Milk Crates and Turntables. A Music Discussion Podcast

Ep. 139- Rewinding to 1980: The Music, Movies, and Musical Moments

March 14, 2024 Scott McLean Episode 139

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Picture this: the year is 1980, and the air is buzzing with the electric sounds of Starship and the soft hum of a Donna Summer ballad. As Scott McLean, Mark Smith and Lou Colicchio, sit down to reminisce about those glory days, we're not just talking about the music that had our toes tapping - we're sharing the personal side of things too, like the heart-pounding adventures of my daughter Amanda's spring break that had me, as a father, holding my breath. Join us for a trip down memory lane that's not just about nostalgia; it's about the stories behind the tunes and the movies that defined an era.

Now, let's shift gears to the heartbeat of the year's music scene - from the raw metal riffs of Iron Maiden's debut to Bob Marley's historic performance in Zimbabwe. We're tipping our hats to the artists we've lost, like Eric Carmen and TM Stevens, and debating over one-hit wonders that still have us humming decades later. Stick around for a deep dive into the bands that emerged in 1980, like Depeche Mode and The Church, and discover how their unique sounds left an indelible mark on the music industry.

Lastly, as we gear up for St. Patrick's Day, we're tapping into the rich tapestry of Irish culture. From culinary showdowns (corned beef versus shepherd's pie, anyone?) to the legacy of bands like The Cranberries, we're celebrating the spirit of the Emerald Isle. And because we love a good brew as much as the next person, we'll even settle the great beer debate: Guinness or Harp? So, grab your favorite drink, settle in, and let us regale you with tales, tunes, and a dash of cultural flair that's sure to entertain.

Speaker 1:

Well, here we are, episode 139. And on this episode, as usual, I have the wrecking two Mark Smith, lou Calicchio Music, relish Show Finding my New Tube, and the three of us will be speaking on tonight. Let's see 1980, since last week I got it all messed up. I had to. I wanted to make sure I got it right this week. So we're going to be talking about the movies and music of 1980. Really good year. So sit back, relax and enjoy the show. It'd be good.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Thank you, amanda, for that wonderful introduction as usual. Well, young Amanda, you know, she's 19 years old, she lives here in South Florida, goes to FSU, blah blah, blah. She's home on spring break. And so today she lets me know, me and my friends are going on a Fort Lauderdale. Oh Jesus, what do you do? What do you do? What do you do? You just shake your head and say, okay, don't drink, and drive the trials and tribulations of a father, big head Todd the wet sprocket would know that he's got his hands full. As he said, I want to beat Patty. I'm here, entertain me. I don't even have, I don't even have the wrecking to on yet and this guy jumps in. Well, without further ado, let's bring on the first half of the wrecking crew wrecking to.

Speaker 3:

Good evening Scott.

Speaker 1:

What's up, buddy?

Speaker 3:

And how much? How are you?

Speaker 1:

All right, ready for a good show.

Speaker 3:

It's Thursday.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's Thursday. All right, let's bring on that other guy, mark Smith. How's it going? Doing good, look it out of my spot.

Speaker 3:

So pushy God, why does it? Why?

Speaker 1:

does Todd want to beat Patty? I don't know. I think he beats Patty more than we know. Todd is making.

Speaker 3:

Is this one of those outings? Is he doing an outing?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I don't know, so, 1980, yeah, ready. Yes, let's try to beat two hours and 30 minutes. This is trying to get in under that. It's not going to happen.

Speaker 3:

We got start on time tonight.

Speaker 4:

That's good yeah we got started, all right well let's jump right into 45 poker. What's this?

Speaker 1:

No, is that a good one? No, yeah, because that's two 80s.

Speaker 4:

You got to go to like scratchy vinyl.

Speaker 1:

I like that one.

Speaker 4:

That's 45 poker from him I like that one I like that one, I like that one, I like that one, I like that one, I like that one, I like that one, I like that one. That's 45 poker from hell.

Speaker 1:

I like that one. There we go. And I got my box, you got your box, I got my box. That's what she said. Boom, that's what she said. Let's see. All right, let's jump right into it. Mark, you'll go first this week.

Speaker 1:

So, I didn't replace the one. I replaced, I think, some of them. But then I thought about it. I said you know what? I'm going to not replace these and go with what's in the box until we get a little low. And then we re kind of rejuvenated. Okay, okay, try to avoid repeats, right, yeah, all right, here we go. Mark is your first 45 from A&M records. A&m records Nice. Ooh, starts out with maybe a good one. Yeah, starts out with a good. I love the A&M records, the paper cover.

Speaker 4:

Yes, trumpet logo.

Speaker 1:

It's a knife and a fork Wow.

Speaker 4:

Breakfast in America.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's pretty cool. Mark pulls steel as well, stuck in the middle with you. Yeah, it's a good one.

Speaker 3:

He got off to a good start last week.

Speaker 1:

Not strong, I know I know Boom Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom Boom.

Speaker 3:

Boom, boom Boom.

Speaker 1:

So is it one or reprise? I think it's reprise. Yeah, one are reprise. We got ah tower of power. Here you go. That was right.

Speaker 3:

So very hard to go, or clean sleep. So very hard to go.

Speaker 1:

All right, that's a great song if you've ever heard it, it's a great band, but that's kind of yeah, it's not. It's not the start of a winning hand. No, let's see what we got. Let's go with this one, all right, stop note with uh, what the hell? Capricorn records oh, elp's label Capricorn records. Alvin Bishop fooled around and fell in love. That's a good one, that's. Everybody loves that song. I feel, that will, so far though I gotta know, I think that's a tough one.

Speaker 1:

It's going to see what we come down to at the end, right, yeah, all right, here you go, mark. Okay, 45 number two, reaching into my box, my box of 45s, coming out with a Decker records, decker records, decker. Let me see, uh, I'm a group called the free movement. Yeah, it's my heart, or I found someone of my own.

Speaker 4:

That. That was a Lou pick, I'm not buying that off.

Speaker 1:

That's like losing. You stole my ace.

Speaker 3:

I will tell you, I'll tell you one of my vowels for that song.

Speaker 1:

Lou, lou's, that guy that, like the guy right before him, hits on like 19, comes up with a 10, and Lou has 11 in his hand. I'm not even that you touch my God. There we go, all right, lou.

Speaker 3:

All right.

Speaker 1:

What do we got here Pulling out from Paula door records? Paulie door records. All right, all right.

Speaker 4:

Don't laugh already. The red gets it away. I want another pick.

Speaker 3:

The road.

Speaker 1:

It's this. I've never even heard of this. The name of the group is the road apples.

Speaker 4:

Come on you know, I should win the road apples put out. Sounds like a print, a print's group, you know.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, let's live together. Instrumental. And what do you think that means?

Speaker 3:

It's a flip side of the world. Let's live together.

Speaker 1:

Oh, three weeks Since the new box came. Lou is shit, Shit.

Speaker 3:

All right, that's the road apple I can take the lead here.

Speaker 4:

I come on, baby Come on, hit my box of junk.

Speaker 1:

Let's see what we got. We got something from Epic Records. I think it's epic right.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, with the butterfly.

Speaker 4:

No, it's electric electric, oh electric.

Speaker 1:

Electro asylum, oh, queen, you're my best friend there you go, you're in the lead. Boom, boom, boom Fold around and fell in love and, queen, you're my best friend. Oh, all right, mark, you get the flop card. Lou has not one chance in hell.

Speaker 3:

No, well what the hell would I have to pull?

Speaker 1:

No, no, no no, it doesn't matter what you pull.

Speaker 3:

There's gotta be something that just clobbers you could pull a sympathy for the devil or something like that.

Speaker 1:

Some epic, like you know, all right.

Speaker 4:

Well, this one's for me.

Speaker 1:

All right, that's for you. All right, what's the label?

Speaker 4:

I don't know if I picked this last week, it's Electro Records. Yeah, did I pick. Touch me from the doors. No, no, I got, touch me.

Speaker 3:

All right, fuck me All right, I don't, don't even. Bob.

Speaker 1:

Lou's gonna be a judge no, we got it. You have to pull the card, you have to. Yeah, okay right. Not true. Was Mark looking? Was he peeking?

Speaker 4:

No, I was.

Speaker 3:

I'm suspicious now I'm suspicious.

Speaker 4:

All right, I'm gonna look at the camera. I don't want them. They're in order, they're enough.

Speaker 3:

Why, after the show, mix them up.

Speaker 4:

Well, no for well. Yeah, well, okay, our C a records with a little dog at the gramophone, kenny Rogers Island's in the stream, back with back with his version of I will always love you.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow, oh total shit show this week, Lou yeah. All right here we go Can.

Speaker 3:

I do some real quick.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, all right, that's enough. You're gonna get me shut down. It's the road apples.

Speaker 3:

All right, we're gonna shut you down for the road apples.

Speaker 4:

I just this is a formality, but we gotta do Scott now. We got to pick him.

Speaker 1:

Well, you got a good one, man.

Speaker 4:

White whale records. Oh, good, good the turtles. It's either you showed me or buzz saw.

Speaker 1:

Fuck me, that is Well it looks like. Well, I don't know, I was so Lou. Read them off. It's between me and Mark. Did you write them down? I did.

Speaker 3:

I didn't write his oh.

Speaker 1:

I thought you were writing it down.

Speaker 3:

I was writing one down, sorry, so I can see how bad they were All right, mark give him, so I got Steelers wheel stuck in the middle.

Speaker 4:

I didn't write the name of the song the free movement, whatever that was, and the doors touch me. Lou had tower of power, so very hard. The road apples instrumental and Kenny Rogers covering two sappy songs. I've always loved you and I was in the stream.

Speaker 3:

It could have been coward of the county or something like that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, right, he does. By the way, scott, you had elven Bishop fooled around, fell in love. Queen, you're my best friend, and turtle schlock, I think you win it.

Speaker 1:

I got to say just because it's down to the turtles or the freedom movement? Yeah, turtles beat the freedom. I think the two turtles gotta win.

Speaker 3:

The turtles come through for me. Wow, wow, to non hits.

Speaker 1:

Those first two were pretty good, mark, we had pretty good hands. Yep, all right. Well, lou loses again. This streak is the three weeks.

Speaker 3:

It was like with one good, so I didn't have one good song, not one good song, not one.

Speaker 1:

Let's see. Alison London said good evening gentlemen. Welcome to my humble abode of Vermont.

Speaker 4:

I'll be up soon, four hours All you're going up there. I caught up tonight, but they still got snow up there.

Speaker 1:

Oh, sorry I missed big head Todd the Wets rocket. Can I play? Sorry I missed that. Anyway, let's see Dave Phillips, king of the 45s, touch me, great song, had the 45 one of my favorite tours Dave Phillips. King of the 45s is Mickey Thomas, lead singer on fooled around and fell in love. That's correct.

Speaker 3:

Then went on to Starship Yep, yep.

Speaker 1:

And then, well, he started off with Hello Boys, no nap. Today worked like a farm animal, today Like that, like a yak. Like a yak.

Speaker 4:

Don't talk back.

Speaker 1:

All right, yeah, let's keep that as a rule tonight. Mark, who me, what, what, what?

Speaker 4:

Little old me.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Iron man on, there we go. Liverpool today, good Good for Liverpool, all right. Well, let's jump into the soccer season never over.

Speaker 3:

I know, did they play around?

Speaker 4:

Premier League only has three months off. They played nine months and then in that three months all the players have off. They got to do world tours with their team. They never get time off. It's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Oh those poor soccer plays yeah, yeah, no, that's a brutal game. No protection I got elbowed in the shoulder. Last game and I rugby. They should have red carded that bastard, but they didn't. The elbow shoulder.

Speaker 4:

You sound like a New York. You sound like a New York men.

Speaker 1:

Soccer player. No, you sound like a New York man, I was running right in my clique. It's stuck in the grass right and like. I was like, ah ah, you run at somebody and I rolled around like I had a broken hip and they called they call the yellow guy the card on somebody.

Speaker 4:

You run a full speed into anybody without any protection. You got to wait. Who's got the villain shirt on tonight?

Speaker 1:

Soccer players. Oh, such a rough sport. Anyway, moving on players. All right, let me see Dave Phillips, king of the 45. Did you see my post with tort, tort C, tortoise, tortoise.

Speaker 3:

Tortoise. Captain from Tortuga.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I don't know. I wasn't on Facebook, believe it or not, much today.

Speaker 3:

I wasn't. I didn't see that All right, let's see.

Speaker 1:

Let's jump right into a January 1st 1981. Cliff Richard is appointed an MBE by Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom. Cliff Richard, right yeah, don't look back. Right, did he say that?

Speaker 3:

Um, most is not hungry eyes. That was our comment. He was in a bank called the shadows. He was a contemporary of the Beatles. Oh was he. Yeah yeah, British invasion. Oh yeah, I forgot. He had a couple of hidden singles in the 80s.

Speaker 1:

I'm thinking that you make in tune. Oh, eddie Grant. No, no, that's saying, don't look back. Cliff is his last name, jimmy Cliff.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Cliff. Oh well, with the woman, Mick Jagger. Yeah, with Mick Jagger. Yeah, yes, don't look back. Yeah, that was Jimmy Cliff, not Cliff Richard. Oh yeah, Well, before we get into this, let's let's kind of pay a little homage to Eric Common.

Speaker 4:

We lost him this week.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, like I had posted in Facebook kind of the pot of the soundtrack of our youth. I know at least Lou and I right yeah, Mark, Mark, hold on.

Speaker 3:

Mark heard on the oldie circuit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the raspberries. Right, yeah, raspberry. Yeah, yep, he sang go all the way, didn't he?

Speaker 3:

Yes, he did.

Speaker 4:

Great intro to a song. That's one of us.

Speaker 1:

That's what I said is one of my favorite intros ever Great guitar sounds.

Speaker 3:

A very bright record is still sounds good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, from New Jersey. Ah, okay, and who else did we lose this week?

Speaker 4:

TM. Steve, I lost poker for 45. Poker no we lost the bassist called TM Stevens. Not many people know him but he was a big session guy and he played on a few key records and what's sad thing is, I knew him as a strong funk bassist, everything and a 72, a dementia. When you hear rock musicians just having dementia it's scary.

Speaker 3:

You know he was he was diagnosed a while ago, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's been a while.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I thought we lost somebody else this week too, Another musician.

Speaker 4:

Google who died this week?

Speaker 1:

I could have swore, we lost another musician this month. Yeah, who did we lose somebody last week? Oh, it was like in almost like the same day. Oh, you know, I'll find out Because I know, I know that I let me see, I know we did, let me see.

Speaker 4:

Rapper boss, one of the first women signed to Jeff Def Jam. No, no, wasn't that. She died at my age, wow.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, it was somebody else. I know it was somebody else that died this week. Anyway, we'll, I'll figure out. Moving on, yeah, january 5, 1980. Donna Summers third double album in a 14 month period on the radio, greatest hits, volumes one and two, released on 15th of October 1979, reaches the top spot on the Billboard album shots. It was a dynamo. What time do you ask clowns start? Seven o'clock. Ass Ass hole, colin McClain. Thank you as a as comes. Yeah, anyway, january 7, 1980. At the age of 44, songwriter Larry Williams is found dead in Los Angeles, california home, of a gunshot wound to the head. Investigators are never able to determine whether his death was murder or suicide unsolved Huh.

Speaker 1:

Unsolved. You know, anything about him.

Speaker 3:

He wrote like bony Maroney, the Beatles covered some stuff Slow down. Do you write slow down? They're not sure? Yeah, he was pretty prolific, I think, but um, he was covered. I mean, the Beatles covered quite a few songs.

Speaker 1:

Short fat. Wait, what was it Short?

Speaker 3:

matchbox, matchbox. He wrote a short fat fan.

Speaker 1:

Short fat fan, yeah. January 13, 1980. The Beach Boys, the Grateful Dead and Jefferson Starship perform at a benefit concert at Oakland Coliseum for the people of Campuchia. January 14, 1980 rush releases. Oh, uh-huh, what album mark permanent waves. Yeah, which eventually becomes the band's fifth platinum album. That was a biggie. Yeah, it was a biggie.

Speaker 3:

And was that transition through? Yeah, yeah, yeah, spirit of the radio.

Speaker 1:

Yep, great way to start the decade. Yeah, january 16th. Paul McCartney. I remember this. Paul McCartney arrested in Tokyo for having a half a pound of weed. The rest of his tour for with wings was subsequently canceled. Good job, asshole.

Speaker 4:

It was the end of the wings they never played again.

Speaker 3:

No, he wrote a song about that experience on his next album too.

Speaker 1:

You know, he was never at his best than when he was in the 70s. Yeah, I'm gonna hit some of the 70s was just yeah, and then he got into the 80s and he was. You could see he was hitting that point that all these great artists like Elton John, they hit this point where they're kind of pop-ish and they're good and but not great Like nothing like Junior's Farm ever came out again. Jets Nothing like that ever came out again.

Speaker 4:

But I would say in the 90s he had some peaks. I mean we bounded real nice with flowers and the dirt yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he started rocking again.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well even in the 80s. You know some of the more slick stuff. Well, I like the only nights. That's a beautiful song.

Speaker 1:

I like no more lonely. I actually do like that, but that's to me that is a, an anomaly amongst his other ones you know Ebony and Ivory and say, say, say what I mean, but that was with him and Michael Jackson on his own he never reached that 70s status. And I said this, I've said this my theory on these things is these guys that are in these bands, these great bands, they leave the bands and they have a fucking small book of songs, yeah, that they just never got recorded with the band they were with Morrissey, great example, left the Smiths stayed on top but then eventually kind of started to. You can hear his sound change, but they leave. So listen to Uncle Albert. Right, that is a Beatles fucking song.

Speaker 3:

But that's a.

Speaker 1:

Beatles song.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know it could have been on the Beatles next album.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. So okay, I would say one.

Speaker 4:

Can I say something? I mean, in the 70s you had people that were just a little older than the 60s. He had Beatles fans, yet that generation is still listening. 80s was a whole different generation that came about, and so a lot of these guys too. They just lost some of their popularity because of that. There were so many new artists coming in in the 80s. You know it's bound to happen.

Speaker 3:

Paul didn't lose relevance though. No, he didn't, because he's a beat, Because even the stuff he put out in the 80s, I mean like even say, say, say. I mean I don't like it, but it's not badly constructed. It's really not necessarily musically bed. I don't like the sound and the feel of it, but you know, judging by how well he I mean even his sales reflected it. I mean George Harrison didn't do shit until cloud nine, really, except for a few great singles. But you know I don't. I agree it does not come close to the 70s where, you know, post Beatles, he was on a fucking roll, yeah, right up until 1980, you know.

Speaker 1:

January 19, 1980, the first UK indie shot is published in record week. The Spiz energies wears Captain Kirk topping the singles shot and Adam in the Ants, dirk wears white socks popping the album. I was a big Adam in the Ants fan, great song title yeah. January 25, 1980, paul McCone. He's released from jail in Japan, so he was in there for like I don't know. It's from the 16th to the 25th.

Speaker 3:

Wow, he said it was really cold Almost 10 days. Yeah, they didn't treat him all that well either, apparently. No, back he was a beetle, didn't mean all that much. No, you remember his SNL appearance where they were? I think he did it remotely where they were. They had a koala bear on and they were like during how the koala bear likes to eat. You can lift this and how, paul?

Speaker 2:

yes, you can just yeah.

Speaker 1:

He's released from jail in Japan and ejected, not kicked out, not asked to leave. He's ejected from the country by Japanese authorities.

Speaker 3:

They can't count over in the plan. Well, he wrote a song, the song you know. This song he wrote, but it's called frozen jab. Oh, there you go.

Speaker 1:

Get away with that today? No, you cannot know. You can't because Asians don't care, asians don't care.

Speaker 3:

I don't they care, then no, they don't in 1981 or 82 when he wrote it.

Speaker 1:

They don't care no.

Speaker 3:

Well, I think it was a flip side of temporary secretary, your favorite.

Speaker 4:

Oh God, I hate that song.

Speaker 3:

Oh, paranoid, paranoid. Oh, I did.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I know, we disagreed.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, let's see what we got here. February. February 7th 1980. Pink Floyd's the Wall Tour opens at Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena. February 19th 1980. Oh, sad day, very, very sad day In the what would have been category, what could have been category. February 19th 1980. Bond Scott dies in London. Oh yeah, although common folklore cites pulmonary aspiration of vomit as a cause, was that the official cause is listed, as either of you know exposure Nope.

Speaker 4:

Hmm, I just thought it was what you said.

Speaker 1:

I'm not futuretime aspirating here, then you have the the. Uh, let me see.

Speaker 3:

Did he freeze? Did he freeze, or something?

Speaker 1:

No acute alcohol poisoning and death by misadventure.

Speaker 3:

Ah, misadventure, yeah, that means you're partying, too much, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Wow, february 27th 1980, the 22nd annual Grammy Awards are presented in Los Angeles. See, now they're just doing them in one place, like they should have been doing. They're presented in New York, chicago, la, fucking, boynton Beach, florida, like whatever Boynton Beach baby, shit off. Yeah, it's kind of a weird place. I know someone who lives there. You get out town it's kind of it's very bohemian. Yeah, downtown Boynton Beach is not really a flourishing downtown, but it says it's kind of bohemian feel to it.

Speaker 4:

I have an open invitation to see someone there. Yeah, I mean you should.

Speaker 1:

I mean it's not a bad place. You got all played Lake Worth right next to it, you got Delray right next to it. Hey, you just said it was a shithole. Well, I mean to live there. I mean, every place has a nice place, by the way. Yeah, yeah, it's just a weird place. I shouldn't have said shithole, let's see.

Speaker 3:

Like like Ashle before got very popular.

Speaker 1:

It's hosted by Kenny Rogers. Billy Joel's 52nd Street wins album of the year, while the doobie brothers what a fool believes came out in 80.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

I'm raising like if you asked, I think the average person they'd be like I'll be on the seventies.

Speaker 3:

I think the album came out in 79. So yeah.

Speaker 1:

So what a fool believes when wins both record of the year and song of the year. I hate that's. And Ricky Lee Jones wins best new artist Chuck E's and love.

Speaker 3:

Wait, that's 1980 or 79, 1980.

Speaker 4:

Well, the album probably came out late, 79 maybe, and then she built up a following.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, I know I'm on 1980. Sure, don't fuck me up now. Yeah, I'm on 1980.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I thought the best new artist was a different person. Well, who do you have, christopher?

Speaker 1:

Cross, wasn't that 81? I'm what you know. I typed in best new artist Grammy's 1980. Oh okay, Well, here it is right. Here, ricky Lee Jones, moving on, did you have something to say about Christopher Cross?

Speaker 3:

He actually he was not a one hit. Yeah, remember, sometimes he's best new artist. That's all you ever hear of them. Yeah, he did more and sort of Ricky Lee Jones, not as much as Christopher Cross, though.

Speaker 1:

But she never had a bigger hit than Chuck E's and love.

Speaker 3:

Where she drops the N word twice. Yeah, can't do that today.

Speaker 4:

Okay. At the 23rd annual Grammy Awards held at New York City's Radio City Music Hall in February 25th 1981, christopher Cross took home the prize.

Speaker 1:

Thank you very much Thank you Big four.

Speaker 4:

album of the year, song of the year, record of the year and best new artist.

Speaker 1:

I know stuff. I'm not stupid like you think I'm smart.

Speaker 3:

And I always expect His album came out 1980.

Speaker 4:

I guess. So you know, hold on, hold on. I remember I was damn young when it came out.

Speaker 1:

I was like losing the bizarro land website. He's on the web.

Speaker 2:

Andy Morris, if you can't get through.

Speaker 1:

I call him yeah.

Speaker 4:

Christopher Cross's first album came out in 1979. According to Spotify.

Speaker 3:

So he didn't win the Grammy, 1980 Grammys, he didn't win Best new artist.

Speaker 4:

I came out like December 79 and then it built through the year 1980.

Speaker 3:

Now Ricky Lee would. Didn't make a bigger splash after that, though no, he wouldn't hit.

Speaker 1:

and then that was it Chuckie's in love and then she kind of lived off that being again with that bohemian look that she had going on Jazzy yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, andy Murrah, all the way from down under, says gee, you waffle. He comes up with these, these Australian terms, these Aussie terms, slang words like I'm supposed to fucking know what he means. Right, he should, he should what, my buddy, my friend of God? I'll go on four years now. What he needs to do, mate, is get me one of them. One of them there are a note sheets, a cheat sheets, with all your, your sayings from down there, mate, right.

Speaker 3:

You know, tiny came to root down sport.

Speaker 1:

He says I like your brother asking what time you start to ask. I say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm not going to have a conversation with you. Isn't it past your bedtime by any, by the way, andy Murrah?

Speaker 3:

Oh, scott Perry refuses to say down under.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he won't say down.

Speaker 3:

He'll call it Australia and he says he doesn't do across the pond. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't say across the pond either, I've never said it, but yeah, yeah, I just say down under because, well, I don't know, they belong down under.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's all it sweaty under Sweaty, under parts, exactly this is rough.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let me repeat myself.

Speaker 3:

Does it? Does the toilet flush the other way down there?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, it just drops like an airplane.

Speaker 3:

Like an airplane.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, every, every toilet in Australia is like an airplane toilet.

Speaker 4:

You're clean. Listen, when I turned 21, the first bar I hung out at Lou you would know it was going on Broadway and Westwood, I can't remember the name of it and there was an.

Speaker 1:

Australian bartender.

Speaker 4:

He was great, so I love Australians.

Speaker 1:

No, because of a fucking bartender. Hell yeah, I have a false is like that was called.

Speaker 3:

now I know what you're talking about.

Speaker 4:

That was the was right by where they worked on Bruce's goal was the goldfinch pub, then it's where, like Bruce's cars were worked on right next door.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, One day I drove by and Commander Cody was playing there. I got a totally flip. I didn't know what news that, it was just a weird thing. He was a friend of the owner, but that was it? Are you two time? Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

We're good Talking about your new Jersey days, yeah. Yeah, we hear a lot about when we hear a lot about when we love it. I'm just kidding.

Speaker 4:

I know You're a nice guy. We know you're up and you're smart.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, see, I know stuff. No stuff, yeah, I do. February 29th, it was a leap year, yeah.

Speaker 3:

It was like here.

Speaker 1:

Buddy Holly's trademark glasses. We just talked about this.

Speaker 3:

We did yeah.

Speaker 1:

Two episodes back and all these trademark glasses are found. They're rediscovered, that's right In old police files. Let me see March 3rd 1980. Sotheby's auction house in London auctions off a Riviera Hotel, las Vegas napkin signed by Elvis for about $600 American dollars. Let's see Iron Horse Mark.

Speaker 4:

No, that was Hillsdale.

Speaker 1:

It was in Westward down. Other items auction included four American dollar bills autographed by the Beatles Each sold for 200 and about $280, $300. And a collection of personal letters belonging to the Rolling Stones for two, 300 bucks. See, this was back in 1980. So 300 bucks was like 600 bucks today. Yeah, maybe Probably could turn around and sell that stuff today for like two or three grand which is why I don't have a house, because I never invested properly.

Speaker 3:

I never invested in rock memorabilia. The Beatles were dollar bills.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Gee, yeah, I mean like a hundred, maybe like a 20.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly $10. Bastards.

Speaker 3:

They signed it at some strip club somewhere.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, or when.

Speaker 3:

Let's see.

Speaker 1:

Uh, march 8th through the 16th, 1980, the Tbilisi Rock Festival, the first sanctioned rock music festival in the Soviet Union, was had. Uh, let me see. Dave Phillips King of the 45s says you're about to compete with the Bruins, canadians and Celtic sons. Great show so far, guys. Yeah Well, I'm sure we'll be on in the game.

Speaker 4:

So I wish I could watch the Bruins, the Bruins Canadians.

Speaker 1:

I'd have it on the clip, but I don't get those channels, yeah. Uh. March 14th 1980, record producer Quincy Jones receives a star in the Hollywood Rock Walk of Fame. March 19th 1980, Elvis Presley's autopsy was subpoenaed during the trial of Dr George George Nicolopoulos, who was later found guilty of over prescribing drugs to Presley.

Speaker 3:

They waited three years to do an autopsy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, it was released.

Speaker 3:

It was released.

Speaker 1:

The hot tops he was released. Uh, the guy was also given him to Jerry Lee Lewis and other clients.

Speaker 3:

How big was Elvis's heart when he died?

Speaker 1:

Uh, I don't know, it was bigger than Eskimo sandwich with every Eskimo pie that he used to fucking eat, move.

Speaker 3:

Love them, eskimo pies yeah.

Speaker 1:

And he had some fucking weird sandwich with peanut butter and bacon.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Peanut butter, bananas and bacon. I think it was like deep fried or grilled. Yeah yeah, that sounds kind of good. Actually it does. God bless yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, uh. April 1st 1980, brian Johnson made the nude lead singer of ACDC. April 5th 1980, rem lead vocalist Michael Stipe, guitarist Peter Buck and drummer Bill Berry in bassist. Why don't they just say fucking REM plays their first show? Maybe they weren't REM, then REM, it says REM lead vocalist.

Speaker 3:

They might have been called either Slut Bank or cans of piss.

Speaker 2:

at that point, Uh, a couple of early names.

Speaker 1:

Um April 13th 1980, the musical grease closes its run of 3,388 performances, making it the longest running show on Broadway up until that time. Yeah, ah, this was this. Was I remember this? What if this was stupid? Uh, a member of April 14th 1980, a member of the New Jersey State Assembly introduces a resolution to make Bruce Springsteen's Born to Run the official state song. Yeah, that's what you want.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that song is what you want.

Speaker 1:

It's a death trap, right we?

Speaker 2:

got to get out of this.

Speaker 1:

He wants to get the fuck out of Jersey, like when they evidently don't listen to the lyrics.

Speaker 4:

No, I don't, it's a suicide rap. We got to get out while we're young. And then somebody used uh born in the USA on their campaign. Like, did you ever listen to the lyrics? It's not. It's a sad song.

Speaker 3:

And even, even on Thunder Road. It's a town full of losers. I'm pulling out of here to win.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, mark you remember Carol Miller, the DJ? Yeah, oh yeah, carol Miller, she's on XM, xm, though.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, uh, she, uh was a big proponent of that.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, she used to do the morning Bruce juice. Okay, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, the lyrics don't April 14th 1980.

Speaker 1:

Iron Maiden releases their self titled debut album Iron Maiden what Iron Maiden?

Speaker 3:

What was it called?

Speaker 4:

Iron Maiden, iron Maiden and it's their best.

Speaker 1:

It's the self titled debut album. It's like a punk. I don't know things.

Speaker 4:

And Lou, if you never heard it, it's like a punky metal album.

Speaker 2:

Is that right?

Speaker 4:

I'm just going to close my windows. I'm cold. Hold on, I'll be back, jesus.

Speaker 3:

It's cold, yeah, buddy.

Speaker 1:

April 17th 1980. As the official guest of state, bob Marley in the Whales perform at Zimbabwe's independence festival. Uh, april 19th 1980. Johnny Logan wins the 25th Eurovision, and nobody cares. Uh, april 19th, rem performs their first performance under the name REM. So there you go. All right, you're redeemed.

Speaker 3:

I think they were called cans of piss at that moment, uh.

Speaker 1:

April 25th 1980, black Sabbath releases. Heaven in hell, I went to that concert. Awesome album, awesome album. April 30th 1980, the Roger Daltree film McVicker opens in London. Womp womp, womp, womp. Yeah, the like was so many.

Speaker 3:

What was the big hit from that song? Free me, Free me oh that's right Was that?

Speaker 1:

was that from McVicker I?

Speaker 3:

think it was from McVicker.

Speaker 1:

Holy shit, that's from. Listermania, listermania or whatever, I don't know, I didn't know it was from that. But okay, May 4th 1980, America's.

Speaker 4:

Top 10. I'm going to go get my shawl. Your brother told me to go get my shawl, Wait did he call you better? Beta. Everything's better with Beta. David Taratine. Uh, let's see.

Speaker 1:

I like my Feta, I'm lost here. April, may 4th. May 4th 1980, america's Top 10, the television version of radio's American Top 40, hosted by Casey Casey, some debuts this week in syndication. I remember that, May 18th 1980. It was a sad day. Another sad day Ian Curtis, vocalist in pioneering post punk group Joy Division, hangs himself. One day before Joy Division is scheduled to begin their first US tour which, as I've said in the past, was supposed to kick off in Boston June 20th 1980, the first US tour. June 25th 1980, rock and roll pioneer Bill Haley performs for the last time during a tour of South Africa.

Speaker 4:

He was alive then I thought he died a lot longer before.

Speaker 1:

After this tour, his health deteriorates and he dies in February 1981. Wow, wow, july 1980, max, the 25th anniversary of Haley's rock around the clock, reaching number one on the American singles charts. Told you, my mother saw him at concerts. That was the only concert, she said, she ever went to when she was young.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Haley in the comments. The Sony Walkman goes on sale in the United States on June 25th oh huge. Also on June 25th, Kiss plays its first show with new drummer, Eric Carr, at the Palladium. June 27th 1980, John Leiden and Keith Levine of Public Image Limited making appearance on the Tomorrow Show with host Tom Snyder. In an infamously uncomfortable interview, Leiden gives Kurt and vague responses to most of Snyder's questions. Tom Snyder knew exactly what he was getting into. He was good, he knew exactly what he was getting into. I love that show. Let me see. Oh, my brother, we're ignoring him. We're ignoring my brother. He says I thought this was an interactive show. No, we listen to little Scotty. Yeah, it's little, little.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, don't you have a baloney sandwich to eat, motherfucker?

Speaker 4:

My God, I feel like in the middle, like I feel like things are going to fly and I'm going to get hit by accident.

Speaker 1:

Go fucking eat a baloney sandwich. Okay, beef baloney, though he's fucking any baloney, any fucking baloney. Turkey, fuck it Any baloney, piglet, piglet baloney. If it's got baloney in the name, he fucking eats it. Uh, salami, salami baloney. Uh, where are we at? Okay, july 11th 1980, ultra Vox released their fourth studio album, vienna. And nobody cares. I'm here.

Speaker 4:

You're scared.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um July 18th 1980, the documentary and concert film no Nukes opens in New York. July 25th 1980, over five months after the death of lead singer Bond Scott. Acdc released Back in Black, wow yeah.

Speaker 3:

That was no time.

Speaker 1:

That was fucking fast.

Speaker 3:

The body was still kind of kind of warm.

Speaker 1:

They must have already been working on that album and they just came in and redo the vocals.

Speaker 3:

I wonder if there's any like outtakes with him singing some of those songs.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 3:

We would have heard them by now. Yeah, yeah, we would.

Speaker 4:

Maybe not. They might be under lock and key. Look at this fucking Irish meathead.

Speaker 1:

My brother Baloney he's a potato salad. That's his fucking diet. He exists on that shit.

Speaker 4:

But nothing beats Jack's tuna sandwich Fuck.

Speaker 1:

Jack's tuna sandwich. What?

Speaker 3:

kind of? What kind of potato salad is like the mustard kind? Is that the egg in it? Is it just regular?

Speaker 1:

No, you gotta have my mother made the best potato salad. It was regular potato salad with mayo right, salt and pepper, chopped onions and apple cider vinegar. Yeah, oh, mix that in there. You've got to put vinegar in the eggs With the egg. With the egg. You've got to put the egg in.

Speaker 3:

The hard boiled egg chopped in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it's as simple as it gets, but it's the fucking best. The key is the vinegar. Yes, yes, yeah, nice, oh, by the way, I'm going to give everybody who's listening and watching the best way to make your corned beef this weekend. Tell me, I just bought mine. Hands down, it's the best way to make it. I'm dead serious. Parmesan. Soak it in apple juice for like at least 24 hours. Soak it in apple juice. Poke holes in it. Soak it in apple juice. To cook it in a pressure cooker is the best way to do it. You put it all in the the the. You pressure cook it with the apple juice, right, fuckin? Forget about it. How?

Speaker 4:

long you cook it.

Speaker 1:

Uh, you got to look, go it depends on your pressure cooker and how much weight you can find it on you too, or something. And then take the brisket out and then I put in the corn, the cabbage, the potatoes, the onions. I put some uh, uh, some, uh, butternut squash chunks in there, onion, the whole thing, and I cook that in the apple juice also. Oh, forget it.

Speaker 4:

Okay, so, not apple cider, but apple juice, right, apple juice, juice. Okay, apple juice.

Speaker 1:

The the fake apple drink, Cause it's all sugar, it's all sugar. So there you go. It's a home run every time. Uh, let's see. Oh, so here we go. They released back in black the first album with replacement Brian Johnson, who would remain with the band until 2016. The album success would lead it to become the second highest selling album of all time in the highest selling studio album by any band to date. Damn man, that always surprises me. It's got legs, man.

Speaker 4:

No shit, but I am sick to death of it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

I hear you.

Speaker 1:

New generations find it.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Obviously, uh. July 29th 1980, over two months after the suicide of lead singer Ian Curtis, the surviving members of joy division regroup as new order and debut anonymously live at Manchester's beach club. The group would adopt the Monica new order the following year. Interesting, they didn't waste any time either. It's like let's just hit it, let's just keep going. July 21st, july 31st, 1980, the Eagles and the tour with the contentious show that and they would not play together until 1994.

Speaker 3:

Have you heard the tapes in that show Kick your ass. Five, three minutes till. I kick your ass, pal. Oh, him and Felder just done, glenn Fry and Don Felder just going as so yeah.

Speaker 1:

Look at Andy Murrah. Andy Murrah says where's the AC DC? Oh, I don't know. Oh yeah, I think they're from New. Zealand. Oh yeah, yeah, the Kiwis, that's what they are. The Kiwis, Damn right, they are not a good music.

Speaker 4:

It comes from Australia.

Speaker 1:

It comes from the Kiwis. Yeah, new Zealand is way better than Australia. I'm just going to say they're way better than Australia in everything.

Speaker 4:

I think in a verbal throwdown you wouldn't 0.9% of the time, Scott, but I think if you're going up against an Australian, you might lose this throw down.

Speaker 1:

Not losing Andy Muir.

Speaker 3:

Mark has an endorsement with Yellowtail Chardonnay from Australia. That's right.

Speaker 4:

My endorsement is I spent half my money.

Speaker 1:

Yellow piss from Australia is more like it's good. All right. August 16th 1980 Ah, you know, okay. Well, let me finish this. August 4th 1980 John Lennon, the Yoko Ono begin the recording of double fantasy. Well, john Lennon Stats the recording. She just sits there like a fucking a toad on a log and just it's not even on that album.

Speaker 3:

Is she the budgie bird on the hip-hop spec on double fantasy?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, she's always 50, they alternate.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's. It's called a love play, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

Well, this is why I never listened to that album. I didn't even own it. I wouldn't even I had. I had it that was it?

Speaker 3:

I didn't really like it so much. A couple songs. Have you ever heard the cheap trick? You know, was it um bunny carlos and rick neilson? Cheap trick did some sessions for that album. There's a version you can see on youtube if I'm losing you Right. It rocks a lot harder. But it doesn't fit the album because it wasn't. It wasn't slick.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, august 16th 1980, uh, the first monsters of rock Heavy metal festival is held at donnington park in england. Yes, you know where the headline band was Rainbow there you go and it was richie blackmore debuting.

Speaker 4:

It's a new singer because ronnie deal was out and uh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Give me, give me some more bandsaw with that mark.

Speaker 3:

But you know, we're really healing there. No, no.

Speaker 1:

Black Sabbath no nope, it's heavy metal. Uh uh, maybe just priest Judas priest was there. Yep, okay, I'll give you a hint. The road.

Speaker 3:

The road apples were there, the road apples headline actually.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, anyways, scorpions, april wine saxon, they were white. Who uh? Now they're very good yeah, very good yeah. So didn't their drama just replaced, didn't they? You set that article? Didn't the drama from saxon just replace? Uh, max Weinberg's son in slipknot.

Speaker 4:

No, uh no, he would be old, he would be really old now then what band was it that that replaced, when I thought it was?

Speaker 1:

it's one of those bands. Uh, saxon, riot and touch also performed. Several bands lose members in one day. Uh, bass player job wobble leaves public image limited. This is on august 16th 1980. Keyboard player jules haaland leaves squeeze, and drummers bill ward and cozy powell leave black Sabbath and rainbow respectively. Uh, huh.

Speaker 4:

Well, cozy didn't like the direction that rainbow was taken. They were going commercial.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the wizard.

Speaker 4:

What the wizard when richie black was the wizard.

Speaker 1:

You're real sassy tonight, you know, august 19th 1980, my 19th, my 19th birthday in toronto.

Speaker 3:

Huh, my 19th birthday.

Speaker 1:

Ah okay, fans at exhibition stadium in toronto. Stage of riot after alice koopa Cancels because of illness. Uh, let me see Todd, uh, big head. Todd, the wet sprocket says the crap that is mox head is amazing Love that. Does that mean the crap that is mox head? I think? I think he means in mox head, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

there's a lot going in my head, but not very relevant stuff for them august 23rd 1980, the heat wave festival near toronto features the b 52's talking heads, the pretenders Elvis, costello, wow and many others. Yeah, that's a good one. New wave, yeah. August 26th 1980, pete commita replaces tom peterson in cheap trick. Uh. August 31st 1980, karen coppina marries thomas burris. Because we are in love, it's played at their wedding said. Carrying her across the threshold was like carrying a bag of bones. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh.

Speaker 3:

Oh, oh, oh, oh oh.

Speaker 4:

There's a big, big head right there. Terrible. That's quick the crap that goes on and.

Speaker 3:

Scott said is amazing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, big head Todd, now it's Robert. He corrected himself. I was right. Let's see. August 26th, august 30th, september, 13th Solid goal, a new music television series, permiss Insindication. I used to watch it every Saturday at noon At like eight, three, four, five at like 5, 30 or something. It came on six o'clock. It was like getting ready to go out, shit, you know. I mean yeah and you know, cause the solid gold dances you know. So name some of the hosts. Do you remember some of the hosts, or that?

Speaker 3:

Marilyn McCoo.

Speaker 1:

Right, she was one of them, it wasn't. It wasn't.

Speaker 3:

Kenny Rogers host that for a second and he gave in Marilyn, and he give, yeah, yeah, there was a few hosts. Kenny Rogers, huh, john, I don't know, maybe not him.

Speaker 1:

I know there was a few hosts, though, and then they settled with her. Also, in September 13th 1980, elton John plays a free concert for 400,000 people in Central Park. We all remember that he performs the encore in the infamous now infamous Donald Duck costume.

Speaker 3:

Haha, what the hell was that about?

Speaker 1:

It was pretty funny though that was, that was original. I gave him that you know, yeah that was a pretty original thing to do. Um, also, on September 13th, the very, very underrated Gary Newman Earns his third consecutive number one in the UK album charts in less than 14 months With telecon, as telecon enters the charts at number one. Hmm, an alien in LA, an alien in Los Angeles. That's a great documentary with him. You should watch it. Yeah, it's really. It's done really good. The dude is very humble guy, man, very, very humble guy.

Speaker 1:

He has a nice guy.

Speaker 4:

He has. What condition is it that he has? That was alopecia. No, no, no speaking.

Speaker 3:

It was, he had no eyebrows.

Speaker 4:

I heard he broke cars because he was sitting there here in my car because, like he couldn't talk, he has so right can't think of what it is, but yeah, but watch that documentary.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, an alien in LA Okay, I think it's LA on Los Angeles, one of the other, it's the whole recording of one of his albums, his kind of comeback album. He has a rabid fan following. He does yes to this day, believe it or not, yeah, people will be surprised. He has a big rabid fan following. Yeah, yeah, let's in. He's a brilliant, brilliant musician. Yeah, he really is. The guys talented. September 25th was another bad day. This is, he was a bad year. September 25th, 1980 John Bonham dies.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, john Paul Jones found him Really, yeah, you know, I was when I were, were you when you heard, bonzo died I.

Speaker 1:

I think I was Some reason. I think I was up the beach. We used to always hang up this beat the beach wall and went up. It's like a fucking mile long Kids everywhere and I think it just kind of was one of those spread like wildfire that came over the radio, you know.

Speaker 3:

I was. I was in a deli, I was in scene hall, university going to school 25th.

Speaker 2:

no, we weren't up the beach because it's September, so I don't, I guess I just heard it on the radio.

Speaker 4:

I don't really remember. No, I've been hanging on the beach.

Speaker 1:

It's September, right, see end of September up there, that might as well just be winter time.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Yeah. October 9th 1980, a riot breaks out at a black Sabbath concert in Milwaukee. Off the basis, giza butler is hitting the head by a bottle and the band quits the stage. Yeah Well Fuck.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah that must that one, I gotta say good for you buddy, I'm not.

Speaker 1:

Someone hit Axel Rose with a flower and. He wants to fight the world and then runs off stage. October 26 1980, paul Cantor of Jefferson Starship is rushed to the hospital following a cerebral hemorrhage. Oh, he soon recovers, without surgery, defying medical odds. Wow, jesus.

Speaker 1:

My brother said he was down the point. That's the point in winter, which is where the group the point Any, yeah November, no October, it just says October. Iron Maiden replaces Dennis Stratton with your, your chin, with urchin guitarist Adrienne Adrian Smith. Yeah, november 21st. Iron Maiden plays the first gig with their new guitarist, Adrienne Smith, in Uxbridge. December 4th 1980. Led Zeppelin disbands following the death of drummer John Bond. December 5th 1980 Durand Durand signs with EMI after finalizing its lineup and touring as a support act for Hazel O'Connor. Wow, who exactly? Wow, she was a British singer and actress. She became famous in the early 80s with hits like 8th day, d days and will you. She also starred in the 1980 film breaking glass. She kind of looks like an Annie Lennox type girl in this picture. This must have been a like an England of Britain, tour, tour Britain or something is the. December 7th 1980 Dobby crash, lead singer of LA punk band the germs, dies of a heroin overdose and a suicide pact. Wow, yeah, bad year 1980, shit, december 8th, well, december 8th 1980.

Speaker 1:

Yep, so you lost fucking bottom September. Three months later, john Lennon's dead yeah, plus all the motherfuckers that died earlier in the year. Bond Scott, like what the fuck 80 was? A cursed yeah, great music, great.

Speaker 3:

I would curse or pretty young too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, december 14th 1980, over a hundred thousand mourners attend a public vigil For John Lennon in Central Park. A Perry was there. Yeah, says here. Side note Yoko ono tried to charge admission Because she's a greedy fucking asshole I don't know. That someone must have put that in there on December 31st. There we go. We reached the end of the world. He went out with right under an hour. We're on a good pace gentlemen, something'll happen.

Speaker 1:

Right, good pace. December 31st 1980, the 9th annual New Year's Rock and Eve special, as on ABC with the parents is by oh, big hit. This year, charlie Daniels band devil went down to Georgia. I believe that was that. Yeah, yeah, billy Preston was on there, serena Chuck Berry and Barry Mandelow all these 70s acts still lingering around.

Speaker 1:

Right on a stable right, you look at him. Well, they were still. It's just the beginning. It's the end of the first year of the decade, you know, yeah, so, all right, let's get rid of that. Let's go to bands that were formed. Now, this is kind of an interesting list. As I said pre-show, a lot of bands, a Lot of interesting bands were formed. Abc, the band ABC, formed in 1980. Bad religion hmm, bad religions formed in 1980. Bow, wow, wow, after Malcolm McLaren pulled a coup on Adam and kicked him out and put together a band With in a Bella LeWin, who was only 13 years old. Wow, wow, there's some stories there. She had some stories, yeah, wow, that she was pretty much wrapped by these guys. Wow, you know, yeah, 13. Malcolm McLaren was a fucking scumbag.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

All right, he had. He had an F music and he was a prunos. The guy was a scumbag who puts together a band with a 13 year old girl.

Speaker 3:

It was a 13 year old girl getting a band too, I mean.

Speaker 1:

I heard the story. Her parents were like they signed the rights and all that shit because she was, you know she became famous. The call was formed in 1980. The church who. If you ever get a chance to see them like I did, they're very, very good in concert. Let's see who else was formed in 1980, dead or alive. You spin me right round Like a record baby. Yeah, I, the Pesh mode was formed in 1980. Ah, yep, the one hit wonders. The divinals were formed in 1980. Another, there are Australian band right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they touch themselves.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah she, she passed away. Yeah, eventually, the cancer.

Speaker 3:

Martha Davis yeah, she did.

Speaker 1:

No, martha Davis, with the motels, that's the motels.

Speaker 3:

That's right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, chrissy Amphlette was the lead singer. Sexy sexy girl Electric, the electric banana band. I just one of those fucking things, like I just saw that name, like yeah, okay, the rhythms, the Rhythmics.

Speaker 4:

La the rhythms.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the year rhythmics were formed in 1980, the fix was formed in 1980. Standoff, all Sing that again. No, frankie goes to Hollywood, welcome to the pleasure. Don't listen to that album, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Version of Born to Run.

Speaker 1:

It's a really good album, man. Welcome to the pledge, don't? I have that now in my finally manicured playlist. Welcome to the pleasure. I love listening to that song. Hmm, like an eight-minute song? Right, yeah, it's done so fucking well. Yes, gang green, I think they're a Boston band, right, yep, they're out of Boston. The Georgia satellites, one hit wonders. Yeah, keep your hands to yourself.

Speaker 3:

No huggy, no kissy, that's right haircut 100 boy meets girl.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, no, they did. They did boy meets girl with. Their big hit was love plus one. Yes love Plus what?

Speaker 2:

One of my favorite songs of all time.

Speaker 1:

I fucking love that song. It always reminds me a summer it was 1980, was a great summer. Right, I was a big fan of the movie was Franky, and it was a body double Brian de Palma's body double. Great movie, by the way. Crazy, yeah, it's fucking. I loved it Just the way it was filmed and the guy, the lead actor always reminded me of Bill Maher. He looks like Bill.

Speaker 4:

Yes, oh, I forget his name. Yeah, great film noir.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely. I hair cut 100 of the love plus one video. I've said this a hundred times Stupidest fucking video you'll ever see. Stupid, stupid. Makes zero sense that there on a fucking desert island and there's Cannibals with bones in their hair and there's a big cauldron and then swinging around and ties in ropes, fucking great big elaborate set.

Speaker 1:

Let's see who else was formed in 1980. The happy Mondays, hey, but they wouldn't really hit it until the late 80s, the end, like toward the end of the decade. Heaven 17, heaven 17, right, okay, so heaven 17 is an interesting band. They were two of the guys from human League. They left human League and started heaven 17, which I thought was pretty interesting because they actually were somewhat successful in a way. Right, they had minor hits, but human League went on to be like big. Yeah, they, they, they had some pretty big hits, don't?

Speaker 4:

you want me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I haven't 17 right. That's why I just said heaven, 17 the Hooters, and we danced Right and all you zombies. That's a great song. Yep, icicle works, the icicle works. I believe they were a Boston band. I believe, no, let me check up on them. No, they, we talked about this. Yeah, they're English, we talked about them recently. Lou, you actually talked about, uh, let's see who else what level 42, a lot of numbers. Oh yeah, let me go Something about you, is that there is?

Speaker 3:

that about you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, heaven 17. They're the ones that said let me go right. I think that's.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, anyone hasn't heard these songs. Don't listen to this thing. Go check it out.

Speaker 1:

Let me go. The meat puppets, me puppets.

Speaker 3:

I like that.

Speaker 1:

New Mexico, I think right missing persons was formed in 1980 Deceptive band.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, right out of Frank's apple is more.

Speaker 3:

There's more than.

Speaker 1:

Medford, massachusetts, where my father lives. Dale Bozio brother. Oh yeah, uh, new order. Of course we talked about them earlier. Who else? Who else Was formed quarter flash? One hit wonders hard in my heart. Mm-hmm. That's the year I saw them back up, bob. See here REM. As we said earlier, 1980, the sisters of Mercy Doc wave music right there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they run the urgent cares down here in North Carolina. Now, sister, they come out on new wave.

Speaker 1:

Watch a video of the sisters of Mercy and then connect that with Lucy and they run the urgent kids In Asheville whatever, whatever I've been to these players, I've been to a couple.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm like, yeah, okay, I'm forget it.

Speaker 1:

The smithereens were formed in 1980. That's a Jersey band. Great new, great new Jersey band yeah. Yeah, yeah, they kind of.

Speaker 3:

Almost they, they got to that level. Yeah, they didn't. But they cracked the top 40 a couple times but they never got beat on that you know, what they didn't have the material. I mean they have a very similar sound I have. Yeah, they were good band to see live.

Speaker 4:

You know I bet money about them. Totally regional they they filled Madison Square Garden but nowhere else in the country could they do that. You know right yeah right, that's it.

Speaker 1:

Suicidal tendencies for me. Oh, I want it was a Pepsi. I was one of the Pepsi. I want it was a Pepsi. Ah, who else? Who else is only a few more. The violent firms still touring, wow, wow, 44 years.

Speaker 3:

Still I know Same same lineup.

Speaker 1:

I'm I'm pretty sure. I mean maybe, maybe not. Oh, but that's one of those things where the lead singers really what matters.

Speaker 3:

Gordon, gordon, gecko, gordon gano.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, they're the. They're the ones that really matter in a band like that right.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, his voice was so quirky and just yeah yeah, recognizable, for, like the church, the church, the lead singer for the church. His voice is the group you know, you know so funny, I agree. And the record companies hated it Early on their career. They thought he was just, he wasn't dynamic enough of a singer.

Speaker 1:

But from the church.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, steve, yeah, the thing was, you know it's, but they had to stick to their guns fucking dude.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I just saw them and that's fucking great.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's no opera singer, but he's just the way.

Speaker 1:

No, but he has the songs for his voice. Exactly, and it's, and it's every song in that show and and my friend Phil Kelly, he came down here, we went and he wasn't really familiar with them. Very rarely will I say this. Every song in that show was good and they finished fucking big Like they were no joke. It was a really, really entertaining show. Uh, let's see so, uh, yep, violent fems, vixen, ah, this one, 1980, wang Chung baby. Hey, listen, they coined a phrase for a decade. Everybody.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Chung tonight, baby, they, they got that hook out there. But dance all days is a really good song.

Speaker 4:

Oh, what a great rhythm. It's a fucking.

Speaker 1:

Dance all days is a really good song.

Speaker 2:

Does it say grab your baby by the hair?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you take your baby by the hair. That's right, but they're they're probably most underrated song is to live and die in LA.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Go listen to that one Great, tall and reclaimed, yeah Wang Chung to live and die in LA. It's from the movie to live in, die in LA, and let's see, I think that's it. I think that's it. Uh, zubi N Yeti is the last band on the list.

Speaker 3:

They won your vision song. Contest that you're getting out of here.

Speaker 1:

All right bands that broke up. Let's do it real.

Speaker 4:

This wasn't like you know how I know that band I when you mentioned, because whenever I used to go to record stores I go to z for z brand I always it was a zubi man. What is this? I want zebra.

Speaker 1:

Uh, my brother says, what movie Wang Chung. To live and die in LA. Pay attention, asshole. Let's see who broke up in 1980. Uh, the eagles Right the germs. Well, because you're a lead singer, odeed in a suicide pack Baby we were born joined a vision because your lead singer killed himself.

Speaker 3:

Right, that's definitely because your drummer, oh, just died. He is fixie. Oh my Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Mott, the hoople was around until 1980.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah they lasted a good long time after Ian hunter left.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they did a few albums without them. Who's the singer?

Speaker 3:

I can't remember who played mott.

Speaker 4:

Played mott another way. Which one is mott?

Speaker 1:

Uh, let's see, I'm not gonna go look at them up. They're not that relevant. Uh, parliament broke up in 1980 Seals and cross.

Speaker 2:

Oh, they broke up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's, they actually broke up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, uriah heap, a band that everybody's heard of, but no one really listened to them. They reformed, like a year later.

Speaker 3:

It's just the name Uriah.

Speaker 4:

He was a great fucking name. It is a great idea, but they reformed like a year later though.

Speaker 1:

He's our only viewer.

Speaker 3:

That's all yeah, but he was like you know, we don't need viewers. I guess everyone dropped out. He's only comments. I can say yeah.

Speaker 1:

It was watching the Bruins game, probably. Let's see movies, let's jump. Oh, let's do the. Let's know, let's do the. You make the call. Oh yeah, so you make the call.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

All right, I wish the same Patrick's Day edition.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

This was fucking hard. I'm telling you right now this was hard. It's a fucking find interesting shit on Irish people In culture, that people that everybody would understand. Like I can say some shit but most people are like I don't get it. It's like trying to find a lot of words in there and find Irish cooking.

Speaker 4:

You really don't. You really don't. Spaghetti and ketchup, that's right.

Speaker 1:

All right, here you go, mark, you make the call.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

As far as corn, beef and cabbage goes, yeah, brown mustard or yellow mustard Brown.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Brown Losers Yellow. I'm Italian, it's got to be yellow.

Speaker 4:

I used to like you Yellow. I used to, but I've really gotten into the brown mustard.

Speaker 1:

It's got so it's got a better tang to go with the corned beef Scott.

Speaker 4:

I like Dijon, I like Joe mustard. No, we didn't agree. Poop on you also vote for Biden. Our crowds good, all right, lou.

Speaker 1:

Lou, this was all your movies, movies, the crying game, did you see it? No, what Jesus, what is wrong with you? I got to like say the.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Look, even my brother says Gouldens, what do you know? Doesn't know anything.

Speaker 3:

We sided with the big bro Spicy brand.

Speaker 1:

No, it's got to be yellow mustard.

Speaker 4:

French is yellow, that's good on a hot dog, on a hot dog, on a hot dog. I put butter on everything Butter and melted it. Butter and what?

Speaker 1:

On the corned beef and cabbage, like all the vegetables. Butter on everything, then cover everything. Just put mustard over everything.

Speaker 3:

Oh good, good days game all right, I'm doing corned beef parmesan the Sunday.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, all right, mark, I guess that's just you and me. The crying game, yeah, or the name of the father, oh I mean, even I didn't get the finished one.

Speaker 2:

You didn't see the crying game.

Speaker 3:

Well, okay, I could pay. I didn't see the other one.

Speaker 4:

I got to go with the name of the father. I got to go with that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what's the name?

Speaker 4:

of the father, Daniel Day Lewis. Yeah, you know what? The thing that pissed me off about crying game was? Faris Whitaker's voice was overdubbed. That kind of pissed me off. I never really noticed that. Yeah, he's, if you look closely you know. I mean, maybe I'm wrong, but I think it was overdubbed.

Speaker 3:

Why do you think that?

Speaker 4:

was he couldn't get the accent needed, you know.

Speaker 1:

You have to see the movie Lou. It's a good movie.

Speaker 3:

It's really a good movie, dude yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean is this.

Speaker 3:

It's supposed to have an Irish accent.

Speaker 1:

I'm British, I think British, yeah British, the crying game or the name of the father. It's a tough one man, they're both.

Speaker 4:

I know the acting of Daniel Day Lewis.

Speaker 1:

Yeah you got to go. One of the greatest actors who just up and stopped acting, yeah, retired right. He just said I'm not doing it anymore. What I mean? How fucking great.

Speaker 4:

And he always did what he wanted. He didn't do a movie unless he wanted to do it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, what was the? There will be blood oh fucking A man. You know, my favorite is the first like 12 minutes of that movie. Nobody talks.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's crazy. I always liked the last of Mohicans. That was the first time I saw him and that was a great version of that movie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll find you All right here we go Lou. No stop, mark Mark. St Patty's Day Parade. No, the Columbus Day Parade.

Speaker 4:

Oh, come on. I am so sick of seeing Cadillacs going down the road. In my town we canceled our Columbus Day Parade. They have to march in the St Patrick's Day because Pearl River has the second largest parade behind Manhattan in this area. So yeah, St Patty's.

Speaker 3:

I canceled the Columbus Day.

Speaker 4:

Parade no, nobody went.

Speaker 1:

I canceled the Columbus because Columbus murdered the Indians. He was a killer.

Speaker 4:

No, literally it was just a bunch of Cadillacs going down the road. It was said so what? I like that they put the mafia staff car.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

You keep your hands off.

Speaker 1:

All right, Lou. St Patty's Day Parade. At Columbus Day Parade.

Speaker 3:

St Patty's Day Parade. No one gives a shit about Columbus Day. Exactly, my mother was Irish. I'm Irish as well. All right, I just don't talk about it.

Speaker 1:

So you have Irish.

Speaker 3:

No, no. If there's a Western Asian, there's Spanish. There's all kinds of weird shit in me.

Speaker 1:

Lou the cranberries or thin Lizzie, Then Lizzie.

Speaker 4:

Mark, I'm going to say cranberries, I love them. I'm very serious.

Speaker 1:

I so fucking love Dolores.

Speaker 4:

I think there were more Irish than thin Lizzie. You know, thin Lizzie was just a good rock band.

Speaker 2:

They were an Irish Cranberries chattanooga, the angst of what was going on in Ireland in their songs you know.

Speaker 1:

That's still nothing. No, no, for some strange reason, no artist's death has bothered me more than her death. To this day, that still fucking bothers me. It's never a fucking Literally, I'm not lying. It unsettles me that she died in a fucking hotel room. Yeah, you know, and there was no ever. They never said, I don't think, what it was.

Speaker 3:

Wasn't she anorexic? No, no.

Speaker 1:

I don't think she had kids too. I had like three kids, I think.

Speaker 4:

You know what it's, what makes us all feel.

Speaker 1:

It's like a voice of a fucking angel.

Speaker 4:

It's what makes us all feel mortal. Sometimes people do just die. That's what makes you enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

That one bothers me still. It's just sad, it's just. I get this somber feeling about that.

Speaker 4:

She, just she was young and she had so much more to say.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that would have been a great reunion tour. Yeah, they would have been fucking huge again. Yeah, okay, mark, you too, or anyone else.

Speaker 4:

Fucking you too, lou, I'm just going with you too.

Speaker 3:

I'll go with anyone else. I'll go with the Cranberries. You know the.

Speaker 2:

I like you too.

Speaker 3:

I'm not a huge fan, I'm not ambivalent toward them. I like some of this stuff, but I was just not. They just didn't grab me like that. Yeah, I like a fair amount of this stuff. I think I like some stuff that diehard fans don't I used to love Some of those Latter Day singles I used to love.

Speaker 1:

And then they did this whole like 40 shows at the Sphere, right yeah.

Speaker 4:

Did you see the numbers on that? I talked about it on our show.

Speaker 1:

The number of them were phenomenal. Yeah, you did, of course, they were, of course. And then the last show fucking Bono can't fucking help himself. He can, he's got a big mouth. He goes and fucking sings a song. He wrote a song for Jill Biden. Of all the first, ladies, that useless piece of shit. Ay, ay, ay ay. She is dude, even more so than the Lonnie Look. Michelle Obama was not my favorite fucking person in the world, but her cause was fucking, you know, helping the overweight kids. They all have a cause. What?

Speaker 3:

the fuck is.

Speaker 1:

Jill Biden done with her fake doctorate. It's not even a PhD, it's an E-D-H of some shit.

Speaker 4:

I'm uneducated so I can't comment on that.

Speaker 1:

No, it doesn't mean. I've read her dissertation. It's fucking garbage. It's absolute garbage. It's got mistakes in it.

Speaker 4:

Did you hear Tucker Cole talk about it?

Speaker 1:

No, I give her no credit, I give her zero credit. Bono goes and writes a song about her.

Speaker 4:

I would say the worst first lady initiative was just say no, just say no.

Speaker 1:

But you're still talking about it today, aren't you? Yeah right, so there you go. It couldn't have been that fucking bad, but it didn't work.

Speaker 3:

It was because of the insipid nature of it, just say no Come on, but it was, but it was.

Speaker 1:

it's iconic.

Speaker 3:

It's iconic Only because of people left at it.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to go by, I'm going to get it.

Speaker 3:

It's not because they followed me.

Speaker 1:

It says don't just say no on it.

Speaker 4:

I'm bringing that back babe, you're going to get a Freddie.

Speaker 1:

Frankie says yeah, and a Frankie says all right, moving on, let's see, mark, corn beef and cabbage or shepherd's pie. Oh, wow, that's a tough one. You know what? All right, and I'm going to put it this way A good corn beef and cabbage in a good shepherd's pie, which one do you take?

Speaker 4:

So Finnegan's Pub in Westwood, new Jersey, serves the best shepherd's pie. This is this is going to kill. This is going to be surprising for me to say, but I can't eat corn, beef and cabbage a lot. If I tried to eat it four times a year, I wouldn't be. It's it's gastric and keep talking, keep talking.

Speaker 1:

I'm just going to go. I'm going to go doc for a second. Hold on, keep talking.

Speaker 3:

I can comment on your comment about corn, beef and cabbage.

Speaker 4:

The next day is rough.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it's rough. I actually I made about a month ago because I don't plan on doing it on Sunday, cause it's been forever, and for like a week after that I said I asked him. I said work. I said can we're sweatpants all week? I can work, and they're like no, you gotta, you gotta, put regular clothes on Lou.

Speaker 4:

It's rough. It's rough, the cabbage.

Speaker 3:

I was going to wear a skirt so I could eat shepherd's pie. It's good. While you're eating it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Great the next day. You know what my, my father says my grandmother used to cook it in a pan the next day, like for two days the cabbage and the vegetables, and she called it bubble and squeak. Bubble and squeak.

Speaker 2:

I grew up on that. My sister knows.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Cause that's what it does, it makes all those noises.

Speaker 4:

If same patties is on the day before a work day take off and everyone thinks it's because I hung over, I'm like no, I had corned beef. I'm a disaster the next day and I look at my brother stay dock. Yeah, you stay dock. But I gotta say I could eat shepherd's pie every day.

Speaker 1:

I freaking love it and you can make it, so you saved the crust for the for the end, the top, the eat underneath it. Yeah. Does yours have the top over it, or is it just the top over? Yeah, yeah, pop pies every I eat underneath it. And then I save that, all that doughiness, for the end.

Speaker 4:

Now Finnegan's in Westwood Lou. You know that place they serve it with shredded beef and it's good, it's really good. It's. It's a little different, you know so.

Speaker 3:

All right, Lou Liam Neeson. I didn't get the yes media, I didn't get the culinary course.

Speaker 1:

Oh, all right, I figure Italian. So that's all you claim.

Speaker 3:

So I like to drink. He wants to have a corned beef or cabbage or shepherd's pie.

Speaker 1:

A good shepherd's pie, shepherd's pie. My brother said the same thing. I got to go with the corned beef and cabbage. I just nothing. As my grandmother, lily, quinn, lily and Lily and Quinn used to say, corned beef and cabbage makes an Irishman savage.

Speaker 4:

I think you could eat concrete with salt and you'd be fine. You have the most, you have an iron stomach and an iron intestine, I do.

Speaker 3:

You must you must. I can eat as you see I can eat anything, they're like a goat.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I just it's all good.

Speaker 3:

Buddy, do you rock some, mark? I got a question because it's got. I know you don't drink, mark. Do you do like a Guinness or a harp as far as your do?

Speaker 1:

you do a same patty what do you steal? What do you steal in my one of my things for oh?

Speaker 3:

I didn't know. I'm sorry. That's one of my things, I wouldn't Okay.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 3:

Mark, oh, we're pretending we didn't hear it Guinness or harp.

Speaker 4:

I like harp better than Guinness. I'm a harp guy. Guinness is good, it's great, but harp is got a nice taste. No Guinness.

Speaker 3:

I used to love docking. I know I call it Guinness yeah.

Speaker 1:

What you do.

Speaker 4:

Cultural appropriator you just offended me Lou, yeah Good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, I think Lowenbrow was a good beer, lowenbrow docks, it was jurors and jurors oh, that was good stuff.

Speaker 4:

Beck's dock. Beck's dock was good, heineken dock was good too, heineken.

Speaker 1:

I like dock beer and plus, no one would ever steal it from me at a party. That's right.

Speaker 4:

I could leave shit laying around and nobody's drinking it, which was great. I'd go to a party and go. I got my dark heines. I got my dark heines Lowenbrow dark too.

Speaker 1:

Nobody's drinking them. Yeah, yeah, okay, lou Liam Neeson or Pierce Bronson Liam.

Speaker 3:

Neeson, liam Neeson, liam Neeson, liam Neeson.

Speaker 1:

Over James Bond. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 4:

Mark. I gotta say Liam too, because Pierce is a great actor, but I mean to steal. Liam Neeson's good. Oh, he's great, he's done yeah.

Speaker 3:

Where does he rank on your Bond hierarchy? He's down in the lower.

Speaker 4:

Me too yeah.

Speaker 3:

Is he above or?

Speaker 4:

below Timothy Dalton oh, I know what.

Speaker 1:

Scott's gonna say so he'd have to. I'd put him below Timothy.

Speaker 3:

Dalton Below Timothy Dalton, really yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, I gotta go with Liam Neeson too.

Speaker 4:

Who do you think was the worst? James Bond's got the worst.

Speaker 1:

James Bond. Uh, it's one of those two, and I said so, I'd probably say Pierce Bronson.

Speaker 4:

I'd go with the guy before Pierce that did two movies that he did Timothy Dalton, timothy Dalton, oh, timothy Dalton, yeah, I don't like him. He was just, he was pushing it, he was trying to be.

Speaker 1:

You know what You're right. You're right. You just changed I get it. That's right. I would say that You're right. I agree yes.

Speaker 3:

I think the worst was David Niven.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's right. That's going way back.

Speaker 3:

Good, that was not a real Bond movie, but I yeah.

Speaker 1:

Throwing out the last Bond movie with Daniel Craig that I will never watch. I didn't see it.

Speaker 2:

I loved it. I loved it. Don't watch it. I loved it. It's gonna ruin everything about Bond that you ever wanted to see. Why is?

Speaker 4:

that Scott.

Speaker 1:

Well, because number one he's being driven around by a fucking. It's woke. Yeah, it's woke because they fucking give the 007 to a black female right that they didn't have to do. And then they got one of her driving him on the back. He's on the back of her scooter, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, baby.

Speaker 1:

Bond is supposed to be driving the motorcycle. No, he's driving her. No, they broke. They broke Bond on purpose.

Speaker 4:

I can't believe it. I can't. Who's the snowflake here? I can't.

Speaker 1:

Oh, because you enjoyed that. Evidently a true. Bond fan and he cried he fucking cried.

Speaker 4:

I cried at the end.

Speaker 1:

I did Fucking Bond cried.

Speaker 4:

Lou, he cried, no, I cried at the end of the movie.

Speaker 1:

No, no, I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

James Bond cried too. Didn't George Lazenby cry in her Magistri?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Well, that's because his wife died. So, carl, that's acceptable.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, because it's relatable he was dying at rig two.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, don't, Don't yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh, and the moment of 10.

Speaker 4:

I know let's move on.

Speaker 3:

Now Colin seems to think George Lassenby was the worst one.

Speaker 1:

He's only in one, and that was a good movie, though. That fucking movie, that fucking toboggan scene there you go.

Speaker 2:

There you go.

Speaker 4:

Gold star 823 says hello. Next year I'm going to be on the red carpet at the Grammy. Hello Gold Star.

Speaker 1:

All right, here we go. Mark, yeah, here we go. Or dreams by the, by the cranberries. Do you know the song dreams? Yeah, not too well, I'll tell you, you'll know it. Hold on, yeah, here we go.

Speaker 2:

That, that's all, yeah, yeah that's a great fucking song right oh my god, that's a great song.

Speaker 4:

I played that driving In our area. Root 9w goes up the Hudson Valley and it goes over West Point Military Academy and you look down and I was playing that while driving up there and it's just, it was just like one hell of a great scene. Yeah, seeing the whole Hudson Valley laid, the Hudson River Military Academy with the tall building and that song. Listen to the voice, oh man, yeah, don't get a copy right. Claim Anyone who died gets protected more on the web.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, lou dreams, I Gotta go linger. Such a fucking great it's a great song. Dreams is a great size. No, like I always say, in these there's no lose, or really, like you know, there's no. But. I'm not a rocker linger is just a great. The video is great. It's just got a lot of emotion to it, you know.

Speaker 4:

The reason I brought up driving up by those Hudson.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

We have sections of the Hudson Valley, especially by West Point, where it does look like it could be Ireland, and so I'm hearing that song, you know, and I pull over and I look down on this great greenery and everything and it's just a magical.

Speaker 3:

I was sort of do you have to fly, or lingus? Oh, do I hear we all here lingus?

Speaker 4:

our last one wait, there can I do it. Yeah, there we go. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

You know, you know.

Speaker 4:

Second bottle. It's only my second glass. Come on, lou gets put in the box.

Speaker 1:

No, collins watching me good easy, everybody, everybody last week made it out clean. I don't hate West. Point. Oh, lou goes and breaks the streak. We were an hour and a half into this show and Lou goes and breaks the streak of no one in the penalty box. But unfortunately I have to bring him back because we got to finish this segment.

Speaker 3:

So I can be the bad boy.

Speaker 1:

The episode today back over where you.

Speaker 3:

Do you have to fly or lingus, you're looking for it Are you? Sad.

Speaker 4:

Loose looking for a fight lose a master cunning lingwist Alright last one last one, lou.

Speaker 1:

Okay, what would you rather have? Would you rather find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or Get three wishes? If the leprechaun gives you a choice, do you take the pot of gold it's a good son, some good pot of gold, yeah. Or do you take three wishes.

Speaker 3:

What is the gold rate going today?

Speaker 1:

It's always expensive, oh.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna take the three wishes oh.

Speaker 1:

I'm whimsical like that. You know what they say about wishes.

Speaker 2:

Be careful when you wish for money.

Speaker 1:

That's right, mark.

Speaker 4:

Leprechauns are fucking sneaky. I don't trust them. I'll go at the pot of gold Leprechaun with three wishes it.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, it's gold coins with the chocolate in the middle. That's what that's.

Speaker 1:

I'll take it. So I always thought about wishes, right, and when you, when you're younger, you're like oh, wishes. But then I think I forget what it was. It might have been up with some sci-fi thing made like one of the newer Twilight Zone things, and it was one of those like when you make a wish, it is exact, yes, so what you say? Mm-hmm, there's no roundabout in this. You know, when you make a wish, you know, I wish for somebody to come back.

Speaker 1:

You know, or somebody was still here, Well you're getting a pet cemetery scenario there, motherfucker right. I like whereas I will take the pot of gold and I got tell it's a good pot. It's a good size of full of gold coins, right, so you're probably good and you can make some wishes happen. Well, I would wish for the pot of gold first.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I want. I want Ringo's drum kit from the Ed Sullivan show. I don't want these. Things are like I don't want someone to come back. The monkey paw know that story.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, it's the same thing as pet cemetery, but yeah, it's simple. Simple wishes. Monkey paw.

Speaker 1:

All right, good. Second, gentlemen, let's get into the movies of 1980. I Will start the show. The shining came out 1980. Yes, it did.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, good discussion about that this week.

Speaker 1:

It was Stan. Stephen King hated it. He hated it. Yeah, he didn't like what Q Q brick did to it. Yeah, he left out a lot of stuff. The Shape-shifting bushes and yeah, you know they come alive and the maze would change, like everything that they did in the mini series.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they did a mini series but there was the guy that the guy that played the Nejacentral control, stephen Weber, that was a wrong choice.

Speaker 1:

That was a wrong choice. Definitely, yeah, I think. I think that airplane show right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, wings. I think I heard they're gonna do it like the way they did it. The same guys at the D it movie are gonna do Shining and I'll probably be two movies. That'll be great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they have to do it like that. Yeah, but nobody will ever, ever replace Scatman Carothers now nobody did you see dr Sleep Scott?

Speaker 4:

They actually had an AI of Scatman Crothers.

Speaker 1:

Did they really get?

Speaker 4:

standing grown up. Yeah, I mean flashes back because you can't replace them.

Speaker 1:

I think it was a great character. Yeah, hey, listen, anybody that could do the voice of Hong Kong. Fooie, it's fucking.

Speaker 3:

My book. What was his name in the movie?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Good one. Good one, and I'm a Stephen King reader.

Speaker 1:

I am too. I haven't read any of his books in a while. I read one last one. The last one I read was wasn't that good? Yeah, he is hit and miss. I don't know what was it Luke dick Halloran, that's a Caller?

Speaker 4:

yeah hollering dick. Yeah, All right. Mike Give me a movie honey suckle Rose was Willie Nelson and Chris Christofferson. Oh, wow great movie Okay.

Speaker 3:

All right, lou Caligula. Well, you know the or the X version, either one of those in in Boston.

Speaker 1:

So that was that.

Speaker 3:

I'll be right back.

Speaker 1:

I had to wait to see it on, like fucking VHS tape.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

With the ring. Oh Jesus the wedding night.

Speaker 3:

those kids that's got the endorsement from the big brother. Oh good, good luck. I can always say good luck.

Speaker 1:

That's not always good, we're talking the X version Everybody. Let's see Star Wars, episode 5 the Empire Strikes back final of that trilogy?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was, that was the third, that was the trill, it okay. I would turn to the Jedi's, the second. Yeah, we turn to the Jedi Do you think they're better than the first ones? Ah, colin schooled me Sorry.

Speaker 1:

I ain't, can it Smitty? Yeah, I'm sorry, mark, give me a movie.

Speaker 4:

We're bad, we're bad, we bad crazy.

Speaker 1:

We bad stir crazy.

Speaker 4:

That was almost like a Seinfeld episode. It really was a movie about nothing was this long, weird plot yeah.

Speaker 1:

I got a friend who when he was, when he was younger, at his peak, he looked just like Grossberger, really looked fucking just like shaved his head. He was like almost 500 pounds. Yeah, I'll send you a picture. It's fucking, it was amazing, man mountain.

Speaker 3:

Coleman, his daughter.

Speaker 1:

Oh, oh, yeah, okay.

Speaker 3:

I don't leave on him airplane came out 1980.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, yeah, mark, seems like old times. That was a cute little movie, all right.

Speaker 3:

Lou Carney. There is he, carney.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, who's in Carney?

Speaker 3:

Gary Busey and Jody Forster and Robbie Robertson from the band that's right, that's right yeah. It's. You know, it's pretty good movie after all, not another big budget thing. But yeah, gary Busey was hysterical as a clown, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Well, one of the greatest comedies of all time came out 1980 Caddy Shack, yeah, yeah. I mean watch that today and you still laugh.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, oh Mrs.

Speaker 1:

Rodhead night made that whole movie. I know Rodney was great and I know they that cherry chase was out and was on his game there. Bill Murray, but fucking Ted night, ted Baxter, no, it's Ted night right. He made that movie. He was just throughout the whole. He was consistent throughout. He had run-ins with all of them.

Speaker 3:

He was, that's right, that whole movie, right, fucking judge smells, smells.

Speaker 1:

They said I still use this line to this fucking day. They're walking back to the fucking clubhouse and the snack bars over there and and judge smells. Nephew was like I want a cheese burger, I want a hot dog, I want a coke. You'll get nothing in like it. I've said that to my kids growing up sure you get nothing in like it.

Speaker 4:

You know what two of the best rich assholes and movies are? Him in that movie and Richard Karen in summer rental. He was right, this is my boat, that was just. He was classic in that.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 4:

Mark, give me movie a Sequel that the critics hated but I loved just as much as the original.

Speaker 1:

Any which way you can, the sequel to any which way, but loose yeah.

Speaker 4:

I love the orangutan is clod. Oh yeah, gordon, I think is still in it to.

Speaker 1:

Clyde was like one of the sea, was like the second, he was like the costa right turn Clyde. Yep, yeah, yep, all right, luke, give me a movie.

Speaker 3:

I went up the smut factor again, cruising without Pachina. Oh, that was a fucking weird movie.

Speaker 1:

I know the words a weird movie.

Speaker 3:

He investigates the gay underwear. He's a copy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's a murders, this a serial killer in the gay community. Yeah, yeah, it's a really it's a heavy-duty movie that yeah, he had some issues with that.

Speaker 3:

He took some flak for that role, I think. Yeah, it was just like a full-eather daddy, you know yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a good movie. It is good movie. It's really that brand of all that little bit. Yeah, that's right in the pollin it. Yeah, I'm gonna go with another one, another classic comedy that came out 1980. This is what I mean, dude. They don't fucking make movies like these movies anymore. They just don't. There's no originality, everything's fucking junk.

Speaker 1:

The Blues Brothers yeah, good movie movies and look at the lineup and I'll give you a decade of movies. Yeah, I'll give you a decade from 2014 to now, and compare them just to this year. You fucking can't, because it's junk. It's junk. All right, mark.

Speaker 4:

The movie wasn't so great, but the scene when they fixed up a car for the guy and they played a California dreaming the Hollywood nights, a Dead scene where they played that song. And who was in that? Ted Tony, jesus, tony Donza.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah yeah it was kind of closer Tony Danza. Kind of lingus and Tony Danza.

Speaker 3:

Cruising in Caligula.

Speaker 1:

All over the place tonight.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it had had some names, had Robert wool, who was the guy that hung on.

Speaker 1:

So I'm an officer and a gentleman, michelle.

Speaker 3:

Biper was in a mokey yeah. Yeah, all right, lou, the happy hooker, goes to Hollywood.

Speaker 1:

The smut category. Yeah, I'm gonna say I voted the greatest movie of the 80s. Do you know what it is reading? Bull Yep. Ah yeah, that was the best picture, my wife.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Crazy. You've been punching the head too much. What are you talking about?

Speaker 4:

You fuck my wife very similar to how funny am I Right?

Speaker 1:

very similar how about you talking to me, you talking to me yes, so you take you talking to me and you take the how funny am I? And you put those together and you get raging bull.

Speaker 3:

John. I've just seen where he's eating the meatball sandwich. He's standing for the TV Joe Pesci's making fun because he got so happy.

Speaker 4:

That hits home to me. It's home because if I'm eating a meatball sandwich, my son will walk in a room and just go. Dad, come on.

Speaker 1:

There's this place down here, called the spot is the infamous for making these big fucking subs like you get. They're like a meatball sub. The guy even asked me a time he goes to for hair to go and I said for hair. And he was you're gonna eat the whole thing.

Speaker 1:

It's like six meatballs that are like just smaller than a baseball. Right yeah, fucking cheese it up and sauce it up. And I Was at work. I was I was out of the field at this time. I was working international trade. I went this place and I got the sub and one of my buddies walked in the lunchroom. He saw that and he goes You're gonna eat that for lunch. I'm gonna make it through the rest of the day. Food coma coming yeah, ah, who did?

Speaker 4:

I leave off with. I Think I'm next. Yeah, yeah, a movie. That was really bad, but the soundtrack was great and had one of the best pop songs ever sung Xanadu and the song magic. I love that song. But Xanadu with my gay no, no, that was my first. Yeah, no, no, carrie Fisher was my first crush, but I think I have to learn to talk lower. That's a great soundtrack. Yellow oh wait, do you hear my next movie?

Speaker 3:

Mark, if you guys have to move, are you moving to San Francisco?

Speaker 4:

Hey, the tubes were low frisco the tubes were in Xanadu, oh wait.

Speaker 2:

To, so here we go.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, all right, look at me a movie.

Speaker 3:

Urban cowboy ah. Working pinup Look and then a Deborah winger.

Speaker 1:

Deborah winger. Yeah, before she fucking lost her mind, was that her?

Speaker 3:

the law.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, that was so good, was that? Which one was that?

Speaker 3:

You think it's showing young?

Speaker 1:

No, who was the one that's fucking? Someone found her hiding their bushes and she was.

Speaker 3:

I thought that was showing young with James Woods.

Speaker 1:

No, it was someone like wasn't so go any weaver. Somebody else of that caliber? Oh yeah, what was it? Luke Urban cowboy? Oh, urban cowboy, yeah. Yeah, oh this one came out 1980.

Speaker 4:

I was gonna say that.

Speaker 1:

Shut the fuck up, you animal.

Speaker 3:

And then did Michael Jackson buy his bones?

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, that was a good investment. He bought his head, john Merrick right yeah, mark, give me a movie, you know did you see clips of Bowie playing him on Broadway?

Speaker 3:

but we played him. Yeah, he did a good job, he really did.

Speaker 2:

He was a good actor.

Speaker 4:

He's a good actor.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's a very good actor yeah, I was a genius.

Speaker 4:

I liked his role when he played um who's the electrician that competed with Edison? Tesla he made to make it played Nikolai Tesla and won all he called Tesla, an electrician. I.

Speaker 2:

Told you I'm not educated.

Speaker 1:

Not educated, I'm not smart. I'm not smart.

Speaker 4:

And did your house did it oh my god all right, my movie, my movie one of the most brilliant minds.

Speaker 1:

Oh, in my history he's an electrician and he's from New Jersey. I got that right.

Speaker 4:

All right, all right. Another musical that the album was one of my favorite albums and I didn't really like it was a Times Square Remember that with no I don't that had a go. The soundtrack Introduce me to Roxy music. Gary Newman cuz.

Speaker 2:

I'm in the park was on that soundtrack yeah, that's a great movie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah so time square killed by numbers Tim Koehn in the park with the friend or five. Yeah, they blocked a smitty comment. What? Who blocked what he's? Did I get blocked? No, don't listen to him.

Speaker 4:

All right. I am your brother, I'd listen, I take don't. I'm telling you, it's a fucking mistake, hey.

Speaker 3:

Lou, he's got me good. Lou the stuntman, with Peter O'Toole, steve Relsback, who played Charles Manson in the first helter-skelter movie, ah, and Barbara Hershey All right Friday the 13th, came out in 1980, wow yeah that was a great movie yeah yeah, that set the pace for the decade in the horror genre.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, mark the fog. The original version of yeah that was good Lou.

Speaker 3:

Zanity mad Max. Oh yeah, the biggie. Yeah, it was a cult classic man. No, no, no, no, that was a road warrior. No, no, mad Max was the first one. Mad Max was the first, yeah. Yeah, I didn't say we make with Tom Hardy. Was it good, is it worth?

Speaker 4:

it. It wasn't a remake. It wasn't a remake, it was the road he was yeah he was a but I'm telling you, dude plays.

Speaker 1:

I saw the fucking previews for this Furiosa. They call it a mad Max saga.

Speaker 4:

Oh it's the universe.

Speaker 1:

It has nothing to do with mad, but no, it's the same kind of the same. It's fucking looks like a shit show, absolute shit show. They try to make the fucking dude the place Thor. What's his name?

Speaker 3:

Liam huh, chris Hemsworth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they try to make him like a bad guy. He's like his hair is still pretty, like they still got you know white teeth and she has this bait, fucking bad CGI, like fake hand. And it's all the same tropes from all the mad Max movies the crazy costumes, the chases on the trucks, the whole. You know they're chasing them, they want gas, they want water. Then Just watching the previous, I'm like fucking, this thing is gonna bomb and they have to put mad Max in there.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, get people to go see it when they do that. Oh on the man Max universe.

Speaker 1:

I like the actress. I do, but this is a bad fucking role for her.

Speaker 3:

Is she called that max? No, no.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

It's this kind of a storyline that nobody asked for right out of mad Max in other words, it was a recognition, it was a substandard story that they connected mad Max universe to ever since fucking guardians of the galaxy blew up and they were like a real bee kind of comic.

Speaker 1:

Comic right. Everybody's trying to catch lightning in the bottle like the universe can't yeah they can't, you can't like God into the galaxy was just hit at the right time and at the right actors playing the right fucking pots with the right Soundtrack and the right plot, and the whole thing was just right. Okay so they try these. You know, madem web fucking bomb a bomb total fucking bomb.

Speaker 1:

You can go down the road, but this Furiosa movie, I'm telling you, dudes, do not waste your fuck. Just watch the preview and look how pretty she is, like this is supposed to be post apocalyptic post apocalyptic, you know, it's just Uh road warriors. What interested him in catalogs? No, I introduced him to cattle dogs. My brother has a cattle dog. I'll share a cattle, the mad Max I've seen him.

Speaker 1:

You know the old boy. I was the one that said you should get an ocean cattle dog and, as usual, he's trying to take credit for my idea. Now he loved they are great dogs, don't get me wrong. But I said to be the perfect dog for him. I'm telling you that's the perfect dog for you, but he's gonna take credit from me and and it's gonna give it to Matt. Oh, I watched the mad Max movies. I knew shut up.

Speaker 4:

Well, I, todd sockman, asked a question.

Speaker 1:

Oh, what you had in mad.

Speaker 4:

I got it here. I got it here mad Max took place in the mid 80s and there's some graffiti that references 1984. The road warrior was late 1980s.

Speaker 3:

Further out yeah, no right, yeah, yeah. Did they ever explain our memory? It's been so long. I'm why they're living up. It was a nuclear disaster.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, I was. Collapse of society.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the whole thing, We'll get there, don't worry, we'll get there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this movie was fucking ultra creepy still is today. This came out 1980. Little darlings, I didn't 15 year old girls from different sides of the tracks compete to see who will lose their virginity while it's summer camp.

Speaker 3:

I'm fucking creepy.

Speaker 4:

Was it directed by Roman plans?

Speaker 1:

Christie McNichol and somehow the fucking. I forget the girls name.

Speaker 3:

Ain't nobody going near that? No, no, was Christian nickel. Worse, you can lose a virginity to, don't worry.

Speaker 4:

Let's go on mock Movie. That freaked me out, because the idea of cutting somebody up into pieces freaked me out as a little kid. Why, motel hell? Remember that.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah sausages yeah. Yeah, yeah, farmer. What was his name? A farmer, fuck. And they had that field where they buried them up to their heads. Yeah, yeah, that's right I thought I cut the tongues out.

Speaker 4:

I remember my dad got HBO for the family and he because he wanted to make peace with me. We were fighting, so he ran a cable box up to my room and I put it on.

Speaker 1:

I was 11 years old or 12 years old, I went holy shit, I just tell them yeah, him and his wife yeah uh Lou, american jiggalo, yeah, yeah call me. Call me. Yeah, and who, who? Who was the? Uh who? Who is the? The? The black guy in the movie? Do you remember?

Speaker 4:

Uh, uh, oh, he's great. Yeah, come on the wiskasa jr.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, that was officer and a gentleman oh.

Speaker 4:

Jesus Christ.

Speaker 1:

Bill Dukes yeah, let me have that like saggy Get kind of like. His eyes were kind of droopy. Yeah, big dude, big bald black guy. Bill Dukes, yeah, uh, let me see, that was you right, lou. Yeah, nine to five came out. That was a big hit. That was a big hit.

Speaker 4:

You put rat poison in his coffee? Yeah, yeah mark an early Matt Dylan movie. My bodyguard, my dad, took me.

Speaker 3:

Lou the gong show movie Robert Danny. Robert Danny Jr Juniors father wrote the screenplay for that. Did he really? Yeah, gong show movie.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I forgot about that.

Speaker 2:

There's a reason.

Speaker 3:

Reason we forgot about. I love the gun show with those, yeah.

Speaker 1:

This was not Robin Williams greatest moments, but he was a brilliant fucking performance, popeye. I Thought he did good in it.

Speaker 2:

That's a brilliant performance, but the movie shally Wow.

Speaker 1:

Played was a great olive oil, mm-hmm, shallie Duvall was a great olive oil.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, and the guy that played Bluto. Do you recognize him? Who is that? He was that. He played the Turkish prison guard. Midnight Express.

Speaker 1:

Oh Jesus.

Speaker 4:

For a guy that doesn't see all the essential movies, you're pretty damn good.

Speaker 3:

Lucy know a lot about the one we see, I feel a podcast in the future, all the ones with a lot of hot sex in them.

Speaker 4:

Well speaking. Speaking of sex, I'll do my movie next all right, go ahead. First time I saw sex on HBO blue lagoon Ah.

Speaker 3:

Brooksfields. Yeah, is there a body double, for that was that her.

Speaker 4:

She was pretty young. I could have been a body. There was a lot.

Speaker 1:

She said there was a lot going on back then that they got away with yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, mark, she came into Andrew's liquors with her mother one time. Really, yeah, yeah, cuz you lived in Hallworth a couple miles Is the whole worth that she was really nice, really nice, really beautiful, and I heard she's very nice yeah.

Speaker 1:

Was that yours, lou?

Speaker 3:

that was mine. It was this marks Mine. Ordinary people. Good movie. What it's real heavy movie.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, mary.

Speaker 3:

Tyler Moore was great and she plays such so icy and just so cold and detached. Yeah, I don't really. I don't really like Timothy Hutton for some reason.

Speaker 4:

But I like. He's great actor to me.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know this somebody I'm just kind of irritates me, this one with a character. Yeah, I'm sorry, it just bugs me.

Speaker 1:

This one came out in 1980, because we're talking about 1980. This was kind of one of those. This was a buzz movie. There was a buzz about this dress to kill with Angie Dickinson Good movie. That was the whole elevator scene. Oh, that was. Yeah, that was kind of. It was like oh shit another one.

Speaker 4:

I was young and I was watching it going. Holy cow, is that how they do it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly dressed to kill. Let's see me. Yep.

Speaker 4:

Another carefree Clint Eastwood movie. That was very enjoyable. Bronco Billy, I liked it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Lou oh God book to. There was a movie called oh Jesus, george Burns couldn't redeem it.

Speaker 1:

I go inside a two, three, so full metal jacket. Yeah, oh, wow, it's that old 1980 come out 1980.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, full metal Jack was like 87. Are you sure it was? It was later on the 80s. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Are you? Oh, all right.

Speaker 3:

They're here for it.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking, I'm trying to find if it's on my list.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't see it, it was after platoon. Okay, yeah, well, I don't know I think 1987 it came out.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that late huh.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I graduated high school, Just want to get that in there.

Speaker 1:

Altered states good about 1980, wasn't a good movie? Good sci-fi movie? Yeah, all right, let's get. Let's get a couple more in each.

Speaker 4:

Mark find it. Oh shit, kenny Rogers the gambler.

Speaker 1:

Scott came out with her basic training. Came out with her basic training. He's talking into his shit again. I hate to do. This is predator. She guessing yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh shit.

Speaker 1:

I didn't see that. How did I miss that one? Godfather came out. Just hey, at least he's not like Dean Farron was naming off porn movies. Oh.

Speaker 4:

Don't star me oh. I even laughed that hard, oh shit.

Speaker 1:

That was hilarious. Big head Todd the wets rockets says full metal jacket came out while we're in basic training. All right, all right, ah, who's? Who's mocked? You give a movie, yet I think Lou's next.

Speaker 3:

Lou, big iconic bomb, box office bomb heavens gate. Oh, at the time, the biggest, biggest, yeah, and coming off the deer hunter, like I know.

Speaker 4:

I've never seen it, but I've heard it's been reassessed and people have said well, may not be as bad. I've never seen it, though.

Speaker 1:

I've heard that too, yeah, but I'm gonna come out with a double feature. I'm going outside the box there, but it's true. This is a true double feature. Okay, the rules now. Well, I have to with this one because I can't pick one over the other. You guys probably wouldn't understand it, but Both kind of one of them. The first one is a cult classic, absolute cult classic in the horizontal Cannibal Holocaust Followed by eaten alive.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, never seen a.

Speaker 1:

Cannibal Holocaust is total fucking chaos. Oh yeah, yeah, it's. It's just an ultimate. It's a the ultimate cult classic movie in that genre of fucking gore and yeah yeah, cannibal Holocaust, it's just. You find it on streaming.

Speaker 4:

Here we go.

Speaker 1:

Uh yeah, so you got that cannibal Holocaust is. During a rescue mission in the Amazon rainforest, the professor stumbles across lost film shot by a missing Documentary crew.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it's like the original Blair witch thing.

Speaker 1:

It's crazy Cannibal Holocaust followed by eating alive. All right, one more mark.

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna go with a movie. Actually I never saw, but I have the soundtrack and I love it. 1980, keith Emerson just left the LP broken up. It's called the movies, called Inferno, by the Italian director Dario Argento and I've heard it's a good movie, but the music he actually has Brad Delp on one song from Boston singing Okay, all right, lou.

Speaker 3:

What was the name you mentioned? Mark, who did it?

Speaker 4:

Dario Argento.

Speaker 3:

Is that Asia Argento's father? I Don't know. She's a, she's an interesting one. I got one, superman to yeah. Yeah, who wrote the screenplay? Oh, mario put so, directed by Richard Lester, who directed hard days, night.

Speaker 1:

So this movie directed patent to, I think hmm, this is one of those movies where I remember it being really good and then I watched it again and it was fucking horrible really. Oh, oh, but just watching you like, I gotta watch that again. I haven't watched it since came out 80, da da da. And then I watched. I was like this movie fucking sucked the long riders.

Speaker 1:

So that's what you had you had the James gang right. So you had you had the. The Carradine brothers. Played Cole Younger and his brother. Yeah, the, keith the Keaton, the key, what is it? Yeah, stacy Keats, stacy Keats, great act in his brother. Played Jesse James and Frank James. Then you had the who's, the one that had the brother was in, he was in fucking National Ampuns, christmas Vacation. Quaid. Yeah, the Quaid brothers were in it all.

Speaker 1:

Oh, they got all the red and Dennis and you think it's good and then you like I fucking watching it was like it's horrible, horrible. There was a lot of movies that came with private Benjamin maniac, maniac night.

Speaker 3:

You ever see maniac yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that's a good slash of flick.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I think the guy that in maniac you ever see, he's the and Godfather part two, he's the guy given testimony before Congress. Yeah, that's, the family had a lot of buffer center.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, yeah, he was supposed to be like the.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, he plays really chee-chee. That was his name, but, but he Vellachi. Yeah, yeah, right, but maniac was his baby, because if you see the credits it's like the bugs, bunny bugs bunny first base, bug bunny second base, he did anything. Yeah, he's a sick fuck. Obviously Ever see the idle maker. I came out 82. No no, it's what, those grooming celebrity girl thing? Oh it's a Sleazy trashy yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, please, all right, let's move on.

Speaker 3:

We're gonna get a killer.

Speaker 1:

Let's see, let's go with the top 10 this week in 1980. All right, yeah, starting in at number 10 this week on the singles charts. In 1980, too hot by cool in the gang, oh 17, we fell in love to high school sweethearts. Love is so very new. It's actually a good song.

Speaker 4:

It is a good song, not when you sing it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Hey, easy now. It was still kind of funky, but it's.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, slick.

Speaker 1:

I'm a nine this week on the singles shots in 1980, second time around. Salam are Salamah.

Speaker 3:

That's leftover. Disco Scott and 80 that. That sounded almost antiquated in 1980 like ring my bell. Was that a need a word?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was that are you doing, dr?

Speaker 4:

Music from boys are called.

Speaker 3:

Those are syndromes. That's the same thing on those songs, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah number eight this week in 1980, him by Rupert Holmes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah yeah number seven this week on the singles charts in 1980.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I'm ready. By Terry Desario with KC. Yeah, not the sunshine and just case number six this week on the singles charts in 1980. I'm working my way back to you, babe. Hello, that's so Brand new boy for 1980.

Speaker 4:

That was a throwback R&B song.

Speaker 3:

Who's that was the four seasons.

Speaker 1:

Nope, no, it's the spinners, but it's a four seasons yeah, number five this week on the album on the singles charts in 1980. On the radio, on the radio, our girl, donna summer. Yeah, number four this week on the singles charts in 1980 desire by Andy Gibb Hmm, number three this week on the singles charts in 1980 Another brick in the wall, pink Floyd. Oh yeah, this is kind of an anomaly. Number two this week in 1980 on the singles charts longer by Dan Fogelberg. Where does that fit into? This thing hey.

Speaker 3:

No, it's number two. That was a big hit there.

Speaker 1:

I guess there was probably the prom song of 1980.

Speaker 3:

I can't get the tune in my head. Longer than there been stars in the air.

Speaker 1:

Release the 78, not 80, and number one this week on the singles charts. In 1980 Everybody loved this song, crazy little thing called love by Queen. Yeah, I actually do, life still like that song.

Speaker 4:

That's good. Can I? Can I tell you my wall story? Yeah, sure, the year that came out as a single, I was in Zion Lutheran School, lou, and we had the talent show and we had this great thing. They said we're gonna do the skit where we play the 45 we don't need, and some guys just leaning up against the wall and someone's supposed to come out and say, why are you leaning against the wall? I'm holding it up. This is yeah right, walk away. When the guy walks away, I'm behind the wall and I'm supposed to throw the wall down. I'm not very, I'm just not able to do things. I can't function.

Speaker 4:

So they did a whole skit and the guy goes, you know, like I'm holding the wall up, well, let's see what happens, or whatever, and he walks away. I don't put the wall down. And then I hear, like everyone like waiting, this is pause, like, and I hear mark Put the wall down so I go to put the wall down, but I trip and I fall down with the wall. So everyone saw me fall down. I Know what it's like to have a whole auditorium laugh at you. It was bad, it was really bad.

Speaker 3:

Was as bad as the time you ripped your pants on my father's roller.

Speaker 4:

Yeah lose rolling eighth grade. Eighth grade was there a trip to the roller rink and we're all scared. I can't skate. I can't roller skate. Told me wrong. My mom made me my pants. We didn't buy pants. She made me my pants. And also someone says, mark you pants ripped. And I feel around, I feel my tidy whiteies shining very dead of it's.

Speaker 1:

The AI says Mock had a wine.

Speaker 3:

I sure did you know it?

Speaker 4:

I start young.

Speaker 1:

All right, all right, let's get done with that. Let's get into the album charts in 1980. Let's see number 10. Wow, this one. So Was this on its way up or on its way down? Number 10 this week in 1980, this week in 1980, so we're in March. Off the wall by Michael Jackson. So that might, I think, fade out of the top 10, right, because it started off at number. I believe it jumped out at number one. A close.

Speaker 3:

Well, it came out in 79, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's it hung around for a long time.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I Remember listening to it the summer of 1980. As a matter of fact, yeah, number nine this week on the album charts in 1980.

Speaker 4:

Kenny by Kenny Rogers, number eight this week you have to be an asshole to name a song after yourself. It's an album album after you. Have another glass of wine buddy.

Speaker 3:

Oh, shut up.

Speaker 4:

In the penalty box.

Speaker 3:

You drink more. That's why he does that on our camera self-imposed, I'm gonna drink more.

Speaker 4:

Fuck these fucking guys yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. Let's see number eight this week on the album charts. In 1980, fun and games by Chuck Manjioni. Number seven this week on the album charts in 1980 the whispers by the whispers. Number six this week with the whispers it's an R&B group. Ah, number six this week on the album charts in 1980 baby list strange part good song.

Speaker 1:

Number five on the album charts this week in 1980 mad love by Linda Ronstadt. Oh, here it is. Number four this week on the album charts in 1980 permanent waves by rush. Number three this week on the album charts in 1980 this guy was riding away with that fucking song. Phoenix by Dan Fogelberg One song.

Speaker 3:

Phoenix. No, that's a defense from the album he did with a guy named Tim Weisberg.

Speaker 2:

Okay, it's called twins, it's not the album with that song.

Speaker 3:

I don't think longer. I'm at your. Longer was on the same week.

Speaker 1:

It's just wow, okay, it's the same week. This week with the album, this week with the sink. Yeah, that's why I always say you never see it really coincide with each other, phoenix.

Speaker 3:

Phoenix is a much better.

Speaker 1:

But you do now Number two this week on the album charts, which is interesting because there's nothing in the top 10 With from this album. Damn the torpedoes, tom penny in the hotbreakers, hmm, yeah, and number one this, what's that?

Speaker 4:

truly good album, Just oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, that launched him into the 80s. Yeah, yeah, really did. Number one this week on the album charts in 1980, you know it, say it the wall. There you go. Yeah yeah, you know the wall and.

Speaker 4:

I know every note on that album. I bet you do.

Speaker 1:

I used to play, not walk.

Speaker 3:

Knock a wall down so check this out, thank you. Thank you, so Scott did those Dan Fogelbergs and they were two different albums.

Speaker 1:

Oh, Okay, then he fucking. He chatted on the singles and then another album. He tried it in the album shots. That was his year. Wow, all right. On this day, the 2021. On this, on this day, march 14th 2021 63rd annual Grammy Awards takes place in Los Angeles. The awards were originally scheduled for January 31st at the state of a push through the COVID. I don't Understand. In 2020, english singer-songwriter, musician, poet and performance artist Genesis P Orange died at 70. Let's see what is? The founding member of cult experimental bands throbbing gristle in psychic TV. The group played in. I mean, I, you know what I know about this girl. I know about her. Actually, they were an addition. She was really into industrial rock. Hmm, like it's really obscure fucking music. On this day in 2020, american singer-songwriter Phil Phillips died at 94, best for best, known for his 1959 song see you love. Hey, look at low there you go buddy, let's see.

Speaker 1:

On this day in 2016, sony ATV music publishing announced that it would buy out Michael Jackson's share of joint music publishing venture for 750 million dollars. And then Michael went on to buy the Beatles catalog the purchase gave Sony the rights to about three million songs, including works by the Beatles, dylan and Taylor Swift, but did not include Jackson's master recordings.

Speaker 3:

Oh, Smart business man yeah yeah, smart businessman.

Speaker 1:

This is why Taylor Swift is redoing all her catalog yeah, and she's selling them big dick. Yeah, yeah, yeah and you know what. Good for her, I think.

Speaker 4:

I agree.

Speaker 1:

No look, she doesn't fucking bought unless she gets political, and she's gonna lose people.

Speaker 3:

But she already has, she hasn't really she hasn't really jumped that.

Speaker 1:

They're begging her. The Democrats are begging. Oh, they wanted to go on to fucking support buying her. People must be like.

Speaker 4:

I was talking to her last night, scott, and yeah, seriously, though, any artist, even if I don't like their music, if I don't like the artist, if they get total Control and profit from their music, god bless.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's fighting back. She's actually fine and she treats her people.

Speaker 4:

Well, you gotta say, like on tour she gives all her people bonuses. I mean she's good, she's yeah.

Speaker 1:

Let me see, on this day in 2011, ronnie Hammond, the lead singer of the Atlantic rhythm section. I am so into you. Yeah, yeah, I died of hot failure at age 60, really yeah, and they always there on the hit.

Speaker 3:

You know it. You know imaginary lover. Yeah, yeah, but you know what that? You know what. You know what they were before. They were on a rhythm section. What were they?

Speaker 1:

the classics for ah, I didn't know that. I didn't know that either.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

On this day in 2006, you two talked Rolling Stones magazine's annual list of years biggest money earners from 2005. With 154.2 million dollars, rolling Stones were listed second at 92. I love it Big gap they beat the Rolling by a lot. By a lot, like 60 million dollars.

Speaker 4:

They weren't doing shit in the 2000s.

Speaker 1:

And the Eagles came at third with 63 million, paul McCartney was in fourth place with 56 million and Elton John was in fifth place with 48 49 million. Yeah, on this day in 2005, michael Jackson was blasted by the British Army veterans for wearing military badges While on trial for child abuse. The singer had appeared in the court on most days with either an army motif on his breast pocket or a cap badge tied around his neck. I understand 2001. Peter Blake, who designed the Beatles classic Sergeant Peppers album and he did the Band-Aid album cover.

Speaker 1:

He sued the group's record company for more, for more money. Blake was only paid $3 For that fucking thing for that album cover in but was now cheesed off at the end of pissed off at the EMI had never offered to pay more money. Blake also made sleeves for the Band-Aid single. Do they know it's Christmas? Yeah, stupidest Christmas song ever. Paul Welles Shut up. All makes a man tough all right, we're gonna come in at record time here, gentlemen. Yeah, right by five.

Speaker 1:

Let's see on this day in 1995, with the release of me against the world, two-pack Shakur became the first male solo artist to have a number one album on the billboard while in prison. Right, let's see this one. On the state of 1991, american songwriter and blues singer Doc Pomas died of lung cancer in 865, best known for as the lyricist for many rock and roll hits, written with mortium and including a teenager in love. Save the last dance for me, sweets, for my sweet. Can't get used to losing you, little sister. Suspicion, surrender, viva, oh, las Vegas. On the state 1991 Ari and played the first of two nights on London's borderline Club under the name bingo hand job, the stay. In 1987, boy George scored his first UK number one single as a solo artist. And nobody cares. Crying game, right, no, oh, everything I own. On the stay in 1985, dead or alive, were kicked off the UK music television show, the tube, after admitting they were incapable of playing live.

Speaker 4:

Millie vanilla, anybody?

Speaker 1:

Well, he was singing, he was a Pete Byrne was a real he really sang. I just don't think the musicians could play it.

Speaker 4:

Not their fault.

Speaker 1:

They were just told to go to this day in 1983, john Bon Jovi, richie Sambora, alec and Alec John, such formed Bon Jovi. Okay, this day in 1982, metallica made their live debut in the impaired at Radio City in Anaheim, california Radio. They formed in late 81. Yeah, on this day in 1981, eric Clapton was hospitalized with bleeding ulcers causing the US to it to be cancelled. Yeah, he was back in the hospital five weeks later after being involved in a cockroach.

Speaker 4:

And the bleeding ulcers were from drinking.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah, probably yeah on this day in 1978, blondie were at number two in the UK shots with their version of Randy and Rainbow song Dennis.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Let me see originally titled Denise, intake from the band. Dennis plastic lettuce. Uh, the track was kept off the number one position by Kate Bush's weathering heights Cool. On this day in 1973, abba released ring ring, the title track of their debut album. On this day in 1972, soul singer Linda Jones died at age 26 in New York after collapsing into diabetic coma following a performance at Hollam's Apollo.

Speaker 4:

Hollam's Apollo Theater in New York, literally Dying after playing a show.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, this day in 1968, the promotional film for the Beatles, lady Madonna, was broadcast in black and white on top of the pops. Uh, there's a video portion of the film. Clip was shot while the groups were performing the song hey bulldog, the lady Madonna audio track was paired with it. On this day in 1964, for the first time in British recording history, all top 10 singles in the UK were by British acts. Uh, I'm not gonna get on the list. This day in 1963, cliff richard pops up again. Uh, and the shadows were at number one in the UK single shot. Lou, you said that right. Yeah, any of the show. Uh, with summer holiday. On this day in 1962, bruce Channel started a three week run at number three week run at number one on the US single shots with hey baby.

Speaker 1:

The song features a prominent riff from well-known harmonica player, delbert mclinton yes uh who, while touring in the uk in 1962, met john lennon, gave him some harmonica tips. You know where it's going from here. Yep, lenin, put those lessons to the right to you to use right away. And love me do, and please, please.

Speaker 4:

So delbert mclinton played the harmonica on hey baby. Yeah, another reason to love the guy. I love delbert mclinton.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's good. He's good. John Lennon wasn't a bad harmonica. I'm not a big fan of the harmonica.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but you know what if you're sitting by yourself in the middle of the woods and you have nothing else to play harmonica?

Speaker 3:

Like he bears away from you, or yeah uh, born in stade 1969, michael bland.

Speaker 1:

You might not know who he is by name, but he's very known as a drummer, as the drummer for prince in 1989. He was with prince during the new power generation era. Big dude, big, oh, I know who he is. Yeah, uh, let's see who else was born on this day. It's, uh, no one really. I'm looking, I'm digging here Uh, no. Walter James O'Rourke. No. Michael Martin murphy, quincy jones. Michael martin murphy's.

Speaker 4:

Wildfire Is from that austin texas scene.

Speaker 1:

Uh, it doesn't say that though, so I don't believe you. We just schooled. It doesn't mean you didn't write it. No, don't believe you were a wildfire, you know, michael martin murphy, murphy, yeah, american singer, songwriter's 1990 album cowboy songs became the first album of cowboy music to achieve gold status Since gunfighter ballads and trail songs by marty robbins in 59. Yeah, murphy is also the author of new mexico's state ballad. The land of enchantment. Doesn't say anything about wildfire, so I don't believe you well, you know, he's good friend, one of me, so that's all that matters happy birthday quincy jones.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, and happy birthday less baxter. Yes, he's just the last one on the list. That's it, gentlemen. We got it in under two hours and 30 minutes. No, we didn't.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we did Any albums that came out.

Speaker 1:

Because we wouldn't be here for three hours. Movies took up a lot actually.

Speaker 3:

I quit my job today, so I don't care. Are you serious? I'm kidding. I'm kidding.

Speaker 4:

All right, it's honorable mention women and children first came out in 1980, duke from from genesis came out glass houses, iron maids yeah, sandinista, great. Yeah, we'll pick it up next week. Yeah, that will take up Two hours.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's huge year, yeah, and then we'll have something else in store for everybody. But, gentlemen, as I always say, you know what I'm gonna say Thank you for your time, thank you for your knowledge, but, most of all, thank you for your friendship. I truly appreciate all of them. Friendship, the most, right back at you. I'm here. Yeah, everybody, thanks for watching, thanks for listening. If you like it, share it. If you didn't like it, well, thanks for listening for two hours and 22 minutes suckers. Yeah, we'll be back next week with another show, thursday night seven o'clock. And, as I always say, doing this show for you, to quote my favorite artist, maricy, the pleasure, the privilege is mine. We'll see you next week, gentlemen, all right, good night, good night.

Speaker 4:

Oh, look at me, the whole show.