Milk Crates and Turntables. A Music Discussion Podcast

Ep. 138 - Riding the Waves of 1969: A Journey Through the Year's Defining Music and Cinema

March 07, 2024 Scott McLean Episode 138

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When the clock strikes nostalgia, there's no better place to be than in the throes of 1969's music and movies—a year where revolution wasn't just in the air, it was on our turntables and silver screens. Embarking on this retro ride with Scott are the Wrecking Two—Mark Smith and Lou Callicho. Together, we unspool tales from the Beatles' last hurrah on a rooftop to Led Zeppelin's ground-shaking debut, all while interweaving stories of our own personal connections to this unforgettable year.

Buckle up as we careen through the twists and turns of 1969's cultural milestones, from Hendrix's wah-wah wonders to the managerial mayhem that rocked the Beatles' world. We navigate past the milestones and mishaps, offering a window into the soul-stirring, genre-bending tracks that shaped our collective soundtrack. As we reminisce about "Midnight Cowboy" and chuckle over "The Love Bug," you'll find the cinematic landscape of '69 as vivid and varied as the music that accompanied it—a testament to the timeless power these classics hold.

And what's a time travel journey without the treasure trove of albums that continue to captivate us today? We revel in the roots of Americana with The Band's "Brown Album," groove to the primal beats of The Stooges, and savor the soulful strains of Dusty Springfield, all while exploring the stories behind these seminal sounds. Whether you're a die-hard fan of Creedence Clearwater Revival or still swooning over Sinatra's "My Way," we've got the tracks that'll transport you back to that revolutionary year. So slip on those headphones, join our raucous crew, and surrender to the spirit of '69—it's a trip you won't want to miss.

Speaker 1:

Well, here we are, episode 138. Moving right along and on this episode I have the wrecking two in the house Max Smith, luke Calico Music Brothers show. We'll be talking about the year 1969 in music and movies and a bunch of other things In the middle of a weird time in this country. Music wise and movie wise Politics is a whole other podcast. So sit back, relax and enjoy our refresher of 1969. Think you're going to like it.

Speaker 3:

The KofB Studio presents Milk Crapes and Turntables, a music discussion podcast hosted by Scott McClain. Now let's talk music. Enjoy the show.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, amanda, for that wonderful introduction as usual. Young Amanda is back from college on spring break and glad to have her home. A little girl is home and only to find out that she's going to be spending 12 weeks in Spain as one of those international students. This girl lives the life, but if you can give it to them, you give it to them, right? Yeah, anyway, welcome back my friends to the show that never ends. We're so glad you could attend. Come inside, come inside. Welcome to the podcast. It's always an ode to one of Mark's favorite bands, so I got. I got to throw him a bone every once in a while. So it's Lou. Lou has the intro music for the for the Amanda pot, and I had to give Mark something. He was. He was pouting. He was pouting about it one day. So I thought you know all right, what the hell? Let me get the chat overlay here, get our background up and, without further ado, let's bring on one half of the wrecking to good evening.

Speaker 2:

What's up, buddy?

Speaker 1:

Not much man, how you doing, doing well, doing well, let's get, let's get to this, let's move this right along. And the second half never, really not really. Well, I don't know. You see the better half, or what would you say?

Speaker 3:

Oh, oh, I got one from Columbia, Columbia, Columbia.

Speaker 1:

Get out of my center square, by the way, and get out of. Lou's square. Look at him.

Speaker 3:

He's just trying to take over everything. We're starting late, I'm tired already.

Speaker 1:

We've got to have continuity on this show for the podcast. Listen is the way the screen is set up for the live stream. It's two on top and then I'm the center square in the bottom in between splitting it, and Lou is always on my left and Mark is always on my right and Mark tonight tried to take all the squares. X takes the square. So we got a nice show tonight. We get a nice show.

Speaker 2:

1969, very interesting, very interesting. Stupid. I thought we were doing that next week. Yeah, what are we doing tonight? I'm going to start Google albums and TV shows that turn 50. Fuck me, oh shit.

Speaker 1:

Well, disregard that intro. Thank you, good night. This fucking guy, bob Kirkman this is the epitome of I rubbed elbows with somebody who no one even really fucking knows. He did this last week. He just wants to get this out. Okay, this guy, bob Heal, he knows the daughter of the son, his son, some fucking six degrees of separation and he's been saying this Okay, the fucking guy created the wah wah box, big fucking deal. Did he make it famous? No, no, peter Frampton made it famous, not Bob Heal.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's, that's the voice. That's something different. That's the vocoder. The wah wah is what Jimmy Hendrix used on voodoo.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, then the vocator, whatever. And he this is his claim to fame Bob Kirkman. Enough with this fucking guy. All right, bob Heal, go to Hill. Yeah, getting part of rock and roll. He's rotting in Hill as we speak. Yeah, jesus, he changed his sound and he was like great Bob Kirkman. I'm going to say his name again Bob Kirkman. Hey, bob Kirkman, bob Kirkman, bob Kirkman, all right, now, fucking leave me alone.

Speaker 2:

You guys like the sound of the wah wah?

Speaker 1:

I feel, yeah, I love it, created the talk box. I don't give a fuck Moving on, all right, so I got to do a little adjusting here. Let's do a little adjustment.

Speaker 3:

Let's do a little adjustment.

Speaker 1:

Let's see movies that are turning 50, right, yes, and.

Speaker 2:

TV and TV shows yeah.

Speaker 3:

I'll get that too. I got to Google my hands off in this show. God, I feel like I'm playing with Miles Davis.

Speaker 1:

Today was one of those days, man Tell me about it. All right, I got, it, I got the fucking we did.

Speaker 3:

movies released in 74. I specifically remember talking about it, and then albums. Right, we're doing albums that turn 50? No, that's what we did. We didn't do movies. We didn't do movies because albums I'm looking at, we did that Albums that turn 50. Yeah, that was 19.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's right. So from what 69, then right, no, what?

Speaker 2:

are we doing tonight? You wanted us to do 1969. I'm going to go to the text next week, right?

Speaker 1:

So what are we doing tonight? What?

Speaker 2:

do I have to. According to the text, let's see, this is let's do 1969 movies and music next week, this week albums that turn 50, and let's do products and TV show. Ah, fuck it, you're a TV shoes. Okay, yeah, so we're doing a TV show.

Speaker 1:

So what did we have to do with music Albums? Yeah, albums that are turning what?

Speaker 2:

50. So that's 1974. Yeah, but we already did those. They're we. We think we did, yeah, we did. So what are we doing? Let's talk about planning it. No, what did the lawgiver? What?

Speaker 3:

Hey, Google's a great thing. What do you guys want to do?

Speaker 1:

What, what, what happened.

Speaker 3:

Why do movies from 74? We've never done that. We didn't do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we got to do music, some music topic or something.

Speaker 2:

Right, right Shit.

Speaker 1:

Let's do somebody. Somebody suggested I'm about to block Bob Kirkman because he's starting to flood like an asshole. He's starting to flood the. That's a loyal listener.

Speaker 3:

Fuck, he sure know how to build an audience. Scott, I certainly do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we can. At least. Allison jumped in and said good evening, gentlemen.

Speaker 2:

That's the highlight Right Dave Phillips King of the 45s.

Speaker 1:

Hey, dave Phillips, king of the 45s, maybe you can message in and give us a good he's done. Thank you, bob Kirkman. Thank you, oh, he's done. Yeah, enough of that. Best albums of the 70s. Best albums of the 70s 1969 and music. 69 and music.

Speaker 2:

Let's just fucking do it. What was it? Mark, born in 69. It's like a. Yeah, that's my year to the junior, junior member here I mean, it's just, I didn't mean to say junior member, but I was born two months before woodstock, let's do 69 and music and movies.

Speaker 1:

We were going to do that next week, right yeah, can we do that tonight? Sure.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, Okay, let me get some good albums tonight, wow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there was.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Really good albums.

Speaker 1:

I had this all lined up and then now I have to go. Here we go, I got it All right, let's jump right into it then, I don't know why, 45 poker oh shit, I am off. So today was a lot to do, was to shit with the Delray Chamber of Commerce and then, oh fun, they had a nonprofit shit and, like it was a long, it was one of those that for a retired guy, six hours is a long day, yeah, but then I had to come home and get in the deck. Anyway, I am an activate. There we go, there we go. Yeah, now the joke could be good. All right. So 45 poker. Mark is your, are you reversed? I was yours. Yeah, you're. Yeah, you're yeah you're married.

Speaker 3:

Oh, so, like everything on the camera is backwards backwards.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, your zebra is a brezz. Okay.

Speaker 2:

You're playing a lefty Strathacast. Happy Thursday run.

Speaker 1:

There you go. I'll see you Sunday morning. Asshole, all right, let's do 45 poker. I'm going to go first.

Speaker 3:

All right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I got my box right here. Puller one out, that's what she said. One, that's what she said, but I got one inside of one. That doesn't count, so I'll bury that one. Pull this one out from the rocket record company. No, that's not right. Well, I got it's from, yeah, the rocket record, mca records. Mca records. It says the right on the front, elton John and Kiki D. You know what the song is?

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, don't go busting my balls, don't go busting my balls.

Speaker 1:

All right, I like that. That's a good start. That is, let's pull this one out. We'll go, mark Now, like we do. Now. Mark is going to pull the flop card. All right, here you go, mark. Here's your first card. It's from Asylum Records. Oh shit, you got a good one. Bud the Eagles One of these nights, my favorite Eagles song. My favorite.

Speaker 2:

I think it was Glenn Fry's favorite Eagles song.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Great song All right.

Speaker 1:

Oh, he's starting off hot. All right, lou, here you go. Lou's over too, with this new deck.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be the right that Patty sent us in your basket in the glow of your contested victory last week.

Speaker 1:

And then I won and that's all there is to it. Oh, you know, by the way I had looked and I can see, for miles was actually one of the best songs of the year.

Speaker 2:

So no, see me, feel me, see me, feel me, I can see.

Speaker 1:

No, was it. Yeah, yeah, that one was. I'm lying, oh, it was a huge song. Oh I'm lying, yeah, you are, but I won, that's all the matter, I get the win, I get the win. All right From Avco Records.

Speaker 3:

Oh, we know who this is.

Speaker 1:

Lou, can you take a guess, avco, or?

Speaker 2:

Avco Av.

Speaker 1:

Av Av Avco.

Speaker 2:

I have no idea. I mean, I'm good at it. Sir Acce records, there we go.

Speaker 1:

Avco, the stylistic. You make me feel brand new. That's a good one, that's all right. The side though.

Speaker 2:

I'm the king of the Motown. B hit though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. But so far I'd say, mark, I'm not Kass, the best record, right Between, don't go breaking my heart. And and you make me feel brand new, well, we'll see All right here we go.

Speaker 2:

It's a better song. How about that? What's the better song?

Speaker 1:

We'll see what the the total is right. Let's see what the total. All right, I'm pulling one out from. Well, it's one of these Grand Funk railroad, some kind of wonderful. Oh, we got all right, I'm gonna be. I'm gonna be fair here. That's the sheet, that's the cover. Now there's two records in here. There was 99.

Speaker 1:

That's by the way, 99 cents. Look at that 99 a buck. All right, so the one in the front here is gonna be a and Naturally the one behind it will be B. All right, just to be fair now. Okay, all right, now, mark, which one do I take, a or B, since Mark's the partial one here? Louis will screw me because he's a desperate Louisa.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, damn, right on since one is the loneliest number. You don't want to pick a, so pick B.

Speaker 1:

All right, so I'm going with the one right behind it right here. Oh fuck it, this could be bad. I'm all. I'm Grand Funk railroad. There you go.

Speaker 3:

Is it the same?

Speaker 1:

Oh fuck, it's not in the world. Or In the world beware. All the girls in the world beware. Oh, this is a bad, oh, this is a bad one. Did they even write that? All the girls in the world beware. Maybe that's it's good. It's not a good fucking song.

Speaker 3:

Let's make sure it see what the other one is. Now that you did see what a is some kind of wonderful. I fucked you. Sorry, I Knew it Lou.

Speaker 1:

At least I was honest. I couldn't just went by the cover. I could have just went by the cover, all right, that's a piece of shit, all right.

Speaker 3:

I've heard that before my that's a piece of shit.

Speaker 1:

Hey, here you go, mark. Okay, this could make it right now. If Mark pulls a Hot one, he's gonna. It's an automatic win because, all right, let's pull about. Looking, pull this one. It's from one of one of repris. Oh, one of repris, right? Uh, sales and craft. Honey, if you want me to be Closer to you, get closer to me. How fucking controlling is that really? What asshole is it that if you want to be close, if you want me to be closer to you, you fucking get closer to me. Bitch, I kind of like that.

Speaker 2:

You come to me, you come to me.

Speaker 1:

Dowing, if you want me to be closer to you, then get the fuck over here and get closer to me. God damn it, and that's how it goes. So I'm glad, mark Gonna. Shit, when that one's worse than the well, it's not as big, that grand funk. One is pretty fucking bad. Yeah, that's the worst. Luke can get a redeemer here Look. I don't have.

Speaker 2:

I don't have a bad song here. No, you don't know.

Speaker 1:

No, no, that's what I'm saying. This could be a redeemer. It's, it could be a redeemer.

Speaker 2:

Let's see, let's see. Oh, from last week you mean my content for the last two weeks but there's, yeah, you can, you can pull it off right here.

Speaker 1:

This could, let's see, let's bring in mgm records. There you go, could be big, let's see mgm records. It is Eric burden in the animals. Help me, girl, or that ain't where it's at, oh.

Speaker 3:

I still.

Speaker 1:

I think I still have you with Elton john kiki d, so this is anybody's game right now. This is anybody's game mark.

Speaker 2:

You got the flop cards.

Speaker 1:

I need a big. I need a huge Okay.

Speaker 2:

I need. I need like a big Top 10 number one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah wonder. I'd say right now, mark with with his.

Speaker 3:

Loot song is when you see my box, you're gonna get the top. Trust me.

Speaker 1:

That's what she said.

Speaker 3:

Don't fuck up, don't worry, I will.

Speaker 1:

All right, mark, flop it.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I'm doing it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, hello, welcome to the game. So you are taking a coffee break on me.

Speaker 1:

No, all right, do that anyways, all right, this is uh, this is mine, this is mine.

Speaker 3:

This is yours, okay. Mgm records. Oh boy.

Speaker 1:

My two week winning streak is dead.

Speaker 3:

The cow sills what is happy and hair.

Speaker 2:

Give me a head with hair.

Speaker 1:

Long, beautiful, hey, yeah that's a good song. All right, but it's not. It's not a game changer, I know it's not. And spaghetti all right, uh, this is. This is a who mark this for me all right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's london records that's shit. Oh, I'm jewellery 47. Rolling Stones get off my cloud.

Speaker 1:

Why they are max away now. Hmm, well, unless the loo pulls, I don't know what's the greatest song ever made.

Speaker 2:

Whichita lineman? If you would, I would give you the way I want to win that record. Yeah, man.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's see Lou's demise. I see comedy. Really, I want Lou to finish in third place. By the way, this is already decided, marcus, when it's between me and Lou on.

Speaker 3:

Lou is not the king of the 45s, lose the king of them, of the RMB 45s 40 records. Oh, oh, it's two different artists. It's oh, no, it's temptations ball of confusion, and it's summer, paul. Confusion, obviously, is the A side.

Speaker 1:

Land of a huge and ball of confusion. Well, mark wins bad, play it all mark wins and I think my, what was my last record?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Calcill's hair. Yeah, lou, lou takes back here.

Speaker 3:

All right, is that ironic? The guy with hair didn't get here.

Speaker 2:

You know what that means penalty yeah yeah, what you keep me in there for a while. Yeah, think about what he said.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you think about what you said. Marks, yeah, man Talking to us bald guys like, because you get ahead of here and that's. He's six foot seven with a main like fucking Fabio.

Speaker 2:

We just have more testosterone than he does. That's all that. And there he goes, he takes my box again.

Speaker 1:

There you go. All right, let's get on with 1969. Let's we burned enough time. As it is, that was 20 minutes too long. Maybe that's the problem with them. Oh we, why we run so long? I.

Speaker 3:

Got the hands and hair tonight sticking up.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's jump right in. Where do we go? Where do we go from here? On January 4th 1969, jimmy Hendrix is accused of arrogance by the British television producers after playing an impromptu version of Sunshine of your Life Past is a lot in time slot on the BBC one. An arrogant prick.

Speaker 2:

Give me charge with arrogance. So is that? Is that a capital crime? And I know you can't probably. Probably put in the stocks of the power.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I January 12th 1969, Led Zeppelin's eponymous debut album is released.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah big one, big one, that's a biggie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, on this day in 1916, on January 18th oh, I am fucked up. Tonight, january 18th 1969, pete Best wins his defamation lawsuit against the Beatles. Best that originally sought eight million dollars but ends up being awarded much less. Wow what is much less. Fifty thousand, you know.

Speaker 2:

Defamation that they did. That said he was a shitty question yeah doesn't they never really give you those things, those, those specifics they don't give you the Pacific definition Maybe there maybe is the fact that they sacked him for being maybe not inadequate for what they were doing.

Speaker 1:

Well, defamation is they. They said he might have been the bad drummer. You have to defame somebody right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it's something slender their character or something.

Speaker 1:

It's a hard to win Defamation lawsuits pretty hard to win.

Speaker 2:

Well, I've never read. I've read every Beatle book there was. Just about never heard of them saying anything, except, you know, pete wasn't a good enough drummer.

Speaker 1:

Now he got some money from them. So you know I heard they were jealous of him because he was really the star of the band.

Speaker 2:

The girls like Tim better than the other ones I'm. Paul especially. Yeah, but music musically, I mean, we proved it on my music relish that he was not up to snuff.

Speaker 1:

No, no, they were better off a wringo. January 30th 1969, the Beatles rooftop concert. The Beatles perform for the last time in public on the roof of Apple building at 3 Saville Row. The performance, which is filmed for the let it be movie, is stopped early by police after neighbors complain about the noise. And then the fucking Beatles come on. Then in the 80s, you two decides to mimic that. Right, they did that in LA, in downtown LA. Yeah, they did. Yeah, the streets have no name.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what would you do? I was down. Did they just shut down too?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, yeah, they videotaped but they got the song in. But who knows what them that could have been staged to. But I don't think it was. I think it really was. It was on top. I forget what building was on top of. February 3rd 1969 Eric Burton and the animals break up. That same day, john Lennon, george Harrison and wringle star hire Alan Klein as the Beatles new business manager, against the wishes of Paul McCartney. The writing was on the wall. Then, right yep. February 4th 1969 Paul McCartney hires a law firm of Eastman and Eastman G. Take a picture of Eastman's father's firm, law firm Mm-hmm. There's general legal counsel for Apple records. February 15th 1969 Vicki Jones is arrested for impersonating Aretha Franklin in a concert performance. Jesus Christ, wow.

Speaker 1:

How do you imitate? Impersonate Aretha Franklin. That takes balls Because she's going to. Impersonation is so convincing that nobody in the audience asked for a refund. Wow, so she was a. She was a tribute band before tribute bands were even thought of.

Speaker 2:

I wonder like the specifics of this. Did she I don't know it was a refect kidnapped for an evening and you know? No, I think she was. She got arrested.

Speaker 1:

She just said she, she probably booked herself, yeah, at this place. And somebody was like that's not Aretha Franklin. And then you know, that's that that's interesting. February 17th 1969, johnny Cash and Bob Dylan record together in Nashville, tennessee. Only one song girl from the North country would be released from their sex from these sessions. That was on Bob.

Speaker 2:

Dylan's national Skyline album.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, bob Dylan ruined the show. Bob Dylan ruined all the other songs. That was the only one they could salvage. I'm sure have you heard it.

Speaker 2:

Uh no, it's a good song, it's good.

Speaker 3:

It's very good.

Speaker 2:

Well, dylan's singing in his different voice on that, so it doesn't even sound like Bob Dylan. Lay, lady lay, if you're traveling down the old country, fair.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you do better than me. Sound like by the skags.

Speaker 1:

Don't don't get him started.

Speaker 2:

There it's in the right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, uh, february 18th 1969, Lulu and Maurice give a married in the uk. Maurice's twin brother, robin Gibb, is best man. 3 000 guests, most of them uninvited, turn out. Believe it. Now, lulu, I heard this back backstory. You know the brand Lulu lemon, yeah, okay, stores, yeah. So the guy that that came up with that, the guy, he had another business and it was like I don't know. It was like Fucking Lenny, something right, it was something with an L in it and it got released over in japan and they fucking went nuts because they couldn't, they, they would say Renny, renny, they couldn't say the, the L, right. And so here we go again, right, here we go again. But this guy.

Speaker 1:

Join this guy. This guy Decides he's gonna start another brand and he purposely, purposely, came up with lulu lemon so the japanese would lose their minds trying to say it. That is a true story. So, people out there, it pays to be a racist. It pays to. This guy is wrong. He's printing money out of his ass for ruru remin. Yeah, that's the backstory. You too can be a racist millionaire. I think you have plenty. It's a joke and it's fucking hilarious. Ah, let's see. February 24th 1969, charty cash performs a boy named sue At california sand quentin state prison. That's a great story, it is. That is a fucking one of the greatest Story songs ever. Yeah, ever, ever, uh. March 1st 1969, during a performance at miami's denakie auditorium. Well, you know what's coming here. Jim marison of the doors is arrested for allegedly exposing himself during the show. Marison is officially charged with lewd and lascivious behavior and decent behavior open from fantasy in public drunkenness.

Speaker 3:

It was his fingers sticking out of the pants.

Speaker 1:

Yeah well, it led to his suicide. Pretty much yeah. March 2nd 1969, john lennon performs Publicly outside the Beatles for the first time with yoko ono as an Improvised at an improvised concert in Cambridge. Isn't anything that she fucking gets involved in, improvised?

Speaker 2:

Fuck, she's 91 years old yeah.

Speaker 1:

She's. What was the meme? She still sounds as good as she did when she was 21. Uh, march 7th 1969, the who release pinball wizard as a single to the b side of dogs.

Speaker 2:

Part two a b side there's a bigger hit than see me, feel me, wasn't it?

Speaker 1:

See me win, feel me win, see me play. I always like these. March 12 1969 the 11th grammy awards are presented in chicago, los angeles, nashville and new york. They did them, how did they? Did they do that Like a satellite satellite, yes, close circuit television.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't. They just put them all in one place. Hmm, that's why I'm making any sense. Uh, let me see. And new york glenn cambles by the time I get to phoenix wins album of the year. He's still not in the rocker all of fame. Hmm, a simon, a god funkels. Mrs Robinson wins record of the year and roger miller's little green apples god didn't make little green apples Wait that's the wrong. By miller and oc smith wins.

Speaker 2:

Oh, she's not that the oc smith had to hit with it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, when song of the year Jose feliciano wins best new artists, he survived that. I like my fire.

Speaker 2:

He's great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's right chico and the man yeah, maybe the greatest tv show intro song ever. I like sanford and some better.

Speaker 2:

And if we were gonna do the album from 74 he played on. He's playing guitar and free man in Paris by journey michel. Oh wow, that's what was I.

Speaker 1:

I never knew that Well and then there's the the tribute to sting performance. That was fucking. Oh my lord. Did you hear that? Lu? No, watch the video of jose feliciano tribute to sting. They did one of those where people do his, do his songs like a link in center, type of thing, or uh, oh my god, I think he did.

Speaker 3:

Um, I can't remember what song. It's hard.

Speaker 1:

It was don't know no um, no, no, what was that big what? Was the big. What was some rock sand? Yeah, don't stand so it might have been. Don't stand so close.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, no, no no.

Speaker 1:

I don't know it was fucking. You see the look on stings face it was. Is it trying to hold it back? It was bad oh it was bad. Yeah, he.

Speaker 3:

He's got that style. It works or it doesn't work right didn't work.

Speaker 1:

Then yeah, march 15th 1969 Julie Judy Garland, marys Mickey Dean's. March 20th 1969 John Lennon, marys Yoko Ono.

Speaker 2:

In Gibraltar, the ballot of John and Yoko we get to in Gibraltar, near Spain. Yeah, who's a Mickey beans? He's like another gangster.

Speaker 3:

No, he was an American musician and Entrepreneur there you go, he's real name is Michael DaVinco Jr.

Speaker 1:

No, no, when he was Italian. He's like I gotta change his name. Too many vowels in my name. Oh, it doesn't like vowels. Yeah, lazy years to get a director, oscar March 25th to the 31st, john Lennon and Yoko Ono Host of bed in for peace in their room in Amsterdam Hilton During the honeymoon into an anti-war event.

Speaker 2:

I don't like to see their sheets, huh, no they're fucking dirt.

Speaker 1:

It's dirty because they were fucking dirty hippies.

Speaker 3:

Did you see that picture floating around of them standing there while the hotel house keeping changes their sheets? They had their sheets change every day. So, it's like and the meme was millionaires. You know Protesting the capitalist system while they have people change their shit the idiots believed it.

Speaker 2:

We had a Rolls Royce too. I mean, come on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the idiots believed it, just like they believed a OC. You know, aoc went into Congress as a broke bartender. She's worth 28 million dollars now. Good job, it's a great salary.

Speaker 3:

I'd vote for yeah. I can't, I'm not in our district. I just wanted to throw that out there to get you going.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't vote in the actual city, scott. I was thinking we've not, you've not used the penalty box much lately.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, last week it was kind of weird. Yeah, I totally slipped my mind, but you guys were good. Hey, I can be penalty free games. You know, it's true, let's do another year without mark another day in the Fuck. It happens to be this one. No, no, wait a minute. Okay, I'm March 26. Lottie Golden records, a debut LP modus. Yeah, it's shit. Okay, bring him back. He's lucky.

Speaker 2:

And then he's in his spot again. I put him in the penalty box just for being in the spot again. Right, he's pressing his luck Pressing his luck.

Speaker 1:

March 29th 1969, at the 14th air annual Eurovision song contest, nobody gave a fuck. Can we do a?

Speaker 2:

segment on the Eurovision song no we will never do that.

Speaker 1:

April 1st 1969 the Beach Boys. Beach Boys file a lawsuit against their record label. Capital records for 2,000,041,446 dollars and sixty four cents Royalties and produces fees for Brian Wilson. Capital retaliates by deleting most of its Beach Boys catalog, severely limiting the band's income.

Speaker 2:

Wow, wow that's all right, shit right there.

Speaker 3:

I could you tell?

Speaker 2:

now he bounced back the master Clive Davis man, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You want to fuck with us? We'll fuck with you, boy. April 8th 1969, opening for ten years after, at the Fillmore East in New York City, family performed their first US concert and the show is an unmitigated disaster. Disaster, ha, ha, ha. Vocalist Roger Chapman, on his 27th birthday, throws a microphone, stand into the audience, unintentionally in the direction of Fillmore East. Imperial Bill Graham.

Speaker 2:

You're not getting over good luck.

Speaker 1:

You know who's in my.

Speaker 2:

Mike's, a Mike's dad.

Speaker 3:

That's Jesus Mike's dad, you know who's in family, john Wheton, but not when they did that show. Yeah. I'm waiting for major and King Crimson Were there a pro. There were a program, kind of a psychedelic Prague freestyle.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's see where are we at April 20th April 20th your your, by the way, scott.

Speaker 3:

Your writers gave me your notes before the show, so I got good for them.

Speaker 1:

Good for them, assholes. The LA free festival in Venice, california, ends early following a riot of audience members, a hub and 117 of which were arrested. April 22nd 1969, 22nd, did I just say fucking 22nd? Yeah, you did.

Speaker 2:

Real homeschooled Scott, you call the 511. Personally, I made $511,000 last year.

Speaker 1:

Look at Allison sticking up.

Speaker 3:

For her brother.

Speaker 1:

You keep mark out of the penalty box. Yeah, that's so nice. She feels guilty for tormenting him as a child just for just for his sticking up for him, he goes in the penalty box. He does so. He can blame her, not you on me, lou. This is got his sister his sister got him put in the penalty box. Family sometimes family gets in the way.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Sometimes family just gets in the way. All right, let's bring it back. All right, moving on.

Speaker 3:

It's all about family. He's in his father. Again the fire comes up.

Speaker 1:

April 22nd 1969, the first complete performance of the who's rock opera Tommy During a the who. The first complete performance of the who's rock opera Tommy during a performance in Dalton, devon, uk. Imagine being at that show.

Speaker 3:

Wonderfro is before the album came.

Speaker 1:

Don't care about any of that. All right. John Lennon officially changes his name to John Winston Lennon, from John Winston Lennon to John Winston Ono Lennon. What a fucking beta male. What a fucking beta male, any man. What a piece of shit that guy. He was hiding it. You know what I'm just gonna say? It Fucking he got shot. Good oh.

Speaker 3:

This is not good pussy.

Speaker 1:

One less, one less, beta male in the world.

Speaker 3:

That's protest. He had no.

Speaker 1:

His wife's name, pussy he loved her. It wasn't even pretty and she didn't even treat him good.

Speaker 3:

He was beautiful. Every we all have that that friend with there. We go with a lesson stutter looking girlfriend and they love her. He just let it go. Let it go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, do they take her last name?

Speaker 3:

Before their last name Pussy let him do what he was on. Lennon was a pussy. His mother abandoned him.

Speaker 1:

Then he abandoned his son. So there you go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah to say, motherfucker didn't leave Julian much in as well.

Speaker 1:

Well, I just read up on that he ended up getting he's. He sued because Yoko withheld the. He had left a trust for Julian and Sean and Yoko wasn't giving him anything. Oh, she was, she was holding back, she was holding that, yeah. So he sued him. He got like 20 million dollars or something. He's alright. He's sad, yeah.

Speaker 2:

He also hit a hit album. Yeah, he's still making some royalties off that get some singles. Yeah, yeah, uh, let's see, he seemed like a good kid, you know. Yeah, yeah, I mean.

Speaker 1:

Sean's probably a good kid. He's just a douche. He's kind of douchey, but they're close, yeah. But he tries to be his father like he, tries to dress like him and he wears the round glasses like him. He always just listen try to be your father, that's fine.

Speaker 3:

There's nothing wrong with that, yeah, but I'm saying no, yeah, I have it.

Speaker 1:

He's fucking, he's as good as his mother.

Speaker 2:

He's not. He's not bad. I mean he didn't think for Paul's 80th birthday. He's not a Paul songs, but no, he wouldn't make it as a singer.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, he's got a face for radio too, by the way.

Speaker 2:

He looks like a combination of John and Yoko. Really, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, John Lennon was Japanese Sean Sean, oh no.

Speaker 3:

I guess to be all end, all tonight is Scott said that Sean's douchey he's douchey, he is like an.

Speaker 1:

Like Bohemian tried, tries to be all Bohemian. He's worth like fucking 80 million or a hundred million dollars, some shit like that. And then he he stands to get Yoko's money too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so she's 91, by the way, you know. Yeah, yeah, she'll hang on through a hundred she should have went the route of John oh.

Speaker 1:

Oh she jumped in front. She should have jumped in front of the bullets anyway, penalty box she should have. She should have been John's secret service and taking the bullet for this show's going off the rail. She should have taken the bullet. The world would be a better place.

Speaker 3:

I need to light my light here. Some warmth.

Speaker 2:

The world would be a better place without Yoko Mark? Have you been to the Dakota or Strawberry Fields?

Speaker 3:

No, I've never been Strawberry Fields.

Speaker 2:

I have. I took my father along that and it's funny. Strawberry Fields is cool with the Dakota. You can't even stop walking in front of that place. They're so paranoid. I mean we try to get a picture of my father in front of the Dakota building. Yeah, not even in the entrance way. We didn't want to stand the spot where he was shot, but they were just. They shoot everybody away. You couldn't even stop them. We had to catch your breath or something, but it was just. It was that tight you know.

Speaker 1:

So South Beach has that same thing with remember Versace. Yeah, yeah, Versace got shot in front of this place right in the South Beach Somewhere. There's a picture out there floating around of me standing in front of the in the same spot, but my fingers to my head. How'd that happen? Who?

Speaker 2:

photoshopped it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I did.

Speaker 1:

One of my friends took to.

Speaker 3:

I'm standing right there with the thing get to my head. I just might be the most negative segment ever. On Last 20 minutes a bit horrible making fun of Versace.

Speaker 2:

John Lennon deserved to get shot for being a better. Yoko should have taken the bullet should have taken the bullet. The day Versace was killed I was in South Beach when you really, yeah, my band, we did some shows down there and did a radio show. We left. We stayed in South Beach that night. We left that morning. We were on the road and we heard you got shot like crazy.

Speaker 2:

Filipino dude shot yeah, andrew Q Nannan, yeah, andrew Q Nannan, I think you and Anand he started in New Jersey, I think, yeah, he off the people on the way down let's see.

Speaker 1:

April 24th 1969, the Beatles make a five point one million Dollar counter offer to the northern songs Stockholders, an attempt to keep associated TV from controlling the band's music. Yeah, wow. Atv.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's just an all-in song.

Speaker 1:

April 28th 1969, chicago releases its debut album, the Chicago Transit Authority great debut. And they never stopped making records since all the double album don't they make an album a year? Isn't that like their thing? Yeah, there's. They made like an album a year from, and the first four were double albums.

Speaker 3:

I mean man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah that's a lot of talent right there.

Speaker 2:

You know the first record. It's not a great production.

Speaker 1:

It's hard.

Speaker 2:

It's pretty, it's, it's. It's sounding a am low-farm 69.

Speaker 1:

It was 69.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, great songs, but there were better sounding records in 69. They didn't have one have you rode.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I've heard. Every road still sounds amazing today.

Speaker 3:

I think what killed the Chicago albums the drum sound horrible and Chicago too sounded pretty good, I mean, I mean, yeah, steve Wilson cleaned up Chicago too pretty good, but even that he couldn't rescue totally you saw the documentary right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm just coming. How far out of the way did they go to keep Peter Sotero from any part of that documentary? Oh really, you see him in some of the videos, but they never talk about him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Mr Love it might be a blurb here and a blurb there. Yeah, but when they were making that, evidently there was a lot of tension with between them and that led actually to the Rocker Hall of Fame issue, where he's like my brother needs to be inducted With us into the band, and the founding members were like the horn section right, they were like fuck no.

Speaker 2:

No, Peter Satera's brother.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what would he do? I don't know. He played. He played in the band for a little while. He's fucking probably a backup guitarist, some, whatever.

Speaker 2:

Bob Welch isn't in the whole of him being fluid Mac. But this say Tara. Whoever he was, it should be in some document or something, because of Nah well, he, you know, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So they were like no, and he's like that, I'm not going. They said fine, and they, they showed up and they, they, they performed without him and they don't. And you see the documentary and he's barely mentioned in it.

Speaker 3:

What a shame.

Speaker 2:

When you want to be a diva. Well, if Terry kath did not die, do you think Peter said Tara would have become so dominant?

Speaker 1:

No, I don't well, you know what? Yeah, he would have. He would have went out on his own anyway.

Speaker 2:

He's saying the ballads you know he had that voice for, but I mean a lot of those great songs. I don't know Terry kath saying more of the songs than I knew.

Speaker 1:

Terry kath. I mean how big, that's a great. What if? Yeah, that's a great what if, like what if he lived? I mean the guitar, yeah, you know in the voice, and then he was just very Electric, yeah.

Speaker 3:

If he lived, they might not have had to get David Foster as producer, and David Foster is the reason that Peter satara left. So yeah, if they could all stay together. Who?

Speaker 2:

knows, didn't David Foster write all those big ballads? Didn't he write stuff? If not, rosen them a produced them.

Speaker 3:

He made them sound the way they. Yeah, you can't tell the difference between Peter satara solo and Chicago's 80 music. It's all sounds the same right, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, do you ever hear those Russian guys that do this Chicago covers like no, no, they're on YouTube. These guys are amazing. Wow, they sing with horn. It's the whole lineup. They just it's. You know the rush, but they do it note for note. It's like one of the better, better tributes I've ever seen. Right, it's amazing.

Speaker 1:

All right, may 3rd 1969, sly and the family stone released their breakthrough album stand Yep, which became one of the top selling albums of the decade and made this band one of the most popular acts in rock and soul music Legendary, yeah, yeah, I mean, that guy was an originator man. He was a fucking true originator.

Speaker 1:

Yeah you know, and then George Clinton comes along and pretty much Does the same thing for funk, and you know. But they, these guys, there's just every once in a while they come along and they're like just so Fucking outside the box. There's so above everybody else, and how they think, how they play, there's like if you listen to sly and the family stone music a friend of mine he was he would kind of dabble in producing and you know, he, he was uh, he was uh certified in Uh, pro tools. No, was it? Um, um, yeah, pro tools for producing music. And uh, he, he said, look at this. He listened to this song and he had the like the click beat or whatever it was going and fucking off tune. Like these beats would be off tune, but this guy was genius enough to make them work. You know, um, yeah, sly the family stone. So what else can you say?

Speaker 1:

Jimmy Hendrix is arrested by canadian mouties. Dudley, do right To the rescue. No, and as he's being arrested, all you can hear in the background was Savoie, fair is everywhere. I should do it like this. Now, that is not. Fair is everywhere.

Speaker 3:

Usually falling down a cliff into a valley.

Speaker 1:

Uh, let's see. No, no, wasn't that was that Klondike cat in Savoie fair? Yeah, I think it was. Klondike cat was, oh god, I don't know. Anyway, uh, jimmy Hendrix is arrested, canadian mouties, uh, at the airport, international airport, toronto, for possession of heroin. Wow, really, hendrix. Hendrix is released on ten thousand dollars bare. I have a feeling we'll be getting back to that In a couple of weeks. Uh, according to 1969, may 6, 1969, in london, representatives of water brothers, seven arts, discuss the purchase of 15 of the Beatles. Northern songs, northern songs, they're trying.

Speaker 3:

They were trying to get it because you said on april the Beatles made a 5.1 million counteroffer to northern songs stockholders. So there was a fight going on. The Beatles were trying to keep their uh who was northern songs.

Speaker 2:

There was john and paul's catalog.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Oh okay, if you back up on april 24th, you said that the Beatles made 5.1 million offer to the stockholders, and then here's. So there was a fight over the usage of their music.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let me see goldstein 23. Hello, what's up? How you doing, how you doing, how you doing, how you doing? Uh, all right, let's see. May 10th 1969. The turtles perform at the white house, sing a. Mark volman falls off the stage. Not once, not twice, not three times, not four times. No, no, he has to fall off the stage Five times during a performance at the white house. How fucked up. Do you have to be?

Speaker 3:

to fall off a stage in front of your president, stage in front of the five times Like that's got to be a record.

Speaker 2:

He's probably so drunk he didn't feel it right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's got to be a fucking record. Who's ever fallen off a stage five?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Usually after twice, you're all fucked up.

Speaker 2:

It's your one and done yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's fucking fall off a stage. It's not like it's one foot off the ground.

Speaker 3:

Maybe it's like a wedding band stage, like a six inch stage, you know you still hit the fucking deck Go get it, yeah, you still hit the deck.

Speaker 1:

Uh, let's see. May 23rd 1969. All good paco, so happy to Fuck.

Speaker 2:

Not again. Got no teeth Fuck me again. You won't have the turtles to kick around anymore.

Speaker 1:

Did he make it back after the fifth time?

Speaker 3:

they don't say. They don't say no, because Nixon said get out, so get out.

Speaker 2:

That's when tricky diggy got up and finished the show for the turtles. He sang with the turtles. And so so how long is an actual?

Speaker 1:

performance in the white house. How long is an actual performance? Like four songs.

Speaker 2:

Something right can't be long.

Speaker 1:

So just thinking, in like 15 minutes he fell off the stage every three minutes.

Speaker 2:

I think they broke up in 1972, so there's there's some shit going on it broke up.

Speaker 1:

All right, he was broke up after the fifth fall. Five for crack falls. Jesus christ, uh, let's see. May 23rd 1969, the who released their rock opera Tommy. There we go, I'm a winner, baby, I'm a winner. May 30th and 31st, the first annual rock and roll revival in detroit. Uh. Performers include, among others, mc5, johnny winter he had to have a lot of shade put over the stage a lot of shade.

Speaker 2:

Can you say albino now, or is that right, did they?

Speaker 1:

have sunscreen back then today. It was all kind of like it he looked like Matthias in omega man.

Speaker 3:

Let's see pictures of him and his brother together. Edgar man like powder, oh.

Speaker 1:

That was two together. Yeah, powder pot one and powder pot two.

Speaker 3:

I saw him. I saw him in a small club once and um but he didn't see you. No, what happened was the spotlight went on him and evidently they don't put spotlights on him.

Speaker 1:

He went like that yeah, because the fucking eyes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's someone got fired that night. They're like mice.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like albino mice. Yeah, uh, chuckberry dr John, sun rah, sun rah, sun rah. David peel, the stooge's Bonzo dog dude our band, the stooge's, is the best one there. Yeah, chuckberry baby, put out, probably gonna put on a good show. Yeah, and then he. Then he went and retrieved his video camera from the toilet, from the girls toilet and picked up his $10,000.

Speaker 2:

He was no stranger to a glass top table.

Speaker 1:

No, he was Two girls in a cup two girls in a cup.

Speaker 2:

Two girls in a cup.

Speaker 1:

Uh, june 2nd 1969, again with fucking John Lennon, yoko, work days before I was born.

Speaker 3:

This is days before.

Speaker 1:

So they they host a bed in a queen Elizabeth's hotel in Margarine. I'm not even giving them the fucking. When everybody comes in and sings, give piece of chance. Okay, moving on, it's the anti-johns night beta male, june 7th.

Speaker 3:

One day after I was born. Very proud of you, it's good.

Speaker 1:

Sorry I said it four times, by the way, one day after I was born. Five times, you've you know as much as the lead singer from the turtles fell off the stage, you said it.

Speaker 2:

Little newbie mark smith, yeah.

Speaker 1:

June 7th don't that's creepy. So don't? June 7th, 1969, blind faith, make their first live appearance with the free show in Hyde Park. Among the estimated 120,000 in attendance, oh, mick Jagger, mick Fleetwood, donovan Chaz channel at, noel Redding, mitch Mitchell of the jimmy Hendricks experience, jimmy Capaldi and chris wood of traffic, terry Hicks of the hollies, mike hug of man for men damn.

Speaker 3:

I guarantee you most people didn't hear it, because the p A's were not that good back then.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, well, that's uh, hold on, that's a. That's a big show and that was probably a very anticipated show. Yeah, didn't they only do one? How many yams of blind faith to one one one I thought.

Speaker 3:

So there's just recordings for a second album. It was on our Clapton's box set, but they were just like blues jams, nothing.

Speaker 1:

All right, where we, at June 13th, this was, this was the beginning of the, the peak of this band's existence. I, june 13th 1969, mctail adjoins the Rolling Stones. Yes, absolutely peak of their fucking, of their Creativity mm-hmm in my book. Yeah, june 28th 1969, the Stonewall riots erupted, new York City. Oh yeah, mocking the launch of the Gay Liberation Movement. Mm-hmm. John Lennon led the pack. June 20, august 24th, with Harlem Culture Festival in New York City. Now, did you ever see that documentary that came out recently, maybe last year?

Speaker 3:

was it with all the musical performances at the Harlem? Yeah, it was like a huge thing and nobody.

Speaker 1:

Know it was like the black woodstock. Yes, it was yeah, and nobody fucking like nobody. It was just nobody gave it any fucking attention. They found the tapes. Dude found him in a basement, in a box In his fucking basement. His father evidently had put them there. Imagine breaking that out and you're like what the fuck am I watching here?

Speaker 3:

Holy shit do you have the the list of who played? I Know?

Speaker 3:

but, I, think you should tell us. The first day was headline by the fifth dimension, then Abby Lincoln, george Kirby I've heard of him Max Roach, good jazz guy. The second day, mahalia Jackson Headlines staple singers Herman Stevens and the voices of faith, reverend Jesse Jackson and the operation Breadbox bread basket band. Third day was headlined by Stevie Wonder with Dave and then David Ruffin, chuck Jackson, gladys Knight in the Pips and Lou Parks dancers Uh Mongo. Santa Maria was the next day's headliner with Ray Burrito, cal Jader, very good jazz guy, and here's Lou's favorite, herbie man and the Harlem Calypso band. Then the next day was Nina Simone, supported by BB King, hugh mass Masekela and the Harlem Festival Jazz Band, and last day was the Miss Harlem pageant. That was a great way to end it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a good lineup, I mean yeah, herbie man is the only white artist to play on that. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Fucking neighborhood thing yeah. Lou, do you think he had a shirt open? Oh?

Speaker 2:

It's in the worst album covers of all time.

Speaker 1:

June 29th 1969, bass player Noel Redding announces to the media that he has quit the Jimi Hendrix experience. I'm quitting, I'm quitting, having effectively done so during the recording of electric lady land. I'm gonna be bigger. Uh, let me see like. July 3rd 1969. It was a sad day. Big news Brian Jones has found dead in the swimming pool who I guess you're not going back to school.

Speaker 1:

July 5th, just two days later, just two days later, this is cold. This is how does Rick, how does Dave smell saying that's cold blooded? He does the Rick James thing. That's cold blooded man. July 5th, two days after Brian Jones dies, the Rolling Stones proceed with a free concert in Hyde Park as a tribute to Brian Jones.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah sure they're like good ratings.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's also the band's first concert with guitarist McTaylor. They did not fucking waste any time.

Speaker 2:

Strike, while the iron's not wasted any time. So it was McTaylor jammed with them before that.

Speaker 1:

He might have been. Yeah, estimates of the audience range from 250,000 to. My god, how big is that car, I know July 30th.

Speaker 3:

Recorded there that modern. It's a huge area, but that's a lot of people, a lot of people.

Speaker 1:

July 30th 1969, columbia Records releases, in a silent way by Miles Davis Excellent, one of the first jazz rock fusion albums featuring John McLaughlin, joe zone, zoanoo and Chick Korea, a weather report. Yeah, july 31st 1969, elvis Presley returns to live performance in Las Vegas. The engagement ends on October. On August 28, yeah, let's see. August 8th 1969, ian McMillan photographs the cover of the Beatles album Abbey Road. That's the greatest photo bomb ever. The old guy standing in the background, the original photo bomb. That's the original photo bomb man. What are these hippies doing on my road? Speaking of hippies, august 9th 1969, members of the would-be folks in a Charles Manson's family, I Murder film star Sharon Tate and others in Tate's home.

Speaker 3:

Yeah should.

Speaker 1:

It should have been John Lennon's home.

Speaker 2:

I'm wearing my what's upon a time in Hollywood. T-shirt.

Speaker 3:

I would trade Sharon Tate for Yoko Ono, any day I want to read the liner notes is Kansas.

Speaker 1:

I would trade Sharon Tate for Yoko any day. So the family? Is that the same family that threw the fucking microphone at?

Speaker 2:

That's a Manson family.

Speaker 1:

No, so they had a the would-be folks singing Charles Manson's family All right Family were English band. Yeah, yeah, yeah. August 15 through 17th, woodstock music and odd festivals held at Max Yeager's dairy farm in Bethel, new York, never heard of that's constantly know. We know the whole thing. We know two days before my eighth birthday. Yeah, I.

Speaker 2:

Was it 19?.

Speaker 1:

August 20th 1969, final session for the Beatles album Abbey Road At Abbey Rhodes, abbey Road Studios in London. The last time the four members of the band together in the studio.

Speaker 3:

What did they record? I can't remember from get back. I remember watching that scene the last scene. A record yeah.

Speaker 1:

Together together.

Speaker 2:

It was the.

Speaker 1:

Long and winding road.

Speaker 3:

Oh sure.

Speaker 1:

Anyway. So August 21st to the 24th the jazz Bill's in festival is held in bills in Belgium. Performers in. I don't get this. Jazz Performers include deep purple, shocking blue, the moody blues soft machine. Here you go again.

Speaker 3:

The Barnes O dog doodah band, the move in blossom toes a Lot of jazz festivals were just that name only you know the Montreal Jazz Festival has been going on for 50 years and has all the best Heavy you know, newport Jazz Festival yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, blossom toes. That's what they call mock, when he doesn't clip his toenails for about a month.

Speaker 3:

How did you know I lost some toes? Do you have cameras in my house again?

Speaker 1:

I told you, stop that motherfucker, get feet like talons, like fucking eagle talons.

Speaker 3:

Where'd this come from? Just saying because I scratched my back.

Speaker 2:

Just saying Like an anteater, you can dig for it, you pick up a fucking spoon with those toes.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

No, I get a foot cramp in August 30th and 31st, the Isle of White Festival is held at Wooten Bridge. Performers include, among others, the band Baldwin pig, edgar Broughton band, joe Cocker, bonzo, dog, doodah band. Every fucking festival, evidently Bob Dylan returning to live music after his motorbike accident Family. Well, they, they weren't playing in the fucking Fillmore anymore, that's for sure. The who free, mighty baby, the moody blues, the nice the pretty things. Third earband Fuck. Third earband 69. We want hippies. September 11th 1969, janice Joplin releases his album. I knew it, I know I got damn old cosmic blues again mama. His first solo album since leaving the group. Big brother in the whole. So it was he the big brother, he was the big brother, and big brother in the holding company. That was one ugly dude. No, we did.

Speaker 2:

Genesis voice I just never. It's just too grating for it, it is yeah, well, bob.

Speaker 1:

Kirk's. Rock history, you know no, yeah, yeah, here we go, fucking talk box, wow, wow, box, whatever he doesn't know. Wow, let's see, september 13th, john Lennon, the plastic ono band perform. I'm not, I'm not even give them the fucking.

Speaker 2:

Scott, I heard they changed the name to the Lenin Winston ono plastic ono band.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, I heard it was changed to the beta male band.

Speaker 3:

I it's gonna be for the next week show the beta male band.

Speaker 1:

September 24th 1969, deep purple in the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra perform the concerto for group and Orchestras at the Royal Albany, or whatever the fuck that means.

Speaker 3:

That's one of my favorite albums. A Richie Blackmore wanted to break his guitar over John Lortz had he hated it.

Speaker 1:

It's the first elaborate Collaboration between a rock band and an orchestra.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

On October 14th 1969, the final single by Diana Ross and the Supremes some day will be together which was a lie, yeah, that didn't happen is released. The single, although credited to Diana Ross and the Supremes, was actually sung by Ross with session singers, the Adantes, instead of the other two Supremes. Nonetheless, it becomes the final number one hit of 69 in the 1960s. After a farewell concert in January 1970, diana Ross leaves the Supremes for a solo career. Very gory either. Even he had that all set up October 18th. What the fuck with this band again? The Bonzo dog, do not ban live at Fillmore East in New York. Well, Family was supposed to play there, but they were taken off the bill. I'm throwing a microphone stand. They brought the other family on.

Speaker 2:

You know the bonzer do dog bands claim. The fame now is they wrote a song called death cab for cutie. Well, so the band death cab for cutie took it from them. But John Lennon utters that line death cab for cutie and magical mystery tour. So that's the right.

Speaker 1:

Oh, oh, october 22nd 1969. I say that this is my personal, probably my second favorite led Zeppelin song. I just love this song. Zeppelin second album was released with the song. Whole lot of love. I just the song. I Loved it and then I didn't for a while and I re listened to it, off-guard me, and I'm like what's such a fucking great song and Can you imagine?

Speaker 3:

great fucking song. Can you imagine someone you know in 69 you had a lot of people that were not with it with rock someone hearing that that was kind of traditional in 1969. Basically here in a man having an orgasm in the middle of the song.

Speaker 2:

Well, I never liked my oldest. My sister brother had that record. My father's is like what is this? Yeah, this is the damnation of things.

Speaker 1:

October 30th 1969, richard Nata, first rock and roll revival concert sells out, setting the stage for oldies as a commercial category. Yeah, november doesn't say when. Just sometime in November, simon and Garfunkel give a live concert at Iowa State University when they record the track bye-bye love for their upcoming album bridge over troubled water. November 1st 1969 after seven years off the top of the charts, elvis Presley it's number one on the billboard. Shot with my favorite song by him, suspicious minds me too. Fine young cannibals do a fine version of it. Yeah, I really do. They get, they do it justice, they do it justice. On November 7th 1969, the Rolling Stones opened their US tour in Fort Collins, colorado.

Speaker 3:

Would this be the tour to ended with Alta Mon? I think so 69.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it'd be, yeah, yeah. November 8th 1969 Simon and Garfunkel, on tour for the first time with a band, give a live concert at Cobbondale, illinois, presumably at Southern Illinois University. The concert is not released until 1999 as part of a recording piled by head records. Blah blah, blah, november, let me see. 11th Simon and Garfunkel give a live concert at Miami University in Oxford Ohio. The recording later released in 1990s blah blah, blah, november 15th yeah can we say who?

Speaker 1:

cares. Exactly November 15th 1969, 500,000 people March on Washington DC for peace, which becomes the largest anti-war rally in US history. Nobody fucking burned down eluded Nike stores for that.

Speaker 2:

I was huge right and they didn't storm the Capitol.

Speaker 1:

Nope Performing on stage. I'll go through Pete Sega, peter Paul, pito Pito Paul and Mary yeah yeah, Richie Havens. Earl Scruggs, john Denver, mitch Miller. Touring cast of hair.

Speaker 3:

Mitch Miller with all those rock and rollers.

Speaker 1:

Respect, baby respect. November 29th 1969, billboard magazine changes its policy of charting the A and B sides of 45 singles on the pop charts. The former policy chatted two sides separately, but the new policy considers both sides as one-shot entry. The Beatles are the first beneficiary. Beneficiary of the new policy as their current 45 Single featuring come together on one side and something on the other, a Crew enough combined points to make it the number one single. Similarly, credence, clearwater, revival's fortunate son, and down on the corner. That's a good combo right there. Yeah, a crew enough combined points to reach number three three weeks later.

Speaker 3:

I was done to help the big band stay big. Yeah, yeah, be 45s were everything back then, yeah but you know they were a band may not have as an equal B side, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, on November 30th, simon a guy, simon a goth, on, came on big in the second half of the decade of the year. Yeah, november 30th, simon a goth uncle air TV special. Songs of America they would. That would be that would be canceled. Now, today, no network would show it because it's America, stensibly an hour-long show that is anti-war, anti-poverty, featuring live footage from the 69 to where nobody burned down Buildings and looted Nike stores, I might add. Mostly peaceful protests With the burning building. Just a few fucking epic. What a needy. Mostly peaceful, and the guy is a burning building going behind him. November 30th 1969, simon a goth uncle air TV special. I just read that. On December 6, december 6, 1969, we have a skip in the record. Yeah, the Jackson 5 released a debut album. Diana Ross presents the Jackson fellow. A dirty Diana. Hey you go, hey you go. Mark right here. The Alta Mont Free concert. Yeah, zubin may not marry stands whoever. December 13th, the final episode of the banana splits adventure hour is on NBC and you were crying.

Speaker 1:

I was bummed out as the network cancels the program during a telecast of Rudolph the red nose reindeer. A week later, my favorite fucking pot of the banana splits, adventure hour, was danger island. Fucking love that with the pirates Mutin the pirate chasing the fucking, that they had the black guy, the white guy and his sister with the blonde hair and the professor and they had jungle. Oh, oh, john, go he was okay. Oh they danger island. Go look it up on YouTube was fucking. They were like seven minute episodes, Mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Johnny quest.

Speaker 1:

Let's see Bands to. Let's see bands that were established in 69. This could be interesting, the 69ers. Yeah, the Almond Brothers band were formed in 1969. April wine was formed in 1969. Yeah, yeah, bad finger was formed in 1969.

Speaker 2:

Let me see.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, blind faith was formed in 1969, broke up in 60, 69. Yeah yeah, brownsville station, smoking in the boys room, was born. It was formed in 1969. The copinters were formed in 1969. Chicago and the new and up wrong Chicago. Let me see, crazy horse was formed in 1969 of Neil Young fame. Who else was formed in 1969? Faces was formed in 1969, small faces, yeah, yep, who else? The ghetto brothers, not to be confused, it later on, the ghetto boys.

Speaker 3:

I was gonna say I just for a second. They must be really old, your parents check this shit out.

Speaker 1:

The holla notes was formed in 1969. Wow, decades, they span decades. That group work. I'm gonna hot tuna and then for dessert you had humble pie. Look at me, let's see the humble pile of mood. Yeah, uh, judas Priest was formed in 69.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, good blues band.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, craft work, craft work, way ahead of their time. Right, love unlimited was formed in 1969 of Barry Whiten. That love unlimited orchestra, not the hoopel, was formed in 69. Mongo Jerry in the somer time dude made so much he's. I think if he's alive he's still making money off that song. Oh yeah, the new seekers for the new seekers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the new seekers, not the seekers with the new. See the new seekers. Yeah, didn't have the Pepsi commercial, and it was that them. Or the like to teach the world to sing, is that them? I don't know. You know the song I'm talking about.

Speaker 3:

Yeah there's a guy was in a Coca-Cola commercial.

Speaker 1:

But the plastic hono band, the point of sisters, was formed in 1969, were formed and it was formed.

Speaker 3:

Hmm, let's see you missed a couple on the alphabetical list. Well right, new writers of the purple sage, yeah, hot tuna and I said a lot.

Speaker 1:

Tuna and humble pie was for dessert. Oh yeah, that's right.

Speaker 3:

I can put you in the panel. Judas, judas jump was formed in 1969.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Shana Nah was formed in 1969. Imagine that yeah.

Speaker 3:

You would be earlier, right when they played Woodstock, they were a new band.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's. That's weird, isn't it? Yeah sour cream Was formed, and then and then this is immediately afterwards sour milk C was formed in 69. Sour cream and sour milk what a combination. Supertramp was formed in 1969. Wow, yeah, yeah. Taj Mahal travelers, formed in 1960 ever in Lizzie, then in Lizzie. Then Lizzie 10, lizzie Fucking. How do you say th?

Speaker 3:

10? I've heard people in England, ireland, say 10.

Speaker 1:

We're not in England and Ireland the Terran Irish car just because you like soccer doesn't mean you have to stop talking like them, idiots 10 Lizzie rusted. Yeah, thunder clap, new. One hit wonder, yeah. One hit wonder, yeah. And what was that hit? Something near Yep. Uh, you're I, a heap was formed in 1969. War. War was formed in 1969. Great band, yeah. And what a great way to end it. What a great way then.

Speaker 3:

Zz top yeah, formed in 1969.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's see bands that disbanded the Jeff Beck group, eric Bird and the animals. They broke up. And Well, blind faith, oops, yeah, really. Not many more that really matter than 69 Flats and flattened scrugs broke up, didn't they do? The Beverly Hillbillies, I think so. Earl flurl scrugs or something. Tinkerbells, fairy dust hello Frisco. That was such a sad day. That was a man. Tinkerbells, fairy dust, bitch. Where do they start? What are you listening to? What are you listening to? Skip biffety, skip biffety. How the fuck could they break up? Wow, that sucks. It's just the grains of sand. It's. Just looking at these names is always fucking fascinating to me.

Speaker 2:

What were they?

Speaker 1:

thinking. What were they thinking?

Speaker 2:

skiff bippity, skiff biffity.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, spanky and our gang, they had some hits in the 60s. Yeah, they did they did.

Speaker 2:

I think it them confused with the mamas and poppers.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, that's about it. Let's move on the world of Oz. Let's get into some movies. Okay, yeah, it's a movies. In 1969 I Got some butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah you know, I was like five, six years old when I saw it and what really got me was I've always been into man. That was when I was 10. What got me into was being chased like that was always the whole movie. To be in chase, that was like exciting to me.

Speaker 1:

You know that movie because of the scene with Catherine Ross with the dress on with the buttons in the front that left an imprint. I always thought those are the sexiest fucking dresses. From that point on after I saw that movie that the buttons in the front of a dress, you know they run the.

Speaker 3:

You and many other men I just thought that it's to this day.

Speaker 1:

I'm fucking 60 and I see that and I'm like that's a sexy dress. Yeah yeah, my doctor Vera won't wear them though. She's too modest.

Speaker 3:

All right, mike, give me a movie. This really surprised me. I never saw it, but I didn't know. He made movies in 1969 Hercules in New York with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Hercules in New York. Yeah, it was all dubbed, it was like 10. I mean, his voice was dubbed over my son guy that sounded like this. I got to see it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's on to be, so I can watch it to be there you go.

Speaker 1:

I hate when to be so. Seven commercials in a row, though? That irritates me and they count them down and they count them down up in the corner.

Speaker 3:

Well, they'll make an hour and 15 minute movie, like two and a half hours.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, they also show like five in a row of the same commercial to yeah. Lou Give me a movie, oh, oh midnight cowboy midnight cowboy.

Speaker 2:

There you go, I'm walking here the Academy of Work for Best Picture.

Speaker 1:

I'm walking here. That was actually unplanned. Okay, it was unplanned, that's a rat stopped right in front and he slanted that. The cow wasn't supposed to do that. The love bug, I mean, how fucking great was that movie? Yeah, great, yeah great. Yeah, just, I mean great fucking entertainment. Yeah, yeah, great. And when Disney was fucking king, yeah, mark.

Speaker 3:

Continuing my James Garner. You know, love him, him, support your local sheriff. I love that movie. I was five years old. Yeah, I think that got me into him, yep.

Speaker 2:

Lou, bob and Carol and Ted Nalis. Yeah, kinky, kinky.

Speaker 3:

That movie was considered evil in my household because I think a TV show.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna go with easy rider. Yeah, yeah, great movie.

Speaker 3:

Mark, uh, true grit, how can you?

Speaker 1:

not arguably one of the greatest Westerns ever made.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think it's top 10. I I truly love two of his movies. That one and the last one he ever made the shooter, or the shoot, is it said. You know, you knew he was dying and he looked like it in the movie, but this movie was just a classic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, speaking of dying, I think my cat, simon bar sinister, one of my feral cats. I don't think he's gone. He's not been looking good the last 10 days and he's not a cat that I could catch. Yeah, like he was this true feral cat. But he came around every morning and every evening and he's been looking a little rough lately. He was here when I got here this house, and that was seven years ago.

Speaker 2:

Wow, oh wow.

Speaker 1:

But he's Just wasn't looking good. He hasn't showed up in two days. So I think, simon boss, sinister. Rest in peace, buddy as the piece. What did you say, luke? What was yours?

Speaker 2:

the computer war. Tennis shoes with Kurt Russell Kurt. Russell, he's a real hero yeah, there's like I think those are Disney pictures. Yeah, that was a Disney. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Let's see.

Speaker 2:

Russell became the action hero or the early 80s. The thing escaped from LA, escaped from New York. Yeah, yeah, we became snake Plisken. Snake Plisken, that's right great stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this movie was. This was pretty, pretty rough movie. They shoot horses, don't they? You see that movie. No, mmm, yeah, it's a good movie.

Speaker 3:

It's a good movie, yeah yeah, mark, the original version of the Italian job with Michael Cain and had a younger Benny Hill in it. Yeah, but I did like to remake with everybody Mark Wahlberg and everybody.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, patty, yossi says so sorry to hear that. Yeah, simon was a good cat. I never even touched the cat. He wouldn't let me get near him. But he would stay there, he'd listen to me, talk to him, you know, he would just kind of chill and his eyes would close. He'd like that kind of interaction. But a true feral cat you do you cannot touch. They will not let you even get near them, unlike poison ivy who lets me even pick her up. So I've kind of talked to my wife last night. I said Poison ivy, I'm gonna get her some show, I'm gonna take her and like get her shot. She's still gonna live outside and live her life, but I want to get her something to get her kind of taken care of. You're rabies, yeah, yeah, yeah, I get all that. K9, the Luke, what is it feel?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

AIDS, feline AIDS. Yeah, yeah, feel any time me, yeah, so who's turn is it? He's mine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the illustrated man with Rod Steiger, oh. I get weird movie I'd seen. He's like one of those late night movies. He guys coming in, covers himself head to toe in tattoos, but the whole original premise I don't remember, as a man whose tattoos on his body represent visions of frightening futures. It was a science fiction movie. All right, I was by Ray Bradbury.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, ah, that's. The movie came out like 10 years ago. I Remnant of something, though, with the guy Revan's no, no, no, the guy puts tattoos on him to remind him of those gum.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm talking about. I do, I do.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was a guy.

Speaker 2:

Pierce isn't him. He plays the guy in the movement.

Speaker 1:

Oh memento memento. That's right, I'm gonna watch that again. Actually, this movie came out in 69, probably. Okay, this could be the greatest story song ever told Alice's restaurant oh yeah, never saw the movie.

Speaker 2:

I never saw the movie either.

Speaker 1:

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's it's. The story is our own in it.

Speaker 3:

Huh, it's our low. Got three in.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I don't think so.

Speaker 3:

No mock One of my first favorite adventure movies a little kid, captain Nemo in the underwater, oh.

Speaker 1:

Good block, yeah, yeah, good block. That was when they made those Jules Verne movies, man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah you know they would yeah.

Speaker 1:

They were fucking good.

Speaker 3:

and then when I got a little older in the 70s, there was all the disaster movies that I loved, you know yeah, 1974.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, five of them came out that year. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lou Krakatoa, east of Java I saw that in them theaters, my father's tickets to see it, my father's tickets to see I was. I was excited. I was so excited that for that year's science project I made a paper mache volcano oh, with a blinking red light, kind of goes like this Let me see what am I coming up with.

Speaker 1:

Uh, frankenstein must be destroyed.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's great. That was on Sven Gully a few weeks ago.

Speaker 1:

I love Terence Fisher, peter Cushing, yep, frankenstein must be destroyed.

Speaker 3:

Yes, All right, mark the move. The Bond movie. With my favorite blow felled her. Majesty's secret honor, majesty's secret service.

Speaker 2:

That was the ballast.

Speaker 3:

Good one yeah, george Lozambi, the recipient of the worst career advice ever in the history of movies.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I thought, I thought he was a good bond he was.

Speaker 3:

Doing it is. Agent said you better move on.

Speaker 2:

And he and also he was accused of arrogance. He said he was extremely arrogant.

Speaker 3:

Like the movie went to his head and he's well, it was the first time they had self-effacing humor, because there was that scene in the beginning where he goes the other guy didn't lose a girl.

Speaker 2:

That was so corny you know in the beginning, yeah, yeah, didn't he get married in with Diana? Rigors in that right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well that it was redone by the Delatest bond, where a Mary's earned, she's dead like well, yeah, and the reason it was poison, poisoned her. Oh, I got shot.

Speaker 1:

No, I thought that they poisoned like they dropped something down from the top.

Speaker 3:

It was in the car and the car came up alongside him and shot her the latest one. Yeah, but now that happened in the George Lozambi one, didn't he?

Speaker 1:

he was driving and that's right, that's right. Yeah, I was thinking, I was thinking, and then when he's- crying.

Speaker 3:

Somebody pulls up and he kisses her, even though he yeah, lou.

Speaker 2:

This one got shut out of the Oscars is called the Maltese Bippy. You can't ruin a dick Martin of.

Speaker 1:

You bet your Bippy. You bet your Bippy. Yeah, fucker to me Guns of the Magnificent 7. It's, the Magnificent 7 was at the sequel. Yeah, yeah, guns of the Magnificent 7. But I think a bunch of the Magnificent 7 got killed, didn't they?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so they got cheaper actors.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Mark, a movie that I really have to watch. I only saw it briefly, but I've heard a lot is the wild bunch, sam Peckinpah. You have to rewatch it, cuz I saw it when I was really young and I ain't violent Violet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, violent movie yeah.

Speaker 2:

Lou once upon a time in the West. Ah Okay, Henry Fonda playing a bad guy.

Speaker 3:

Oh, he was good, he's always good yeah, he was so good when he kills that whole family. You know like no, not Henry Fonda, henry.

Speaker 2:

Fonda, yeah, that was a surgery. Oh, they're moving.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right. Mckenna's gold Gregory peck, teli Savales, omar Sharif I never heard of that. Yeah, mckenna's gold is a good one. You're watching. It's a good one, mark.

Speaker 3:

All right, I'm looking now. Now I'm like really stretching here. Oh, it looks like a porno movie flare-up. It's got a. Oh, it's only PG-13,.

Speaker 2:

But that's for escape for 1960.

Speaker 3:

All right, that was a waste.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, I just just you missed your side, lou. He's putting the pressure on you, lou.

Speaker 2:

Tell them Willie boy is here, rubber Blake, rubber Redford tell them Willie. It's a wet, it's a Western, okay.

Speaker 1:

Let's see, yeah, we're digging now, like getting getting to the, the Italian job, the original Italian. I said that before. Oh, you did. Yeah, well, I was ignoring you evidently Val.

Speaker 3:

I'm Siam Allen Rickman.

Speaker 2:

I know you guys remember this one the Valley of the Gwangi. No, no, no no Western fantasy with James Franciscus. Planet of the apes beneath the beneath the planet. It's a sequel, the second one yeah.

Speaker 1:

This one came out in Japan Ultraman, ultra seven, great, violent monster fight. They are the best names, don't they best titles? Ultraman was actually cool TV show. Yeah, look him up. You remember you'll never if you see him. All right, one more mark.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I did see this one on think I'm Sven Gully, the blood of Dracula's castle. There were so many Dracula movies in the 60s and they were all good yeah all good Lou, one more, dig something up the wrecking crew with Dean Martin, elki summer, nancy quant and Sharon Tate. Wow, that's the last movie she made.

Speaker 2:

That's a movie, and what's upon a time in Hollywood, we're sure to the theater.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and they let her in so they were showing the actual scenes from the movie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Then they had some wolf's tooth, dog food, okay, and a red apple cigarette right rat flavor and I'll finish it off with the wonderful world of puss in boots.

Speaker 1:

Of course you will watch those. I know I've watched those are good kids movies, those are, those are good kids movie.

Speaker 3:

I mean, can I watch? Put some boots.

Speaker 1:

Did we? Are we doing the albums? Did we do albums yet?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We can. Yeah, yeah, let's go to albums.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I Know what Lou's gonna say right off the bat you do. Oh, yeah, I'll do the first one.

Speaker 2:

Sure go for it, the band second album, the brown record, the band Americana classic, maybe even start of the genre. That's when I recommended to your friend when he did his road trip in the south.

Speaker 1:

Ah, okay, it's alright. Let me see, I Lost my spot. Go, mark you go.

Speaker 3:

Okay, let it bleed. The Rolling Stones. That was the first of. From that through, it's only rock and roll. Those albums are all perfect to me. Yeah, even though Mick, mick, what's the same? Brian Jones is listed as playing maracas on one song on that album.

Speaker 1:

So I'm not their best album, kind of panned as a. It's kind of a sellout album, I guess yellow submarine.

Speaker 3:

Came out that late wasn't really taken seriously yes.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was 68, but no Bulldog on it. It's got some great cuts on it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, came out January 13th, as a matter of fact, 1960, so at the beginning of 69. So that's probably why he thought it was 68. Ah, lou.

Speaker 2:

Let's see creams less studio album Goodbye. Wow, not their best studio, I mean that's some live cuts on it. Yeah, right for studio songs. And bad badge was the the hit format yeah.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 3:

Lou I mean Mark an album that Perry introduced me to that opened my world up to a whole new kind of music. Nick Drake five leaves left is fantastic album. That was when we used to do on our show. We used to do album reviews. Perry recommended it and boy Scott, if you haven't heard it, listen to it.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 2:

All right.

Speaker 1:

The MC5 came out with kick out the gems. That was about their peak. Yeah, I've heard the song kick out the gems. It's okay. They get a lot of like praise for that. It's like, oh, what a great song. That's okay. It's it's okay. I mean MC5, they made their mark. Not a bad riff, yeah, no, they made their mark.

Speaker 2:

But that's a blue, that was a bluer so cold concert staple they did, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Oh, they did. But they would say brothers and sisters, not motherfuckers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, right, right, they did it better, lou. The first album by the flying burrito brothers, the gilded palace of sin country, rock pioneers, very important album for that whole genre.

Speaker 1:

Ah Okay.

Speaker 3:

My money for me uncle meet from Frank Zappa. I can't go wrong with uncle meat.

Speaker 1:

The family, family entertainment. I was, I got family in there I was. It was about the end of it, right there. That's about the end of it.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Lou the Bob Seeger system. Rambling gambler man. Hmm, great song. Okay, does it that?

Speaker 3:

has the song rambling man right. How they got that drum sound right when I come in. It's so compressed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you can hear Glenn Fry singing on the chorus.

Speaker 3:

Oh okay, everybody knows this is nowhere. By Neil Young Right. That's just one of my favorites. Is great album cover too.

Speaker 1:

This is an ultra classic album. Frank Sinatra, my way yeah 69 yeah, man yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, lou vanilla fudge near the beginning. Yeah, yep.

Speaker 3:

Mark Hold on David Bowie's debut album, which I did never really listen to, not debut, it was 1969 and I recently heard it and it's better than I ever gave it credit for. I just thought it would suck, but it's good.

Speaker 1:

Ah, let me see the guess. Who wheat filled soul with their big hit these eyes, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Big hit. That yeah, oh yeah, big hit, they were good, they were good.

Speaker 1:

They were good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Lou, the first album from Genesis, from Genesis to Revelation, before Phil Collins. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

All right, mark, give me an album, let's go.

Speaker 3:

Leonard Cohen songs from a room. My son introduced me to it and it's embarrassing because I should have listened to it before he introduced me to it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, All right, the Velvet Underground's debut album. Velvet underground hey, it was a breakthrough album. It was I know that you can't, you can't deny it, you know. You just don't have to listen to it.

Speaker 2:

Exactly you can't deny it. Yeah, oh yeah. They're very influential, important.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Dusty Springfield, dusty in Memphis, with the in. Memphis ever preacher man, yeah, no wind, she was amazing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she certainly was yeah.

Speaker 3:

How could we forget? Christy Sills and Nash debut came out. All right, oh I found a good one.

Speaker 1:

I got a good one too Johnny Winters debut album. Johnny Winther don't put the spotlight on me.

Speaker 2:

Give me some cheap sunglasses. Don't it make my pink eyes blue?

Speaker 1:

One blind albino.

Speaker 2:

One blind albino see how you run.

Speaker 3:

This has been some show. I'll tell you wow.

Speaker 2:

Sunshine in my shoulders.

Speaker 1:

I wear my sunglasses all day and all night. I she's got Johnny winter.

Speaker 2:

I, it's Lou Blank Campbell, galveston. What was? On that, oh, galveston, that's the biggest. Galveston. That's like his third less known hit there's um that's a great which are taught lineman general on my mind. But how do I get the Phoenix and Galveston? Is that same period? Jimmy Web song, I'm sure. Right, galveston, he's. That's a great vocal man for him, by the way. Yeah, galveston.

Speaker 3:

Mark Green's Clearwater revival, green River. That's my favorite album cover there, lookin Woods, you know yeah, green killer. He's got that acoustic, that nice acoustic.

Speaker 1:

Ah, let me see the Isley Brothers. It's our thing with the hit, it's your thing. Do what you want.

Speaker 2:

I can't tell you what you're gonna do are the Isle's in the Hall of Fame? That's a good question. I'm sure they are. Yeah, well, mark's gonna check it out for us, if not? I mean that bends. They went from the early 60s all the way up through the 80s and 90s. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's Lou Bob Dylan, Nashville skyline. Yeah, it's a great album, but 20 minutes long, mm-hmm. Yeah, it's a great album.

Speaker 3:

Mark Captain B fart trout mask replica never got into them. Hi, yeah, like. And in 1997, no, they were inducted into Hollywood's Rockwalk. Hmm, oh yeah 1992 they were inducted into Rockin Roll Hall.

Speaker 2:

You know the beef hearts only hit is what's that Did it? Why did it? That's kind of those Captain.

Speaker 3:

B fart.

Speaker 2:

I was like the stand-outs, like the guys that did dirty water yeah, I thought it was them, but I was captain beaver.

Speaker 3:

He made a stab at commercial but his idea.

Speaker 1:

Who went? Mark, was that you? Yeah, I already, I did my. Johnny Mitchell came out with clouds Right had a Chelsea morning. Hmm, oh God, it was a Chelsea morning. She was cute when she was younger.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lou the young Bloods elephant mountain. What if I had the hit? Come on people now. I Don't think so. It did not, it did not know it didn't no so it's probably 70, maybe.

Speaker 1:

Probably yeah, mark.

Speaker 3:

King crimson in the court of the crimson King, yeah, classic Prague, classic Prague, yeah yeah.

Speaker 1:

Uh, who came out with Tommy 69. Oh yeah, yeah. Tommy.

Speaker 2:

Lou, I do you mention John Lennon and your corona? Unfinished music number two life with the Lions. We're busy, busy, busy.

Speaker 3:

Mark, pink Floyd, umma-guma very weird album. One album was live, one album was studio, but it had things like oh shit, music in other words. It was okay. It was it was fine in their way after Sid Barrett.

Speaker 1:

Now I was garbage.

Speaker 3:

I disagree with you.

Speaker 1:

All right, well, anyway.

Speaker 3:

I disagree to.

Speaker 1:

Scott cross we still. Nash came out. The debut album cross we still in that I said that no, you didn't.

Speaker 3:

I did, oh, I shouted it out, I went out of turn.

Speaker 1:

That's why yeah, so I take credit for that. Thank you very much. Move on, move on, sir.

Speaker 2:

Nothing to see ya, lou the band spiral staircase, the album more today than yesterday, which is also the big hit, they had okay.

Speaker 3:

Mark the doors soft parade it contained.

Speaker 2:

Touch me Was all right, see me, feel me.

Speaker 1:

Ah, my friend Leanna Brennan. All the way from over across the pond. She's a soccer fan right where she live. I Forget where she lives England, leanna. What part of England do you live in she's?

Speaker 3:

told me before this could be dangerous, because she knows who I like.

Speaker 1:

Compare them to now. It's stunning how much music was made cultural revolution today. Ai.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Liverpool Jersey to be seen, so I may have an enemy. You know Liverpool. Turn on sorry.

Speaker 1:

Let me see sly in the family stone came out with stand in 69. We said that earlier.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, in one place where you yeah, leeds. Ah, live at Leeds. I believe it, yes, and Leeds have a team, a historic team. Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, leanna mark, for some strange reason, is the rare American that actually likes Saka not rare, it's huge as you people call it, football footy, footy, yeah, footy, yeah. Show you Jersey in the back. That doesn't. It's not an Ironman. What and who's your team mark Liverpool, liverpool.

Speaker 3:

And I'm not a fair weather fan. I was a fan years ago, so yeah, she's Leeds United.

Speaker 1:

You tell him.

Speaker 3:

Leanna good, oh well, I have a lot of respect for Leeds. We watch them on when we can you have no fun.

Speaker 1:

You're supposed to argue with her.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I like, I like football. No, you're supposed to, just supposed to not like each other.

Speaker 3:

City. I hate city. They're like the Yankees. They just win it all. They got all the money. They buy every player. I thought me and. Chesty, you was the big team over there anymore. They've really fallen off, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, leeds United fan. Yeah, leeds. Yeah, yeah, fan. Now I'm gonna have to buy at Jersey do it, scott, follow them.

Speaker 3:

You can get the games on ESPN plus.

Speaker 1:

Anything for ESPN. I don't give them my money.

Speaker 3:

I work through, because it's how I watch footy, you know yeah, okay, back to the show.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, who's? I'll start again. James Brown getting down to it. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Oh, she knows the song you'll never walk alone.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, look at you. Saka hooligans getting along. I have this image of you, saka hooligans. I do like complaining and fighting. This is the. This is what they tell us in America. You people beat up each other and you Storm other people, cities and like with fucking torches, like you're going to Frankenstein's castle on the way to the fucking game.

Speaker 3:

I'll tell you, I'll fight, and there's something about European soccer that I like that they don't do in America. You're in the top league, which would be the equivalent of major league baseball.

Speaker 3:

He said you're in, but the bottom three teams get relegated Every year. So imagine the Mets coming in last and getting relegated to a lower league. So it keeps them like. We got to work at this, we got to try, and you know so my son's team he's a swan see fan they got relegated. He was in a funk for two months. It sucks, you know.

Speaker 1:

I gotta say Dave Phillips, king of the 45s, had the bail early. All right, buddy, thanks for hanging in.

Speaker 3:

All right, I'm leaving.

Speaker 1:

I'm leaving. It's true, the British, a terrible football hooligans. Yes, what about the Irish? Aren't they terrible?

Speaker 3:

hooligans. They don't go anywhere with their soccer program.

Speaker 2:

No, we're the best soccer hooligans.

Speaker 1:

English. I guess the soccer hooligans right, I was best.

Speaker 3:

She says terrible yeah, I mean you.

Speaker 1:

Terrible meaning the best, the only Hooligan is the question right you show up to gain a fight, you know yeah. Yeah, well so, and Leanna, how's my house, how's my nephew, uncle King's nephew, doing? Tell him I said hello. How do you play songs on the show? No, we don't because I don't have the rights and you too. We'll pull the pill, pull it down. And then Facebook is. It's about the podcast anyways, and I don't trust that Spotify or whatever doesn't Knock you for it. So well, I try to avoid it.

Speaker 3:

She said you never walk alone. What it meant to say to you guys is to hear a stadium of 60,000 people singing. You'll never walk alone and we'll give you goosebumps. It will. It's kind of Jerry and a pacemaker song. You've heard it right. It's kind of gay. Oh, it's not gay.

Speaker 1:

You're gay.

Speaker 2:

You're gay You're Mr.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Head and Sturdom. That's kind of gay. You know I bought this because they tried to cancel. The left tried to kill. I'm not lying.

Speaker 3:

I'm on the left. I didn't try to cancel.

Speaker 2:

No, but your people did what? Why they want to cancel this?

Speaker 1:

is because they wanted to be Mrs Potato Head. They wanted to be a Non-conform, non-gender.

Speaker 3:

There was a Mrs Potato Head in Toy Story.

Speaker 1:

they wanted to do because they tried to change Mr Potato Head. They tried to do look it up.

Speaker 2:

It's a whole thing. What about Oscar the orange and Kiki the cucumber was gonna go on there.

Speaker 1:

No, no, they weren't famous enough, so all right, let's do a couple more. Oh, I see, 2 am Over there. I need a bedtime song, let's see.

Speaker 2:

We go All right that's it I want.

Speaker 1:

Let's see. Let's see what I got for a bedtime song for.

Speaker 3:

Let's go with this piano man from Billy Joel. How about this?

Speaker 1:

one yeah little arrow, Smith will put you to bed.

Speaker 2:

Look at the little kids.

Speaker 3:

That was loud. That was loud.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is gonna get me shut down on YouTube.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you turn it off. Turn it off, come on, this has been a good show. Oh wait, no, if this show is not allowed, that would be good, because you're pretty bad this show wasn't the show we're supposed to be.

Speaker 1:

Let's get some some last three albums, each mock name. Fine three, fine three.

Speaker 3:

Johnny Cash at San Quentin Okay.

Speaker 2:

Lou the fifth dimension in the age of Aquarius.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's right, that's right, the Jeff Beck group back. Oh yeah, beta male band, is that yacht rock?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I'm talking, yacht rock all day.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Throw out the beta Mark the Beach Boys 2020. Okay, all right.

Speaker 2:

Lou the Hollies the Holly sing Bob Dylan.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, deep purples.

Speaker 3:

Debut album deep purple it had a version of help on it. That was very good yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Mock another credence they were pumping them out, willie and the poor boys.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they did right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, lou second album by three dog nights suitable for framing, with the songs easy to be hard. Eli's coming and celebrate, oh Good one.

Speaker 1:

The Stooges debut album, the Stooges, the innocence, adam's apple. That song made me want to go to the pub, not sleep. She's a good girl. I love me. She's a good girl, girl. Well, sleep well, my friend sleep well. Tell my nephew I said hello.

Speaker 3:

She sounds like my niece in Ireland. My niece moved to Ireland like over 10 years ago. She just stays on American time. She's up all night. She'll talk, she'll call me at like nine o'clock and I'll be like what time is it there? She got 2 am you know. All right, one more album mark. Okay, did somebody say yes's debut no?

Speaker 2:

okay, yes, all right Lou the grateful good oxy moxie watch a much, a much a watch that good album.

Speaker 3:

How do you pronounce that? Had some good James on it biscuits wait.

Speaker 2:

Hey, I still mock, so what?

Speaker 3:

something like that. I can't say it either.

Speaker 2:

I don't wanna appear.

Speaker 1:

Hi I was gonna be you. Oh, let's see, let's go. One more, I'll give a kiss from. That's right. There you go. And one Led Zeppelin two came out 69. There you go, there you go. Oh, you know what time it is. Take you make the call you make the call, whatever.

Speaker 3:

Let me see.

Speaker 2:

You make the phone.

Speaker 3:

Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.

Speaker 1:

Yeah all right, there we go. Let's get through this. Let's get through this. It's great to be the king, that's right, kevin, cook them. You make the call Lou. Horror edition. Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th Friday the 13th Really. Okay, mark.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I worshiped the altar of Freddie Krueger, but Friday the 13th is definitely a Jersey thing. Anyone from Jersey Because that was filmed in Sussex County Can't say that after three winds, sussex County and I was where that was filmed, so I gotta go with that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was made in Suck Dicks County.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Suck Dicks County.

Speaker 2:

That's where that was made You're on fire.

Speaker 1:

Jersey. Baby Number one Suck Dicks County, Friday the 13th yeah, suck Dicks, number one.

Speaker 2:

That's where the Jersey hillbillies.

Speaker 3:

Are you picking on New Jersey?

Speaker 1:

Of course I am Okay go fuck yourself.

Speaker 3:

I don't pick on Boston, I'm gonna. You can't. You're from Jersey. You can't pick on a superior city.

Speaker 1:

You just can't. Yeah, Boston is superior. You can't pick on a superior city.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you just can't, you can't. Yeah, Boston is superior to any city in New Jersey. I'm sorry, I gotta admit that.

Speaker 2:

There's a pound to the better. What do we have? We have Trenton, we have Camden.

Speaker 1:

You got about 12 different odors.

Speaker 2:

Newark, Jersey City 12 different odors.

Speaker 1:

Odors. Wasn't Boston so nice?

Speaker 2:

Wasn't Boston, the city so nice, had a flush of twice oh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, way back in the day, though, way back in the day, I'm gonna go with Fried. I'm gonna go with Nightmare on Elm Street because I think it was a. It was a more intense story. It was bizarre. When you first saw it. It wasn't like anything that you'd ever seen before. You know, slasher, jason, good movie, good movie. But I gotta go with the intensity and the just Sorry had to do it. Yeah, okay, all right, lou, you make the call. All right, mark, you make the call. Oh okay, running man. This is Arnold version. Running man or Total Recall.

Speaker 3:

Running man just destroyed the book because it was a great short story. Running Total Recall I loved it. Cheesy special effects Paul Farahovne did a great job, and at the end, when Arnold's eyes are popping out, ah ah, that was freaking phenomenal. So definitely Total Recall. Oh and, and what did he say when he was looking like the lady and he is just voice, starts to give? I forget that. That quote he was saying over and over. And then the whole costume opens up and he comes out.

Speaker 1:

That's right, yeah, classic movie, yeah, lou.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I saw Total Recall, but I did see Running man. I actually really liked Running man, so it's got my. It was a good movie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the different characters in Running man. You know what I mean. I think that added to it Just the bizarre. Like the fucking wasn't there like a fat goalie or something in there. He was on skates. You know hockey, right, it was one of those fucking things you had to run a gauntlet right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I saw it once, but I did thought it wasn't a big action guy back then. But when I saw that I thought it was pretty good. I thought Richard Dawson yeah.

Speaker 1:

He got set up.

Speaker 2:

But Richard Dawson doing the spoof on himself as the game show.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and he got set up from the beginning, right.

Speaker 3:

But Total Recall had Maria Conchita Alonso.

Speaker 1:

Alonso yeah, all right, mark, you make the call.

Speaker 3:

Oh wait, no, it's loose turn.

Speaker 1:

Lou turn, lou turn. You make the call. Lou, Texas, chainsaw massacre, or the Hills have eyes Both great midnight movies.

Speaker 2:

I've seen Texas change the massacre. I've not seen the Hills of Oz that I remember. So Texas chainsaw massacre, which that was a drive-in movie. I saw that that was this. These were like midnight. I didn't eat ribs forever, I think, until I moved to North Carolina any kind of barbecue, anything, I just turned off.

Speaker 3:

It worked, mark Classic drive-in movie Texas chainsaw was like a disgusting movie with lots of gore, which I found cool, but the Hills of Oz was disturbing and I like disturbing and dark.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, Hills of Oz is kind of a weird fucking movie. Yeah, dude, I forget his name with the bald head.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, who was in it?

Speaker 1:

I can't remember. He's a character actor. The guy always plays these weird fucking. He's got the bug eyes. He's got the distorted bald head Was it double Dude. It looks like the lead singer from fucking from midnight oil.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And he was in one of the.

Speaker 3:

Rob Zombie movies.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he was in a chicken fucker. He was a chicken fucker. He was in the devil's rejects. That's what they call him, chicken fucker. Don't call me a chicken fucker and just like many of these actors.

Speaker 3:

If you see him interviewed the nicest guy in the world.

Speaker 1:

Really cool, totally different voice.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah. Nice guy I'm going to have to go with.

Speaker 2:

Why is it called a horror western? What, what, which one? The Hills of Oz. The Hills of Oz in 2006, or is that?

Speaker 3:

an older one. 1977 was when the 76 was the remake yeah, you know watch remakes not when you have an original like that.

Speaker 1:

Remake it. Yeah, did you guys just go to midnight movies on the weekends, like you get fucking trashed and like this, not even not Rocky Horror, but like there would be this particular movie theater that we lived? It was probably like a half hour from where we lived in this town and they'd always play Saturday night midnight movies by me. Gates of Hell.

Speaker 3:

The Hills have Eyes and see, I didn't have that by us. It was chaos. Some theaters just only showed Rocky Horror, and then we had Westwood Theater, a Pascal Theater, lou, they would show for a couple of years they showed song remains the same every Saturday, but they didn't show anything different.

Speaker 1:

You know, yeah, that's what these. I remember this one. I think it was actually probably like the Hills have Eyes, no devil, the Hell's Gates, or something like this. And this dude gets up and fucking goes to the. You know, you get the, the, the exits on each side of the screen, yeah, right. And you hear this dude just gets up and he yells this fucking movie sucks. And he goes out through the curtain and you hear. You hear the door open right and everybody's cracking up laughing. Literally like five minutes later, fucking smoke starts billowing out of that fucking behind the curtains. Black fucking smoke just starts coming out of fucking doorway into the theater. The dude had lit a tire on fire and fucking rolled it down the stairs. What asshole, the fucking toilet you want to? It was literally someone yelling fire in a movie theater.

Speaker 2:

Oh man.

Speaker 1:

Dude, we were fucking climbing over the fucking chairs.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Against the back Fire. It was fucking chaos, that's that's wrong. Yeah, fire, I mean this thing. He must have poured gasoline on this thing because it was burning hard right from the beginning, could kill people. He didn't give a fuck cause the movie sucked and we agreed with him. Actually, he was like okay, let's go get a fucking roast beef sandwich. It's one 30, one o'clock.

Speaker 2:

So the actor that was in the Hills of Oz is Michael Berryman. He was in one full of the Cougars nest.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, he said that he's the big guy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. His condition is that he has the absence of sweat glands, hair and fingernails. He has no fingernails.

Speaker 1:

Well, he made a little bit of a living in Hollywood, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he was like Google juice.

Speaker 1:

You know, box Smith was formed in 1969. Oh, oh, oh, oh Shit.

Speaker 3:

And to add to the mystery, I was formed 10 years after my last band was the band, last band of my family was formed.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's move on. Let's move on. Makeup, makeup. Ah, who's up? Mark you Lou, I am, I am All right, here we go. We're not doing remakes, we're talking originals here. Ok, you make the call Westworld with Yule Brenner, mm-hmm, or Rollerball with James Cahn, oh oh yeah, that's a tough one. That's a tough one, right, that's a tough one.

Speaker 3:

You know Westworld, when I was a little kid, the scene of the face coming off it scared the shit out of me. That scared me. Yeah, uh. I think it was a simpler story for a young man like me. So I'm going to go with Rollerball only because it was easy to follow and James Cahn was one of my feedbackers Johnathan. Johnathan yeah. And I remember saying hey, they'll never have a sport like that. We got it now, yeah.

Speaker 1:

The guy yells Johnathan.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the owner you know what that movie came out around the same time as um, uh, what's? The one where everybody died at 33 years old and he's Logan's Run. That was around that same time, the futuristic different society.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, yeah, 70s were great for that.

Speaker 3:

And the guy from Paper Chase was in um.

Speaker 2:

John Hasman. Yeah, john Hasman. Yeah, remember he said the things hanging, he was the corporate. Yeah, yeah, he was good with that stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Remember those things hanging and he's like jing, jing, jing, walking through that stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, All right, lou Westworld or Rollerball.

Speaker 2:

That is so tough, yeah, but I'm going to go with Rollerball because I come from a roller skating family. Oh yeah, in the 70s we had, you know, we had. We had two roller skating rinks and one time my parents were on vacation, my older brother, we played rollerball in our roller. Right After ours we had two mini bikes on the floor, nice, and we had I got so destroyed, I was probably 12. What was that movie came out. It's 75, 76?.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't think that way. Yeah Well, 75. Yeah, 75. Yeah, I was about 13.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, anyway, it was. It was fun, but I mean the whole. Yeah, there was a theme behind it and the both had themes, but Rollerball had a very international and corporate theme to it, but violent though, yeah, and you came out. You came out of the theater hating the Japanese, didn't you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

They came in with a yeah, yeah, you have that they came with a kamikaze.

Speaker 2:

That was a good shot.

Speaker 1:

That was a fucking good shot. They're all and then they just go and they go down the side like down the slope. Yeah, yeah, and that was a good that was some good cinematography there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh yeah. Who did that movie? It was a pretty serious director, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

By the way, I should hate you, Lou, for the simple reason that my school my elementary school used your roller rink for the eighth graders every year, so when I got to eighth grade, right, it was our final thing we would go. I couldn't roller skate. I tried.

Speaker 2:

I split my pants in front of everybody, you split his pants. There you go.

Speaker 3:

I just never recovered from that Fell down. I got up and everyone's like dude, your pants are split. I'm like what?

Speaker 1:

Shit, that's great. Can I answer the fucking question? Can I, can I, can I answer this.

Speaker 3:

You know I'm not going to tell any more stories.

Speaker 1:

It worked, Lou it worked.

Speaker 3:

You're douche, scott, you're douche, you're douche, you're douche. You didn't do your fiduciary fucking things.

Speaker 1:

Is this a Steve?

Speaker 3:

douche show.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to go with Westworld. I just think Westworld had more action. It was just more. Hey, listen, I love rollerball. Do not get me wrong here. Like you can't, it's, that's a tough call. But I got to go. Westworld, just the concept of it, and it was more of a story. It was, it was, it was just a more of a twist in the plot. Yeah, then rollerball. Rollerball was just a good action movie, but then when you'll Brenna starts chasing these motherfuckers and they go through like Roman world.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and they start going through all these different world and those robots start killing people.

Speaker 2:

And then HBO decided to do a movie the medieval world.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, then HBO decided to do a series. I actually liked that because it was a blessed out. Well, girl bosses, girl bosses. Season two what I'm not lying, fucking. Season two is run by all, all the girl, all the women.

Speaker 3:

Like what made the original good. I think it was like influenced by I robot, in that people started to think about like he's going to be robots one day. How will they react? It's very forward thinking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there was a seagull. They didn't do a second future world or something, there was a sequel.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was. It was a future it was a future.

Speaker 2:

I don't recall much. I don't know if I saw it.

Speaker 1:

All right, who's up? Mark, no, lou Lou. All right, lou the thing.

Speaker 2:

The 82 one or the all originals. Fuck these remakes.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no no.

Speaker 2:

No, the original was in the 50s with James Arnes. The thing that you had, the one with Kurt Russell as a remake.

Speaker 3:

Oh, is it? Yeah, yeah, I've got to go into her Russell.

Speaker 1:

I didn't see the yeah, we're going to the Russell. Ok, I mean, yeah, the thing, or the mist, the thing.

Speaker 3:

Mark, definitely the thing. The, the, the, the mist is a great story, but again they fucked up Stephen King's book. Yeah, the thing had great spectral effects.

Speaker 2:

Fucking. Those effects are still kind of pretty effective.

Speaker 1:

The fucking ending of the mist Kills his family.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's true, you're right.

Speaker 1:

That's fucked up.

Speaker 3:

But what was fucked up about that was a twist like that was like the one bullet.

Speaker 1:

Like it was a shell case.

Speaker 3:

Like but the thing, what was cool about that thing was good. It was good it were on planet earth, but they're up in the Arctic, which me, I think it was just the same as being on Mars.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I gotta go with the thing. I'll go with the thing also. Did you see the remake? Remake of the thing.

Speaker 1:

No, I won't. I can't watch anything other than the current Russell yeah.

Speaker 2:

I still. I started watching, I heard some good about it, but like half hour and like fuck this. Yeah, nothing's good today.

Speaker 1:

Nothing's good.

Speaker 3:

Wasn't even scary hands down. I think the worst remake ever was the night Maranel Street. I got 15 minutes into it. No humor like Freddy Krueger was just nasty.

Speaker 1:

But you didn't even look like a good Freddy Krueger. They did it never match, why they even tried. Well yeah, they're just lazy, just lazy.

Speaker 3:

It was cheap for the studio.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they lost money, I'm pretty sure.

Speaker 3:

well, maybe they did not know 90s, I think, or two thousand no no, they came on the two thousands, two thousands.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, mark, predator or terminator, predator or terminator.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna go. A predator, that was a scary fucking concept and it launched a lot like it was well, alien launch, actually predator. But yeah, predator you are ugly motherfucker blue.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, go predator. I think so I.

Speaker 1:

Love the fucking, the dark sci-fi effects in Terminator like the, the, the, the music in the, in just the gritty Kind of way it was filmed that was scary shit when the when it was coming after her as a robot, when all the skin came off. There's nothing, it ever nothing had been like predator either, but I just think that the Terminator was just Just the way it was done. He fucking ends up and then he fucking just beats the bike, is up, takes the clothes, takes the clothes, takes the motorcycle.

Speaker 2:

And then, and, and and yeah, he ends up a degenerate gamble around the sopranos.

Speaker 3:

Could we get alien and predator versus the terminator? That would be a great movie alien versus predator versus terminator. Yeah, alien and predator, they join forces to fight.

Speaker 1:

Oh, they would destroy a terminator.

Speaker 3:

I well, maybe Because they're flesh and blood, but determinators. He's a robot.

Speaker 1:

So, all right, mark eighties, eighties, video drone or Scanners.

Speaker 3:

Did you see those movies? I did and I don't have good memory of them, but I'm gonna go a video drone because it flipped me out. Is that the one with the guy's head blue?

Speaker 2:

Oh no, that's scanners was Debbie harry and video drum yeah.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm gonna go with scanners. That freaked me out.

Speaker 1:

I saw the drum is the people watching TV and it's not a control in their minds. Okay. I started okay scanners, with people that had this ability to fucking, like, really fuck you up with their, with their brains, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I got because I had the old. My dad got HBO. I'm a 13, 14 year old. I'm in my room watching movies and the head blow heads blowing up freaked me out. It just freaked me out. You know why? Because the first time I saw someone kind of had a head blow up was when I watched Lou what was the movie where they were playing Russia. We let, we were talking about your.

Speaker 3:

I saw dear hunter and I'm sitting there watching it and the guy shoots himself in the head. I went, oh, like it freaked me out you know, so then, a couple a year later, I see that movie with the head yeah, so I'll go with that. It was very disturbing, very disturbing.

Speaker 2:

Lou, did you see them?

Speaker 1:

I saw scanners, okay, yeah all right, I thought video drum be a little obscure, but I they're kind of relatively the same.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, memory.

Speaker 1:

I'll go a video drum, just cuz Deborah Harry was in it. Yeah, all right, lou Lou. Invasion of the body snatchers or the fly.

Speaker 3:

Which invasion, which year?

Speaker 1:

the original from the both remakes, the, the, the, the. The best one with what's his name, jeff's. So Donald, donald, donald. At the end of the movie he sees her in the street. Yep, yep, invasion of the body snatchers. Or the fly with the Jeff Goldblum, but that was the best version.

Speaker 2:

I have more memories of the fly. I the I'm gonna say the fly because that was one of the first hard gross out movie I think I saw of that time right, and this is whole can pull his ear off. He vomits on the guy's hand and the hand just melts and stuff like it. We had some great lines in there. All right, the politics of insects.

Speaker 3:

It's a good guy for the role. I got to go with the fly only because I the 70s remake of Vasion. It was good, but nothing beats the original to me because it was a Cold War epic, you know. It fit with the times Right. So the original invasion to me was just awesome. So I got to go with the fly because, like Lou said, that was one of the first gross out movies with those weird.

Speaker 2:

Well, that was a remake to yeah, yeah, and I didn't like the original version.

Speaker 3:

I thought it was kind of Vincent Price.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. And he's that little fly at the end.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, like Rick O'Kasey in that video that's right.

Speaker 1:

That's right, thank.

Speaker 2:

Remember this, was it the fly to her son of fly. Oh, there was on those there was, on those after-school movies like with Hush-Hush, sweet Charlotte and baby Jane you see all that stuff, yeah, those movies. How about a you pick, you had you call between those two movies.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Sweet baby Jane was gay, was creepy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, so weird. So who's afraid of?

Speaker 2:

baby Jane. Yeah, that's it.

Speaker 1:

And hush-hush sweet Charlotte, yeah but whatever happened to baby Jane, that's what it is. Yeah yeah, those two hated each other too. That's right. Yeah, joe Crawford and Betty Davis hated each other.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'll go with the Donald Sutherland invasion of the body size just because of the twist at the end. Yeah, man, just. But you know you're like, oh, and he, the whole fucking movie he was on it, he was on it and they fucking you think it's over. Yeah, that's just walking down the streets. He sees him and he that's a classic Fucking pan out and his eyes rolled like in his head, tilts back and he just points and makes the noise.

Speaker 3:

And you're feeling. Your feeling is when you see that society is done, the earth is done, like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like you know, it's all over. Yeah, can't beat it. All right, Mark. Yeah alien or Aliens. Second one this is one of those rare Two in one were both fucking really good movies they were.

Speaker 3:

I mean, aliens was a good action movie. James Cameron Did a great job with it. Leave her alone, you bitch, is a classic line that last fucking 15 minutes was just.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was but the original, the shock value of first of all. It was the first, I think, horror science fiction movie like it can happen in space. And who can say that? That the chest popping scene, I mean that was that was classic, I mean nobody's. Yeah, I still remember the first time I saw it and I and it was in the 80s, you know like when it got on HBO and I freaked me out, I couldn't, I had a problem where I would get very anxious with certain things. But yeah, I gotta go with the original. That was the best.

Speaker 2:

Lou, I'll go with the first one, but not by a whole lot but, I, think just in the initial impact of it and this I mean, like the last day, the last 15 minutes of aliens is intense. It's fucking really is. But a whole lot of the first one is intense, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Oh, when they're self-destructing the ship and she's got to get off. Yeah, yeah, I saw that right out of high school in theaters and that was just like and when she's in a little capsule on the say aliens on board, you're like oh shit, you know getting that outfit, get in the outfit, you know and I gotta go with any movie that has the the tagline in Space, no one can hear you scream.

Speaker 1:

I mean, that's one of the greatest tagline the history of movies. In space, no one can hear you scream how fucking creepy is that. Yeah, yeah, fucking creepy is that.

Speaker 2:

All right, last one. So aliens was directed by Ridley Scott, I think. The second one yeah, he didn't do the oh no Aliens was James Cameron.

Speaker 3:

Ridley Scott did the first, he did the first and that's her, that's and, and and I did like Prometheus, because it was a prequel, and they go to that planet, were in alien, I think.

Speaker 1:

I beat up in the fucking critics. They buy they.

Speaker 2:

I started.

Speaker 1:

That was the first I max like super I max and Fort Lauderdale. They got one at six stories high, oh yeah, and that's like literally like 280 speakers in the theater. You are like in a Roman fucking Coliseum.

Speaker 3:

Well, and that was amazing watching it on that when the ship crashed, you knew right away Holy shit, that's alien, that's the first alien, like when she gets out. And then you know, you knew that that that was what they discovered, you know, yeah, it shouldn't have been trashed. I loved it, yeah.

Speaker 1:

All right, last one, uh Lou Lou, dawn of the dead or Night of the living dead.

Speaker 2:

First one night of living dead. Night of the living dead. The original black one. Yeah, I saw that too young. I should not have been allowed in that movie theater so young with my brother and that just fucked me up.

Speaker 3:

It's like drinking when you're too young, right?

Speaker 2:

I'm sure I was better with drinking than seeing this movie. That was just yeah. Yeah, that was mark, very, very intense. I mean, don't the dead's great too, but it has comedy in it. There was no comedy and I'm living dead.

Speaker 3:

All right, dawn of the dead was in the mall, right, yeah, okay, so I Want to go with night of living dead because it was iconic, it was the first one of his kind. But dawn of the dead had so many social commentaries like they're in a mall, you know and it killed me. When didn't the guy have to kill his father, or the father had to kill the son, or something. It brought like heartache into it, like people had to, like my, my family members, becoming a zombie. I got to kill him. Yeah, no stuff like that. So it for me at my age, when dawn of the dead came out, I say I got to go with that and a remake with thing Rames really wasn't that bad. I like it was it, it wasn't no, they're coming to get you.

Speaker 1:

Barbara that motherfucker. That motherfucker walking in the background, fucking brilliant. Yeah, you see him in the distance, just fucking walking like.

Speaker 2:

I can like.

Speaker 1:

God's kind of weird. But you know, okay, and then fucking guy creeping up, creeping up, getting closer, and then that whole car thing and she can't get the car. I mean that was intense, yeah. And then the twist at the end, the guy makes it through the whole fucking night. Yeah, and that's that. One shot to the head, that's it.

Speaker 2:

Never says we're shooting right between the eyes.

Speaker 1:

Good shot three in there was a little humor in there. When the Newspotters interview and the guy he goes, all you gotta do is whack him in the head.

Speaker 2:

That's right. Yeah, it was a little humor.

Speaker 1:

Redneck dude, all you gotta do is whack him in the head.

Speaker 2:

You know what freak. All the other scenes in the house, with the people in the basement and the daughter, and then you see the brother. Yeah, that's right, johnny. You see Johnny fucking in the glove.

Speaker 1:

I'm fucking driving love comes through the fucking the door with the other ones.

Speaker 2:

Right, so he's in the beginning. Actually he fights in the old man, the old zombie guy. Kill the zombie guy, gets him. Yeah, now the old zombie guy picked up a rock. Yeah, so he was like early caveman showing how to use tools, right.

Speaker 1:

Right, that's a good point.

Speaker 2:

That's good I didn't see much of that. Usually they're just, you know, crashing through whatever. I'm right, you have a department when the end, that when the truck blows up the pickup truck, and yeah all the pull all the guts out of it. There was, yeah, that was way too intense.

Speaker 1:

Although I do like Don and I did like the. Ram's version. I liked it too. Thing Ram's was really good in a heat, good, it was good. When they're on the roof and they're yelling across to each other and oh, Wait, oh wait, that was the way, that was the one.

Speaker 2:

when they're shooting the, the zombies look like celebrities. Yeah, okay, that would be one of the names, yeah, but, but right but you see it to start, start to slowly decline.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the morale starts to get a little testy and, you know, the fun is not there and they'd like this is real, like we're fucking stuck here. Yeah, yeah, you know what would freak me out. Then the fucking binoculars and you see the dude. The whole fucking time they're holding up signs and communicating with this guy Across the other building. You like all right, we're good. And then the fucking binoculars and she they see the fucking dude get taken out by a Zombie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's right, I was like oh, oh.

Speaker 1:

Fucking got in there, they got in yeah, so that had its moments to both good movies getting no wrong answers here.

Speaker 3:

What freaked me out in the first one was when they went into that old house, right. So my childhood fears were we used to go to Vermont and my grandparents house my Allison lives there now it's in the middle of nowhere. It's a half mile long driveway. It's so quiet, is deafening, and I had this.

Speaker 3:

I would freak out about not Pulling shades down at night, like so. My grandparents would always leave the windows wide open. I'd say you gotta, you gotta pull the blinds down and be like just nothing out there. We're in the middle of the woods and also I had just seen Friday the 13th, so I was like freaking out. So when they're in the house and they're, like you know, doing all that, boarden up the windows, that that's intense to me because I Guess when I go into Vermont and I had seen I had a living dead and I thought of something like that, that or Jason coming through the window. But when you're in the country, when you're in the mountains, in the middle of nowhere, and all you hear is crickets, it is creepy to a suburban night and I'm a suburban night.

Speaker 1:

All right, all right, let's get to top 20s, the top 10 songs this week in 1969. Number 10 David Ruffin. The whole world ended the moment. You left me. A.

Speaker 1:

Number nine this week in 1969 the zombies, time of the season. Number eight this week in 1969 credence, clear water, revival, proud Mary. Number seven this week in 1969 runaway child running wild, the temptations. Number six this week in 1969 the new colony. Six With this song, things I'd like to say. Number five this week in 1969 build me up buttercup the foundations, build me up Cup baby. Won't you let you know, mary? Number four this week in 1969 you made, you've made me feel so very happy. The blood-sweat. Blood-sweat is, oh, this fucking song, ah. Number three this week in 1969 dizzy by Tommy Rowe. Fuck it's on. How's it? Lean on drums. Go watch the video for that. It's fucking horrible. Number two this week in 1969 traces by classic for featuring Dennis Yoast. And number one this week in 1969, and it was up from. Number three the medley of Aquarius. Let the sunshine in, yeah, the fifth dimension. There you go, great song. Top ten albums this week in 1969. Number ten the Beatles, yellow submarine. Number nine Oliver, the original soundtrack. Food, wonderful food.

Speaker 1:

So Colin saying that, yeah, ah, number eight this week on the album charts in 1969 greatest hits Supremes by the Supremes. A Number seven this week on the album charts in 1969 hair, the original London cast. See, you see a trend here with albums and what people were really listening to. Number six this week in 1969 on the album charts the sound of music, original soundtrack.

Speaker 1:

Yeah so you got three soundtracks right there in the top. You know what a top ten Number five this week on the album charts in 1969 the best of the seekers by the seekers.

Speaker 3:

By the way, I can reject. That's when soundtracks were a part of a film. Nowadays, soundtracks are just a bunch of songs written like oh, we got this big band song, yeah, movie, but sound of music was songs written that were into.

Speaker 1:

For this for the movie yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I number four this week on the album charts in 1969 Mary Hopkins postcard. Number three this week on the album charts in 1969 Engelbert by Engelbert Humperding. Number two this week on the album charts in 1969, diana Ross and the Supremes joined the temptations album of the same name. And and number one on the album charts this week in 1969 is Goodbye by cream. Wow, yeah, yeah, yeah. You go time for this day of music. On this day in 2023, the gorillas scored their first UK number one album with Cracker Island, the eighth studio album by the British virtual band featuring a feature collaborations with Stevie Nicks, thundercat tame and Paula bad, bunny, booty Brown and Beck. The album peaked at number three in the US charts and reached the top ten in 19 other countries. Good group Well, damon Alburn. On this day in 2017, darren Salter, senior coroner for Oxford, oxford Shire, confirmed that George Michael died as a result of heart and liver disease. Oh, oh, michael was suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy. That's because my wife is a Neurosyne, know how to say that with myocarditis in fatty liver.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, fatty liver disease.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, singer died at age 53 on Christmas Day in 2016 in his home Oxford Shire Christmas Day. Yeah, I remember that. Let me see. On this day in 2012, sales of albums by the monkeys Soared following the death of Davey Jones. The monkeys actually re-hented the Billboard album charts at number 20.

Speaker 1:

On this day in 2009. Say it isn't so. Rapper Coolio was charged with drug possession after being arrested at Los Angeles International Airport. Wow, I'm so surprised. Yeah, the 45 year old, whose real name is artist artist Leon Ivy Jr, was later released on $10,000 bail. Um, he had a good after career in voiceovers. Really was in like I know Iggy Pop was in Rugrats. He was the father in Rugrats, yeah, and Coolio did the same. Did some voiceovers too. Let me see. On this day in 2007, rhett Hutchins, the brother of in excess singer Michael Hutchins, defended his decision to sell some of the late stars belongings online, saying he needed money to set up home with his new girlfriend. Items in the auction included lyrics, t-shirts and A fax his brother had sent to his then girlfriend, kylie Minogue.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's a nice brother, that's really nice.

Speaker 1:

Listen, what's he gonna do with the shit? Needs. They needed the money. What are you gonna do with it? It's not doing him any fucking good. He still loves his brother. So you can get into an apartment, Right. I mean fucking. You get a guy that just saw the fucking legend that just sold his fucking. But this was back in 2007. Just so what? Mark Knopfler just sold fucking 27 guitars or 127 guitars. No one says shit to him.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this guy is not a fax.

Speaker 1:

Can't sell a fax a facsimile. Yeah, this day in 2004, the Smith's song I know it's over top the pole of tunes which people turn to when they are miserable. The songs that saved your life pole by BBC radio, arihams, everybody hurts in Radiohead's fake plastic trees also made the top ten. My boys, the Smith's. Yeah, there you go, get that fucking misery. Marcy's a Genius, but the song makes you happy, the tunes make you feel happy, the melody happy melody Steve Wilson is the epitome of a sad song can make you very happy.

Speaker 3:

Isn't it funny how that works. You know there's some sad, fucking dark songs out there. You hear them and you feel great.

Speaker 1:

They just by the melody, for the Smith's are always Jardimaro's had this upbeat, yeah yeah.

Speaker 1:

Let me see, on this day in 2001, the man who discovered blur, david Belf, when a high court battle to earn 250,000 pounds in back royalties. Belf had waged a legal battle over two years to regain the royalties after selling his food records label to EMI in 1994. Hmm, on the same 2001, x-tramps member Jerry Collins was convicted of attempted murder after being found guilty of bashing his wife's head into a sink and also pistol whippen her. Oh, it's better have my money. It was laid a sentence to the maximum of 25 years in jail right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know the, the whole disco inferno. That's the Trampson old, for I saw them. I saw them the same 1998. Madonna went to number one. The UK single shots with frozen. Who cares? On this day in 1991, the readers of Rolling Stone magazine voted George Michael the best male singer and sexiest male artist. Okay, okay, honestly, I love, I love just Michael's. I'm not gonna say anything about him Because you know what, if he was alive, he'd still laugh at it.

Speaker 3:

That's oh sure, but it's okay to John Lennon died and Yoko should have taken the bullet.

Speaker 2:

She should have taken the fucking bullet, five bullets.

Speaker 1:

As many times as the turtle lead singer fell off the bed.

Speaker 2:

There's the same.

Speaker 1:

So I think he's missing.

Speaker 2:

Jumping in front of the bullets. You know what his alleged inspiration.

Speaker 3:

Oh fuck.

Speaker 2:

What we say his motivation for killing Lennon's. He thought he'd become a phony because he became this Material person with the houses on Long Island and stuff and all the yeah. But he's awesome nuts.

Speaker 1:

He's nuts. Yeah, on this day in 1987, the Beastie Boys become the first wrap-back to have a number one album in the US with the debut album licensed Classic. The album is one of Columbia records fastest selling debut records to date. On this day in 1983, new order release blue Monday as a 12. We already did that. Not, that was years later, so you didn't. Then I lost it. New order release blue Monday is a 12 inch single. I posted something the other day about that song. It's off. It's off beat until they put the bass rhythm in there it kind of brings it together. It's on my Facebook page. It's pretty interesting, okay, let's see. On this day in 1983, tears for fears released their debut studio album. They're hurting.

Speaker 1:

Which peak that number one awesome yeah on this day in 1980, the film coal mine is daughter, the biography of Lorena Lype starring Sissy space, it opened. I think she won the Academy Award for that.

Speaker 3:

Didn't you, Yep? And that was before Tommy Lee Jones had huge shopping bags under his eyes.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Let me see. On this day in 1976, elton John was immortalized. It in wax that madam to so was in London.

Speaker 1:

The first rock since the Beatles do that. On this day in 1975, david Bowie released his ninth studio album in my favorite young Americans. Yeah, hmm, on this day in 1973, bruce Springsteen during a showcase gig at Max's Kansas City In New York. The CBS Records boss joined him and suffered a heart attack. It was to mark the signing of his new act, bruce Springsteen. Oh boy, on this day in 1973, a song from the movie deliverance called dueling banjos by Eric Weisberg and Steve Mandel became one of the few 1970s instrumentals to be awarded a gold record.

Speaker 3:

That was a great fucking tune and, to this day, every suburban night that goes out to the country.

Speaker 1:

And the fucking retard looks like Joe Biden Fucking does.

Speaker 3:

He's Irish thing, dude, don't pick.

Speaker 1:

Fuck Joe Biden. The fucking retard should be the president. He do a better job. Yeah, I said retard, so what?

Speaker 2:

now there, but there's only one banjo on that song. It's a guitar and banjo duel is a guitar banjo duel yeah, that's what.

Speaker 1:

but dueling banjos, you're right, yeah, I never noticed that.

Speaker 3:

This is the professor, see point. Interesting pick up.

Speaker 2:

But you know, and one of the cast members lived around here, he died a couple weeks ago. He was the one of the guys in the woods with no teeth.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah. Yeah, he was the guy in the woods with no teeth.

Speaker 2:

Well, no, there was two. There was two. The first one, the pretty mouth guy, wasn't it? He might have said that he's my you sure got a pretty mouth yeah.

Speaker 3:

I like Ned Beatty and tidy whiteies on this day in 1970.

Speaker 1:

Lee Marvin, a real man, was it number one on the UK single shots with wandering star?

Speaker 1:

I didn't know, taken from the film paint your wagon. On this day in 1970, simon and Garfunkel's album bridge over trouble water started a 10 week run at number one on the US shots the do it. They'd already split up at the time of the release. That's crazy. Yeah, on this day in 1969, led Zeppelin appeared at the Bluesville 69 Club in Hornsby Wood Tavern, finnsburg Park, london, england. They got the longest fucking names from where they their towns, jesus, the venue was a function room at the back of a pub. No, it's subtle. And was so small that the stage was only big enough for John Bonham's drums. The rest of the group had to stand on the floor at the same level as the crowd.

Speaker 1:

I'd like to show they look back at with a lot of love at that moment.

Speaker 3:

I'd like to stand on the street and but when on time on London, ontario, and smoke a fag yeah.

Speaker 1:

You don't need to go to London. The smoke a fag.

Speaker 3:

Hey, what do you see? You have to turn everything bad.

Speaker 1:

You know I'm talking about smoking a cigarette 1967, working on the next album, the beat Right to smoke a cigarette, additional overdubs for lovely Rita, including how many vocals, effects and percussive sound of a piece of toilet paper being blown through a hair comb I would ever think it could come up with, right? Ah, let me see. On this day is 66. Brian Wilson released Caroline no, the first solo single by a Beach Boy. That's right before it involved into the final song we know. Today Wilson's recording reappeared as the final track on the Beach Boy studio album pet sounds. The song was originally written, as Carol I know, on the stay.

Speaker 1:

In 1966 Tina Turner recorded her vocal on the. Phil Specter produced River Deep Mountain High. It went on to make it number three in the UK but only number 88 in the US. Shot failure was a bomb, yeah. So Specter was well aware of Ike Turner's controlling attitude in the studio and therefore he drafted an unusual contract. The River Deep Mountain High album in single would be credited to Ike and Tina Turner, but Ike was paid $20,000 to stay away from the studio and only Tina Turner's vocals would be used on the record.

Speaker 1:

Musicians yep session. Musicians who played on the track included Leon Russell on keyboard, glenn Campbell and guitar, albalena drums, aka known as the wrecking crew Yep. On the stay in 1965 during Rolling Stones gig at the Palace Theatre in Manchester, england, a female fan fell from the circle While the group were playing. The crowd below broke her fall and the girl escaped serious injury, just breaking a few teeth.

Speaker 3:

And they're English. They don't need that Dinner a favor fucking dinner a favor.

Speaker 1:

Those teeth, stained teeth and fucking teeth. Man, glad my friend went to sleep. Let's see, on this day in 1953, guy Mitchell was at number one on the UK singles shots with. She wears red feathers. Born on this day. Not that who cares gonna sing with you, care. Paul Davis keyboard alternative. Happy Mondays, the happy Mondays. Taylor Dane, 80s, haughty Taylor Dane. Turn it to my heart. Only one, let's see. On this, the born of this day in 1952 Ernie Isley from the Isley brothers, hmm. Born on the stay in 1946, matt Fisher from Prokel Haram. Dave. Dave Phillips, king of the 45s. He's not on anymore, he's in bed by now. Born on the stay in 1946, peter Wolf, the J Giles band, let me see, should be in the rock in a hall of fame. Born on the stay in 1945, chris White, basest for the zombies. And born on the stay in 1944, towns Zan Zan.

Speaker 3:

One of my favorites.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's it, gentlemen. We made it in two hours and 36 minutes. We can't break that. We can't do it. Yeah, we can't break the two hour 30 minute fucking mark.

Speaker 2:

Consider we didn't know what we're doing when you're started.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, that's about seven minutes. We couldn't die.

Speaker 3:

We've done it and I stayed out a lot of the conversation saying maybe I'll hurry up the shut now.

Speaker 1:

Does? It just finds its way past two hours and 30 minutes. Anyway, well, all right, gentlemen, that's the show. As usual, I want to thank you for your time, thank you for your knowledge, but most of all, thank you for your friendship. I'm back. That's what means the most, everybody. Thanks for watching. Thanks for listening, patty, yossi, thanks, scott, lou and Mark. Great sweet dreams you too. Patty. Thank you very much. Thanks, patty. Thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. If you like it, share it if you didn't like it. Well, thanks for watching and listening for two hours and 37 minutes. Fool. We'll be back next week, hopefully on time. Like me and Lou, I was Lou. When you sent that text today. I was like good.

Speaker 1:

I was just pulling into my driveway and it's.

Speaker 3:

Fuck. Next week seven o'clock come on.

Speaker 1:

This is why we will be there at seven. No problem, it's all good. It's all good. Um, yeah, and that's it. We'll be back next week. I don't know what we're gonna do. We'll decide, decide during the week. That's why I was so fucked up tonight. I was like all backwards, scott 1980.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you right now. I always have somebody said this. They said even on my Coffee with the king on Sunday mornings. My friend Bobby Mark Flynn always says you get the longest goodbyes. They never fucking, it's never just goodbyes always dragged out. You're a nice guy, let's see.

Speaker 3:

Cuz 1980 was a good year.

Speaker 1:

We've done 80. No, 70, 70, 77, 79. No, we'll do 80 next year.

Speaker 3:

Good year. You okay with that.

Speaker 1:

We'll double check it in case I forgot to put it in there. But Uh, no, I'm good with it. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna add 1969 to this list right now, and Sounds like 1980 dawn of a decade, yeah all right, all right, everybody. We will see you next Thursday night at the proper time of seven o'clock and Be good to each other. Yeah, sometimes, unless it's Mark, you know I keep the night. Everybody who ended on that.