, not for the ticket prices what if?


what if your ticket was decent and it was a hundred bucks?


uh, yeah, I might, because I've never seen the stones and, even though I don't consider it, the stones I've always wanted to see. I've seen keith richards live solo twice, but I've never seen mick uh it's not the Stones, I mean, you know, charlie Watts there.


I'm a purist like that. You're the next best thing to. Charlie Watts, though, and fucking.


Bill Wyman ain't there either, so I mean there's.


Bill Wyman hasn't been there since what?


89? Exactly. But okay, there's one miss, but now two are missing from that original lineup.


Who's right when he says Steve Jordan is the only person? Because I saw Steve Jordan play for Keith Richards.


Great. Those Keith Richards tours were amazing. They were, they were fantastic. I'll tell you, one of my favorite concert moments ever was I was at the Orpheum Theater in the front row for the second tour and Keith Richards literally handed me one of his picks from the stage nice from the stage nice, I hope you still have it oh, I still have.


He does, yeah, and I and I was.


I was so cool when I went all right, let's finish this up.


Did he put his balls?


on the back of your neck like scott got or no, he's never got sweaty balls on the back of your neck like Scott got.


No, he's never got sweaty balls on the back of his neck from Bono, only me, and we'll finish the year up. New Year's Eve, 1974. Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks join Fleetwood Mac and the third annual New Year's Rockin' Eve, moving this year from NBC to ABC, is aired with performances by and this is always an interesting lineup right every time we do these herbie hancock, the beach boys now this is 74, chicago, olivian, newton, john and the doobie brothers.


That's a respectable lineup that is that's star-studded.


We've had some fucked up lineups like how the fuck did they get the Oak Ridge boys in there with Judas Priest? What?


You missed a couple of key things in there.


Well, because you fucking rushed me. Oh geez, we're so good, it's so great during the year. Are we done yet?


I have to tell you, guys, I've really missed this. We did too. It's I've really missed this. This. This has been just amazing. It's healthy. Patty smith put out the cover of hey joe, which was arguably one of the first punk records. Yep, bon scott joined acdc. One of the things that people may not know that, even though george harrison was the person in the beatles that hated touring more than any of them, he was the first one to actually go on tour in 1974.


The Dark Horse tour.


Yeah, and then, last but not least, john Lennon had his pretty much last public appearance jumping on the stage with Elton John playing three songs.


That was the bet. What was the bet?


Whatever gets you through the night. Hit number one. He would play with him. And you know what's cool, el. Uh, john lennon getting prepared like probably freaking out. Oh my god, I haven't been on stage in a number of years. Scott, you'll love this. He actually went to the show the night before at the boston gardens and watched the show first, to just get a sense of what the scene was going to be.


And here's one one more kind of kind of cool fact. I kid you not, the guy that literally works across the hall from me right now was at the Madison square garden show.


Oh, very cool.


He said he was about 20 feet from him. So we you know, we trade constant stories. He told me that when I was like all right, I'm out.


Yeah, lennon would be that spooked about going on stage. Did they do Lucy in the Sky too? They did a couple songs.


I think they did Lucy in the Sky and did they do Twist and Chout, or I saw her stand. I can't remember. I'll have to look.


I think it was. I saw her standing there, yeah. He had to go see a show before he could go on. That's pretty wild.


This is class. I'm cracking open a screw top.


You can almost hear the fizz. Jim McDonald comments.


Jim McDonald, one of my dearest, dearest, bestest friends ever. Our rest is soul.


She said, Jim and I went to see the.


Stones once and we called them the Rolling Ants because we were so far away. That is a my friend, jim Mack. That is an absolute Jim Mack line the rolling ants.


That's Bruce Wayne again.


Hey, Jack, you know what we're going to play. We're going to play another game. Play another game. You make the call.


You make the call no.


This is always interesting. This is your playlist. Desert Island playlist.


There's no wrong answers here?


There's no wrong answers here. There's no wrong answers, right? So I'll start with Lou. You make the call. 1974 edition Total 74 cheese right here. The night Chicago died or Billy. Don't be a hero, Lou. Total 74 cheese, billy. Don't Be a Hero, mark.


Daddy Was a Girl Night Chicago Died.


Night Chicago.




That's tough. I think I would go with the Night Chicago Died. It had a little more drama to it. Does everybody know who the bands are? Billy got killed.


Billy died too. Yeah, fuck him.


What about?


Billy, don't Lose my Number, do you guys remember?


Do you?


remember the bands that actually played these songs.


Paper Lace, paper Lace. Right, they did the Night. Chicago Died and Billy Don't Be a Hero was Bo Donaldson and the Haywoods, bo Donaldson and the.


Haywoods and the Haywoods, yeah, yeah.


Okay, Lou, you make the call because I'm going to go with the Night Chicago Night because Billy, Don't Be a Hero is a razor blade song.


I did it first. I said, billy, don't Be a.


Hero. Oh, you did. That's a razor blade song. It is Okay, here you go, lou, here you go. This is a little more challenging. You make the call, rufus, tell me something good.


Tell me something good, I don't even need to hear the ohio players fire tell me something good that's my answer.


Tell me something good, tell me something good, tell me mark rufus.


Love them both, love them both yeah roof. That's a heavy metal r&b song to me, absolutely yeah and jack you're going with rufus oh yeah, absolutely it was.


I love that song grinding love it.


I was a fucking. I loved chaka khan back. She was fucking hot. I mean, you look at her back in the day, she was a 10. Well for me for me.


For me it was either shaka khan or carly simon.


Oh my god oh, that mouth, oh don't start them on the mouth don't start them, let's go for 10


minutes. Yes, this gets disturbing but I was a big drink water I would drink water out of carly simon's. Yes, I would.


Never mind Carly Simon's mouth, her catalog, oh my God. Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Should have been inducted years ago.


You're not poking the bear tonight, buddy. I was a big Ohio players fan. I loved Ohio players, so with that one, I love Rufus, I love Chug, but but I gotta go on fire tell me something good it starts off with the fucking this is a reverb kind of.


But I think tell me something good.


Musically it's very rich it flows a whole lot of fucking wrong answers here, gentlemen.


So this the show's gonna get shut down for cultural appropriation? Okay, here we go, here we go here's some.


Here's some uh some camp, some some uh 74 camp. Okay, um, I think this is kind of camp music, but campy uh love hurts, by Nazareth or Carole King Jazzman oh, please.


I don't think either one is.


They're kind of like you know, okay, poppish, they're very radio centric.


Jazzman alright, mark oh, love Hurts.


It's one of the best songs ever written and his voice suited that song to me. I don't like that version of it.


Really I love his version you know who wrote that did that everly brothers. Well you know.


Yeah, by the way, I'm gonna I'm gonna spend the next 12 minutes no, no, no, you're right. The history the history of the everly brothers, let me just oh, no, no, no.


Worst fucking episode ever in music history music uh creates a turntable history.


Jack's 12 minute diatribe on how great the everly brothers I want that episode number I want to hear oh my god, it was so good but they would not stop no, a lot of people don't realize that the nazareth is a cover version.


Yeah, yeah yeah, I didn't know until years later. Yeah, and it's.


It's one of the first power ballads with his voice and everything I mean yeah but, mark, let me tell you a little bit about the evely so jack, what is it?


what are you gonna do? Love hurts, or jasmine?


it was written by borderline brian that did the everly brothers song yeah, that's right.


that's right, that's right. I'll go with Love Hurts. It has more longevity.


Not that I got to go with Jazz Band just because Carole King was so fucking great back then.


That's a great song.


She had a good mouth. She was so great she had an okay mouth, not a Carly Simon mouth.


Did you drink water out of?


it. I mean, you know, like I said, sheryl Crow got a great mouth too. I don't see that, I don't get that at all.


Trust me, there's no wrong answer right.


There's no wrong answer. That's right, dave. Phillips, king of the 45, says your private chats are showing up again, I know. So here we go. Lou, you make the call Blackwater. No, no, I'm sorry, you're no Good by Linda Ronstadt. Or Killer Queen. You're no Good. This is all 74. You're no Good or Killer.


Queen, you're no Good or Killer Queen.


I'm not the biggest Queen fan. That's not it, even though. I'm not a big fan fan. That's not right, even though I'm not a big fan of that Linda Ronstadt version either.


No, the Van Halen version is better.


It is.


It's not bad actually I'm going to give it to Queen Give it to Queen Mark.


Oh, sheer Heart Attack is one of my favorite Queen albums. Great lyrics Killer Queen, jack. Yeah, killer Queen, love it Jack.


Yeah, no question, Queen.


I got to go with Linda Ronstadt.


Why you?


know good, I just again Queen was. I was a fan, but I liked that song, I liked.


Linda Ronstadt. I would absolutely take the Van Halen version or even the DD Warwick version, linda Ronstadt's voice is better than all of them. Linda Ronstadt was a pretty lady.


Yes, let's see, here we go. Belt it out, lou Blackwater, or Can't Get Enough of your Love.


Blackwater or Can't Get Enough of your Love If I hadn't played. Can't Get Enough of your Love If I hadn't played.


Can't Get Enough of your Love one million times in a band. I'm going with Black Water Mark. I love Bad Company, that song I just don't care anymore.


Can't Get Enough. Can't Get Enough is a great swinging rock song. Seeing what's His Name dance to it in Wayne's World 2 was freaking awesome. But I gotta go with go black water. It's just a great written song. It's a unique song and it's part of. I heard that when I was like five years old. It was like hearing it in the radio when my sister yeah, black water jack no question, black water I'll go with black water.


Yeah, great, great song. All right, lou, here you go you make. Make the call. 1974 edition. Desert Island playlist. Sundown right, sundown.


Gordon Lightfoot.


Yep or the Eagles, Best of my Love.




Tough call. But like Bob Dylan said, every time I hear a Gordon Lightfootwood song, I don't want it to end. I'm gonna give it the sundown, but I'm a huge gordon lifewood fan. Am I up? Yep, it's not an iq test mark I.


I fail those miserably. I love Eagles ballads. I love Best of my Love, but I'm like Lou. I said Gordon Lightfoot songs. Oh, that is a good song. I'm going to go with Gordon Lightfoot.


That was tough on me. That was tough, yeah, jack.


I'm going to go with the Eagles.


All right, all right Again, no wrong answers. Both great songs. Again, no wrong answers. It's one of their best ones. I just love that. And then that just starts picking.


I love it, that was a tough one because Gordon Lightfoot, by the way if you grab a coffee on a Saturday morning. The Gordon Lightfoot documentary on Netflix is outstanding.


Really Fantastic, so good. Really really really good, so jack I was watching a john prine.


You know I love john he does this concert.


There's this guy on youtube. He does concerts from his living room. He lives in canada, so john prine plays and there's all people sitting around and as I'm watching it, I noticed that gordon lightfoot's sitting on the side and this was like the last three years of his life. John prine played a song that gordon like gordon was just tearing. The tears are running down his face just watching him. That was great.


That's pretty cool yeah, uh, here you go, lou, uh, okay, maria mold. Midnight at the Oasis. Midnight at the Oasis Right.


You've got to give it credit.


You've got to give that song credit, man. It has longevity it is. It's just one of those fucking songs.


I couldn't do that prior to my vasectomy.


It's just one of those songs. Or Midnight at the Oasis, or Feel Like Making Love by Bad Company. Yeah, it's just one of those songs.


Or midnight at the oasis, or feel like making love by bad company yeah, I feel like making love feel like making love because I love midnight at the oasis, but that is a as a classic of use. What does band company sound like? Listen to that song. Look at dave phillips's great show.


I'm hanging to the end, see jack, see jack, see jack is a classic of yours. What does Band Company sound like? Listen to that song. Look at Dave Phillips' great show. I'm hanging to the end.


Sea Jack, sea, sea Jack.


I lost a chat on my thing too.


Great stuff.


Bad Company never wrote the lyric send your camel to bed. If I had a camel, I would let that camel drink out of my mouth.


You know what I'm going to, kind of piggyback.


I would lay in the sand I would lay in the sand.


At the Oasis, of course.


Go ahead, Jeff.


I'm going to piggyback off of Lou a little bit and I'm going to go with Midnight at the Oasis because, although I feel like Making Love is a great song, overplayed.


Yeah, Like so. Overplayed. I mean, think about it Like so overplayed.


I mean, think about it and let me ask you guys seriously, you're driving in your car and that song comes on. Do you listen to it or do you enjoy it on the station?


I'll listen to it. It depends on the mood.


I am absolutely out.


Kevin Corker the.


Line of the Night, feel like making love was ruined for me by South Park.


I didn't see that one south park ruined a lot of things for people kevin corkin, with the comment of the night, what do?


they do? What do they do to it?


gonna have to look that one up, right oh, yeah, yeah, if you're a serious xm listener, when songs like Feel Like Making Love come on on the classic rock, I tend to go to the 70s channel and see if there's a good pop hit on. I admit it.


I'm telling you, I mean for years and years. It's like in a sweet home Alabama. I just don't need to hear it again.


Right, right. So I'm going to go with Midnight at the Oasis because it's one of those songs. Right, it's just one of those songs. It evokes great memories, but it's like Brandy and Dancing in the Moonlight you got to fucking listen to it. Every time it comes on. It's one of those songs you just have to listen to it. It's fucking. It's a great little song, it's nothing, but there's something about it. It just evokes that whole 70s feel to it with whereas feel like making love again, great fucking song. I, I love it. Great, great big drums. You know, paul ryan, everything was great with it. But I gotta go midnight at the oasis. It's just one of those beats, a good pop single, nothing beats it yeah, all right by the way.


Before you go to the next one, I just want to say something. Dave phillips, great show. Look how the show elevated. The last week it was you pissed off. Just me right, and look at this show this week. I mean, yeah, of course there's like a hundred percent evolution, you know. That's why dave phillips is still hanging out.


I, I but way, speaking of the comments, perry feel like.






He's an.


AI Jack Roberta Flack. I would take that over Midnight at the Oasis, or Bad Company's version of Feel Like Making Love.


Yeah, perry's an AI, by the way, jack.


What do you mean? He's an AI.


He's an AI. He's not a real person. He's a russian bot. He's a he's. Yeah, he's an ai he evolves and all these different comes up in all these different incarnations, on, on this.


You'll see him appear on your phone. If you talk too much in this show, he'll pop up. Hi, I'm perry you were talking about the ramones can we?


this is this can you be my friend? Can we talk more about the ramones hi this? Talk about this. Can you be my friend? Can we talk more about the ramones hi this?


is perry, your auto warranty has gonna expire in six months hi, this is perry.


Why didn't you listen to the music relish show this week? And it starts talking you in the middle of the night your phone lights up. Have you listened to this week's episode of Music Relish Show? Hi, I'm Perry.


I think Perry's awesome.


If it wasn't for Perry these guys would never wouldn't be here, I'd be, here, that's right I wouldn't All. Right, here we go. Here we go, luke, taking care of business. You make the call Taking care of business, or hello, it's me.


The Adele song yeah.


Look at that.


I'm going to go with taking care of breakfast.


Taking care of breakfast. Okay, that's a slur.


I don't care if I ever hear that one either. For some reason I feel like Make it Love. I haven't heard it on the radio overplayed, but I know what you mean. But Taking Care of Business, that's one.


I like.


PTO, but that's one I don't care to ever hear that again when you say Todd.


Rundgren oh, are you kidding me? This is no contest.


All right. Well, this is no contest. It's not your fucking turn. Yet it's no contest. I don't want to hear either one of those songs again. I'm not a big top runner. I don't like Hello, it's Me. Don't let Jack try to persuade you and push your vote somewhere else I will still take care of business over that.


There you go. That avoid, luke. That's what I was saying all along. Stand your ground over that bully.


I never lost my ground, that's right.


Lou doesn't move his feet, by the way for the record.


I'm not saying anything.


All right Mark. I know he is.


I'm solidly blue collar. I just recently suffered blue collar blues. I hate pandering songs about blue collar. The lyrics of that song always pissed me off but I overplayed. I never thought it was good, I never liked it. I hate the drum sound, I hate everything on it. But I'm a big todd runger fan big, and that is his seminal song. That is like oh, it's a great tune. I could listen to it 100 times in a row, todd by a mile look at dave phillips, king of the 45s, taking care of business there you go.


B2 had great album covers because these there was these big guys with big, big 60 ounce cans of budweiser on their album covers yeah, right, not fragile.


In answer to yes, fragile jack I'm taking that it's uh todd rudman not.


Yeah, I mean, for me it's not even close. So you know. You know, before we were talking about feel like making love. I always turn it off, I don't care where in the song.


Hello it's me. I'm listening to it. I love that song.


Yeah, it's a beautiful, beautiful song it is.


Yeah, it reminds me of Harold King.


He sings it to himself in the mirror.


Hello, he sings it to himself in the mirror. Hello, it's me. Into a hairbrush. I've been away for such a long time. I like his production work.


I love how you guys are talking about hairbrushes.


I should be the one talking about a hairbrush.


I know, that is quite a mane there brother.


It's Irish, I got to go with Hello, it's Me All. Right, here you go, here we go. We got two more. This is the Jim Croce edition of 1974. You Make the Call, lou, I'll have to say I love you in a song or time in a bottle. Jack, shut up Jack.


It's not your turn Jack.


It's not your turn Jack, but.


I have to say I love you. It's not your jack, but I have to say I love you it's not your.


I'm gonna jack penalty box jack's in the penalty box.


That's it. I was trying to avoid that. Oh, now he leaves that little bitch signed off. You fucked it up, scott he heard his feelings God hurt. He got put into the penalty, no, but we need him for the last two Doesn't matter. He wanted to act up. Then, gay misconduct for Jack. Fucking. Gay misconduct. Fucking Mike, gay misconduct you almost smashed your mic over there. I fucking this arm. I like it, but it's just in my, I gotta get used to this.


If I start singing Willie Nelson, you'll put me like maybe I didn't love him All right Lou, what do you got?


I'll say Time in a Bottle. Okay, time in a Bottle. The music is very pretty. Musically they're both very good songs. I like Jim Carrey. The whole ending, that beginning. It's really unusual. The outro to that Time in a Bottle interesting music. I think the lyrics are great.


It's um. Both those songs suck Dave's on fire tonight. Look it, Dave Phillips, King of the 40s.


Both those songs suck.


Peter Wolfe sucks.


Dave, I will drink to that.


Fuck, jay Giles, still not in the rock world. All right, you're going with. Hello, it's Me. No, I mean Time in a Bottle Lou.


I said Time in a Bottle.


All right, mark, time in a Bottle. It's been played a million times, but it's a beautiful song. You can't just like it's good. And, like Lou said, the outro the guitar play on it is just classic. So yeah, time in a Bottle, jack.


Time in a Bottle, can't argue and can't ignore the classical overtones to it. It's just a beautiful, complex song. I love Jim Croce, by the way.


I thought he was amazing, Should be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.


No you gotta make a mouth. Sunriders Hall of Fame.


Jack had a big argument with me one time over that.


About Jim Croce.


I think Jack was just in an argumentative mood.


No, no, no, no. I love Jim Croce. He absolutely belongs in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.


You argued with me. I know for a fact you got all what, what, no, he's, but he hasn't. But Anyway, you just argue. I think you were poking the bear that night, because I know there was episodes. You came on and you were bored and you had to entertain yourself, so you provoked me.


Not for nothing. I'm bored right now.


Is this when I should tell Jack my TNL?




Whoa, look at that. All right, I'm going to go outside.


I have to say I love you this song because time in a bottle. If I was on a desert island.


I would be fucking losing my mind listening to time in a bottle, I just would. This is a desert island playlist. It would be so appropriate. Bighead Todd the Wet Sprocket says I'm home. Good night, gentlemen. Jack died. Black hair doesn't make you punk the Ramones suck. Good night, gentlemen, Jack died. Blackhead doesn't make you punk the Ramones suck this is Austin Humor, and that's the last word because he's shutting us off.


now. Todd's also the guy that says that you know the Edge and U2 have no talent whatsoever. He's got no credibility in my book, I'm sorry.


Credibility, credibility, yeah, okay, all right here we book I'm sorry, credibility. Credibility. Yeah, okay, all right, here we go. The last one it's a movie, it's a movie choice. I saved the best for last If you had one movie to watch on a desert island from 1974, and these were the two choices. They pipe in Jim Croce.


The inmates have taken over the asylum the ai. I love that love songs make perry very all right, here you go, luke.


Here you go, you ready. Yes, you get to watch a movie all right perry.


All right perry. Listening to a love song does not make you gay, don't worry I cried to the carpenters and I woman too much information, that little too much information all right, here you go, by the way, not that there's anything wrong with it, no, there isn't there, absolutely isn't.


Is this a movie my dad would take me to?


no, this is not behind the green door when you were 11 okay, all right, here you go. Desert island movie. It was the devil and miss jones 19th. The devil and miss jones blazing saddles, or young frankenstein oh shit, oh fuck you both came out in 74.


They can only pick one for your desert island pleasure, young frankenstein mark, you know, blazing saddles my whole life was one of my favorite movies. Every line is great. But as an artistic statement, yeah, I gotta go with young frankenstein. Marty feldman with that eye, you know, I'm sorry. And peter boyle, ray's father, holy crap, you know. Yeah, I going to go with that.


Jack Young Frankenstein. I mean, come on Black and white, hilarious A young Terry Gar, the inspiration for Walk this Way with Aerosmith.


The movie's got it all.


Yo where the white women at Work work, work, work work work.


Yo where the white women at work work, work, work, work, work, yeah where the white women at.


I gotta go.


I love I love young frank stein, but fucking blazing saddles is too fucking. There's too much. There's so much going on there. There's so much going on in that whole thing with no Brooks is the fucking mayor and he's got his assistant with the big tits. Oh, there's too much going on there. I got to go with Blazing.


Saddles, and you got Harvey Korman in there.


Ah, got to go with Blazing Saddles.


My mind is a raging torrent, mongo.


Mongo yeah, all right, there you gorent. Mongo Mongo, yeah, all right, there you go. Gentlemen, there you go. Has something to do with choo-choo Good segment. All right, here we go. Jack, you can stick around or you're not. This is going to be the top 10 this week in 1974. Good night, everybody. All right, buddy.


Night Jack. Good night Jack. Good seeing you guys. I love you all.


Always a pleasure, my friend. Thanks for coming on and fucking up my night.


I saved this show. He's off.


I got him first, I got that motherfucker first I knew what he was going to do he's still sitting there. I'm not bringing him back on, I'm going to get his shirt.


I saved this show. I'm not bringing him back on. I'm going to get a shirt that says don't fuck with Scott.


Dude, I saved this show. I am the most famous. Get the fuck.


He's off again. He's off again.


He's on again, again. Just remember Scott, from last week to this week. This is like no comparison.




It's like the first episode of the young one. He did it. He just did it. I wasn't on it.


That's right. That's right, Lou.


That's right. But you know what? Last week was a good episode.


Jody, thank you for that great story.


That was a great remembrance of my best friend. Let's see when are we at. Here we go, number 10. Number 10 this week in 1974. You Make Me Feel Brand New by the Stylistics, oh great song. Number 9 this week in 1974,.


Searchin' so Long by.


Chicago Dave Phillips.


Wow, man, that's what I'm talking about.


That's what I'm talking about. You don't get that in fucking young frankenstein, you don't get any it's just so fucking raw and funny he used the dollar signs did you send dave some of your coffee, I mean? He was loving it. He said he was staying for the whole show he goes. I'm staying for the whole show he goes.


I'm staying for the whole show. Jack's gone, so he's going to leave now.


Alright number eight this week in 1974, midnight at the Oasis, maria Mulder.


This song's okay.


Yep. Number seven this week and I avoided using this song because I knew it would probably win. Number seven this week in 1974, band on the run, paul mccartney and wings love it. I avoided you. I almost put these two together. So let's do a bonus, a bonus round. Number six this week in 1974 benny and the jets, elton john. So you make the call lou band on the run. Or benny and the jets hands down band on the run. I never Run. Or Benny and the Jets.


Hands down Band on the Run. I never liked Benny and the Jets. Wow, that's one of his songs.


I just never liked. I love that. You know it gives you that concert feel.


Yeah, but you didn't know that at the time we didn't know at all. We listened on the radio.


And everybody hears that in the back of that whistle, it's always in there, alright. In the back of that whistle, it's always in there, all right.




What Benny and the Jets or Band on the Run. I like Benny and the Jets, but Band on the Run is an epic. I'm going with Band on the Run.


Dave Phillips from Band on the Run, kevin Corkum with the Line of the Night. I don't know. I think Dave Phillips took over the Line of the Night. He sure did. He took over the line of the night. You got dethroned tonight, buddy.


Dave mills, king of the 45s, crushed it the opening of band on the run, that guitar line and all the chords through the song, like when the acoustic comes in.


Then, then, then, then, then, uh, kevin corcom says benny and the jetson, benny and the jets. Uh, I'm, I just love the, that early paul mccartney stuff I love band on the run, so I gotta go love that early Paul McCartney stuff. I love Band on the Run, so I'm going to go with that.


Number five this week in 1974,.


The Show Must Go On Three Dog Night, Number four this week in 1974. That's a weird tune the Locomotion by Grand Funk, revived in 1986 by Kylie Minogue. I knew you were going to say that.


Yeah, she was a body too. I'm going to produce their version.


There was this one, there was this one, number three from 19. By the way, next week we're going to do albums and movies, so we'll do a recap of the albums, but movies from 74. Cool, and this one was one of them. Number three this week in 1974, the Entertainer by Marvin Hamlisch from the Sting. Number two this week. See, this is where shit was wrong in the 70s. These next two this is where shit was just wrong in the 70s. Number two Dancing Machine, jackson 5. Two, it's this weird, shit was just wrong in the 70s. Number two dancing machine, jackson five. And number one this week in 1974 the streak by ray stevens, because streaking was a big thing in 74, my brother's the rage my brother did on television nice live news.


Yeah, california yeah, all right, let's see uh so you went to porn when you were a kid and you saw your brother streak. Yeah, oh, my god, lou, you're like. You're like purple bane's daughter, you know.


I mean it's like this is bad, you know.


I'm so jaded now time for this day of of music. On this day in 2013, it was reported that George Michael had been injured after a car in which he was traveling has crashed on the M1 during the evening rush hour. Ambulance confirmed that the singer had to be airlifted from the scene.




I don't remember that.


I don't know it goes on about a bunch of stuff, but on this day in 2010, ronnie James Dio, singer with Elf, rainbow and Black Sabbath and his own band, dio, died after a six-month battle with stomach cancer. That's a bad way to go, one of the nicest guys. Yeah, he wasn't my favorite singer, but I didn't have anything against him.


He was a douche.


I just wasn't a fan of his music, but that's a terrible way to go. Let's see, the fact that he was around since 57 is fucking unbelievable.


Talk about a chameleon. He kind of started as an Italo rock singer.


The Vegas Kings. He was with the Vegas Kings.


He had a pretty good reputation as a good guy.


He was. Ronnie and the Rumblers. Let's see. On this day in 2009, Bob Dylan went to number one in the US album charts with Together Through Life. On this day in 1998, Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards fell while reaching for a book of nude art in his Connecticut home. The fall broke his ribs. I remember this causing the Stones to postpone many dates on their Bridges to Babylon tour. They have to specify it was nude art, Like what the fuck? Why is that?


even in the Well, when you're that skinny, your ribs have no protection. If I fell, I had so much fat my ribs would be fine, you know.


Let's see. On this day in 1987, you two started a three-week run at number one in the us single shots, with, with or without you. On this day in 1984, ozzy osbourne is arrested in memphis for staggering drunk down beale street on beale street everyone's drunk on Beale Street On this day in 1981, former New Christy Minstrels member. With Kenny Rogers, kim Carnes I didn't know she was part of them started a nine-week run at number one with Betty Davis Eyes, one of the greatest one-hit wonders ever.


She's bad, she's got that day.


I listen to it every time it comes on no matter what I love't. I don't like that. I love it. Let's see. On this day in 1977, the London Evening Standard reported that Led Zeppelin singer Robert Plant had been arrested in Atlanta for being drunk and pulling a knife. Wow, thank you mate On this day in 1976, Patti Smith made her UK debut at the Roundhouse in London Classic.


On this day in 1974, guitarist Brian May collapses in New York while Queen were on the US tour and is flown back to England suffering from hepatitis. Yeah, really, yeah, hey. I watched this version of Long Time Coming by Crosby, nash and young right with tom jones singing. You ever see that video? Oh, yes, yes, fucking. You can see fucking david crosby. Just the look on his face while tom jones is singing. He's just got the smile like he's so fucking happy, like he's like this guy is killing it. You know, yeah, he, and he does fucking tom jones crushed it.


Man, that's a big soul song like he turned it into a soul song yeah, I heard delilah the other morning uh, great song holy shit, I mean yeah what's new? Pussycat great song yeah, I mean tom jones legend. On this day in 1970, crosby stills, national young, went to number one in the U S album charts with four-way street no 74, 70. So this day in 1970, it's four-way street.


Isn't deja vu.


Great album. Children, our house would start.


That's a great album. Yeah, the only bad song is our song Eat that song.


Rest in peace, Johnny Barbada.


Yeah, yeah.


Who's that the drummer? He didn't play on this album. He played with all. He played with them after the album came out Ah okay, starship drummer, he was the turtle, he was a San Francisco guy, yeah.


Born in New Jersey.


On this day in 1970, the England World Cup squad were at number one on the UK singles charts with Back Home. The track spent three weeks at the top of the charts. Jesus Christ. Soccer players in 1970 singing yeah, but they have nothing on the fucking on the wrestlers WWF rap. That was fucking.


Or Wild Thing by Sam Kinison yeah.


On this day in 1969, Pete Townsend spent the night in a US jail for assaulting a man during a who gig at the Fillmore East Was it Abby what. Townsend didn't know was. The man who jumped on stage was a plainclothes policeman trying to warn the audience that a fire had broken out. Oh shit, the who guitarist was later fined $30 for the offense. Wow.


A lot less than 1027 dollars.


Yep, on this day in 1966 good one, yeah. The beach boys released their classic album pet zones. On this day in 1965, uh, driving away from a gig at a civil hall at the civil hall in long beach, california. The limo taking rolling stones back to the hotel was besieged by fans who caved the roof in by standing on it.


The band attempted to hold the roof up, while the chauffeur yeah, because they're so strong, those guys yeah really, while the chauffeur drove off, with bodies falling all around onto the ground and your roof collapsing. On this day in 1964, mary Wells started the two-week run at number one in the US single shots with my Guy. On this day in 1963, the Beatles appeared live on national BBC TV children's program Pops and Lenny Yep. The Beatles performed From Me to you in a shortened version of Please, please Me and let me see. We don't need to do that. One Born on this day. Let's see Simon Katz from Jamiroquai, janet Jackson.


Born on this day. Happy birthday Ralph Transvant. You know where he's from the Honeymooners the new edition oh, oh, he was like the singer for new new yeah, yeah uh, chris novichella, the most, uh, the most overpaid, uh, uh, least talented fucking musician in the history of rock, who's a multi, multi-millionaire, invisible, invisible bass player.


Yeah, bassist from Nirvana, but the guy's fucking rolling in money and he's a dead ringer for Andy Kaufman.


That's a good point, and he broke his nose on MTV Live.


Yeah, idiot, I watched that Throws the fucking bass guitar in the end Doesn't catch it, Hits him right in the face. Born in this, I mean? Oh yeah, born in this day in 1964, Boyd Tinsley, the American violinist and mandolinist from the Dave Matthews Band.


Oh yeah, let's see Talented guy. Yeah, richard Page. From Mr Mister Jonathan Richman, right From the Modern Lovers, yep Roadrunner, roadrunner, driving 100 miles an hour. That's a great fucking song With the radio on Yep Alto Reed, alto Reed. Right From Bob Seger right yeah, alto Reed, he was the sax player.


And that was his real name. We know it Alto Reed. Yeah.


Barbara Lee from the Chiffons, born in this day. Daryl Sweet from Nazareth, born in this day. Robert Fripp, guitarist.


Guitarist extraordinaire, and some funky videos with his wife in this day. Robert Fripp, guitarist With King Crimson, and some funky videos with his wife.


Yes, he does.


He loves to show her nipples, ah.


Ah, let's see who else Liberace, born on this day in 1919. That's a great way to end the segment.


That's a great way to end the show.


Just fabulous we just went over two hours. Thanks, jack, we could have been out of here a half hour ago.


Hey, it was worth it. It was worth it. It wasn't Because I'm fast. This would have been 1030, and I'd be like shit, I got to get up.


And don't tell me, does this mic sound better than my other mic? It does. It's expensive, the mic, it's not expensive it does yeah, but scott, scott, fucking with my head.


Your other mic before you fucked with the electronics. It sounded great.


Yeah, I, I keep saying I gotta get one of you guys to just come on like not live, but just get me so I can dial it in. Yeah, um, because I am not going to substitute the sv.


So this mic has the sound of your shore yeah, so yeah we got to figure out why it's a fucking good mic.


These audio technic is a good mics. Man, I'm surprised. Yeah, I get the shore, I get the uh yeah, I think you have shores or audio technical headphones. No, the shores, let me see, yep, yep, shore headphones.


They're nice, they're nice I haven't used my test games in a long time ah, yeah.


Well, gentlemen, as I always say, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you so much for your time, thank you so much for your knowledge, but, most of all, thank you so much for your friendship I truly, truly appreciate you too, and always, always, bring something to the table, and it's always something different. So I I appreciate, uh, what you do for this. For this podcast that we just went uh with, we're almost at 26 000 downloads. Wow, it's not too shabby and I haven't even counted the youtube views.


Okay, so we could be at 27 000 do you ever do metrics on your on the show I don't want to ruin it. I did all that when I first started.


I started really trying to track it and I just said you know what I'm. Just this is the one I just have fun with. In my other podcast I even say that to people I said, listen, this is not about me, I'm not. There's no face. I do the youtube video and it's not there's no one's face. I'm not trying to be. I said I got a whole nother podcast that I do that. With. That I can just do whatever I want, be whatever I want with it. But that one I just kind of really keep it very informative and it's fun and you know, but uh, yeah. So anyway, uh, for the people out there, thank you for watching. Thank you for listening. If you liked it, share it. If you didn't like it, well, thanks for sticking around for two hours and five minutes, which would have been 90 if jack wasn't here. Uh, thank you, jack for coming on. Jack knows I love him.


Buddies, um great and uh you know you are the engine that runs this machine. Without you would just be me talking to these guys, and that's. That's always fun too. Me and mark have this like two weeks in a row. We've actually talked on a on a sunday, or isn't that amazing? Yeah, I don't know, it was just busy. Lose, I tried to get Lou. Lou sees my call, he goes. Oh, I'm busy.


You never called.


You never called me oh okay. Well, I will now.


Wait, somebody just said good evening.


You can't blow your ass for him, Lou.


I accept the Collins friend request, though I mean, you know, Lou Lou.


My wife sends stuff to Ecuador atador at a travel agent in spring valley and it's right next to walgreens. So the one day when scott called me I just parked in walgreens. She walked up to the travel agent. It's a nice spring day he calls me timing.


You talk for like an hour and a half. Yeah, my wife's in there hobnobbing. You know about my equipment I bought and what I'm trying to do. I needed to vent to somebody that understood. So we're talking microphones while people are walking past.


Spring Valley is mostly Spanish people and they're looking at me talking about microphones. Just give me the fish eye. What's with the techno jargon? Yeah, exactly.


Well, okay, everybody Again doing this show for you, to quote my favorite artistrissey the pleasure, the privilege is mine. We will be back next thursday seven o'clock. Uh, doing what? Uh?


the movies and the albums of 1974 that should be a good one, so we did out before, but there's so many more, so I just lost all the ones off my list, dave phillips killed it at the end.


He came through. He knocked kevin corkham off the top of the night with that fucking. One comment with the dollar signs was fucking great, we kept them awake and great yeah, yeah, a few comments on here oh yeah, yeah, he was all in tonight he was all in.


my favorite was both songs suck yeah yeah, he was on fire tonight.


Well, the king of the 45s.


That's right, king of the 45s. All right, everybody, we'll see you next Thursday night.