Milk Crates and Turntables. A Music Discussion Podcast
Milk Crates and Turntables is a Music Discussion Podcast. Each week Scott chooses a different music topic and discuss and debate the good, the bad and the ugly side of that particular topic. Maybe you'll agree or maybe you'll disagree. Listen in and find out.
Milk Crates and Turntables. A Music Discussion Podcast
Ep. 166 - Unwrapping Christmas: Scott and Amanda's Top 10 Christmas Songs and Stories
Welcome to the podcast. You know the name, I'm not going to say it. We're streaming live right now over all sorts of live streaming platforms. I don't have to say thank you, amanda, for that wonderful introduction, because not only have I changed that, well, amanda is here in studio tonight. Yay, yay, amanda. Now it's our Christmas show and Amanda demanded to come on and tell her, give her her top 10 favorite Christmas songs. And since I have no say in that because I'm an abused parent, it's Christmas.
Speaker 1:It's Christmas, I have to. I can't keep it in anymore. I'm an abused parent and I have to say yes to everything.
Speaker 2:If he doesn't, or else you know.
Speaker 1:See, thank you, I'm going you know. See, thank you, I'm going to use that in court. Thank you, you just gave me evidence. You're not going to be a good lawyer. Just wait, just wait, a lawyer in the FBI, but anyway, um, that, that's a discussion, for what did I did? I see you shaking your head. Can't hear anything. What the hell? Something along the sound that's better than somebody says they can't hear anything. Let me see my phone for a second. Let's see, I might have to start this all over again.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I can't even see my podcast on Facebook. What's going on here?
Speaker 3:What's going on?
Speaker 1:Oh, now I'm not even live. Anymore happened see, I don't even see it. Let's see sorry, everyone that's right.
Speaker 1:We can always start again. This doesn't have to be. Uh, let me go over here, so it's on here. We can always start again. This doesn't have to be. See, I can hear you on YouTube. Can you hear me? I can hear myself on Facebook. So it's on here. See, I'm live right now. We can always start again. This doesn't have to be. See, that's my phone playing. I can hear you on YouTube. Can you hear me? I can hear myself on Facebook. This is not a good way to start a podcast, but people love this shit. I'm going to log out. I'm going to go back to my other Facebook account.
Speaker 2:King of Facebook.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's right, always plug. And here I am. I'm going to log out. I'm going to go back to my other Facebook account.
Speaker 2:King of Facebook.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's right.
Speaker 2:Always plug.
Speaker 1:And here I am, and you know what I can't hear.
Speaker 2:I'm going to log out.
Speaker 1:I'm going to go back to my other Facebook account. King of Facebook. Yeah right, Always plug. And here I am. You know what I can't hear?
Speaker 3:you, I'm going to log out.
Speaker 1:I'm going to go back to my other Facebook account. Let me shut my Bluetooth off.
Speaker 4:Mixing pepper with your pepper spray. What's going on with that?
Speaker 1:You shouldn't know. Turn my Bluetooth off. Now I'm going to go back to Facebook.
Speaker 3:Over. Now I'm going to go back to Facebook Over here.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I'm good. Yeah, I hear.
Speaker 1:This has been 11 minutes of I don't know what the hell's going on minutes of I don't know what the hell's going on. That always freaks me out, because I don't know what people are hearing or what they're not hearing.
Speaker 2:And when somebody says that I get all bummed out.
Speaker 1:I think I'm good I think I'm good.
Speaker 2:Maybe it was just one.
Speaker 1:If Wild Bill Green says he can hear me on.
Speaker 2:YouTube. I'm just going to go.
Speaker 1:I'm going for it. Okay, all right, patty, I don't know if you can. I can't hear you. I can hear you now. Hi, amanda, hi, let's get this party started. Hold on, let me get back to the Bluetooth. Turn it on and we're going to get Amanda's top 10 Christmas songs, little bit technical difficulties this has only happened one other time with someone named Suzanne McPhail.
Speaker 1:like every time Suzanne comes, suzanne, it's you. It's you every time, suzanne, she knows I love her. I've known her all my life pretty much. When she used to do the King of Facebook show and Suzanne would come on, she'd be listening or watching. Always had technical difficulties, it never failed. It never failed, never McFailed, mcfailed.
Speaker 2:McFailed.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, here we go. All right here, amanda. Fine, here's your top 10. All right, so should.
Speaker 2:I give a little description first play it first and then description after. How do you want to play?
Speaker 1:this, yeah, yeah, yeah, you do, you do.
Speaker 2:All right. So starting at number 10 on the list, this one might seem a little unfamiliar to most of you guys.
Speaker 1:Boomers.
Speaker 2:There you go. I didn't want to say it, but thank you for saying it for me. But at the same time I personally think it's like difficult to have like a newer, good Christmas song, because everyone always wants to hold on to the classics. So this is Snowman by Sia and it came out around COVID time and I just fell in love with it right when I listened to it.
Speaker 3:Look at it, look at the madness.
Speaker 4:Don't cry, Snowman, not in front of me. Who'll get?
Speaker 1:you, I like this.
Speaker 4:If you can't catch me dying. If you can't catch me dying, I like this.
Speaker 2:I like this she's like talking about a snowman, but like it's really about a guy she likes.
Speaker 4:All right, all right. Let's kill that one before I get a copyright thing.
Speaker 1:I know you want to keep playing it, I know. So is that a holiday song, or is that just a regular song?
Speaker 2:I would definitely categorize it as a holiday song because the name of the song is Snowman and it's talking about like kind of well. I don't want to spoil, spoil the rest of my list, but it reminds me of another song on my list, okay, where it's kind of like it gives you that holiday type feeling and it's about like a guy. So it's kind of like if you relate, you relate type thing I don't relate to other guys. You don't, you wouldn't, but you know what?
Speaker 1:I do have a song that I I it's in my honorable mention that some a lot, lot of arguments. I think of it as a Christmas song because it just has brings a memory and a vibe to me and I always put it on my Christmas list. But it's probably not so I know what you're saying there.
Speaker 2:I feel like it's all about the vibes you got and like, if you classify it as a Christmas song.
Speaker 4:It's a Christmas song to you. What's number nine?
Speaker 2:Number nine this one has a little controversy because I know like in recent years people have formed opinions about this song, about an alternate meaning, but at the end of the day it's a classic and I love seeing it in the car and like if I could find a guy to sing the other half with me. That's, that would be really cool. So at number nine, baby, it's Cold Outside. By who? I think this one's Frank Sinatra.
Speaker 1:Oh good, If you said John Legend, I was kicking you off.
Speaker 2:No, it's all about the OGs.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they end up breaking out the classics.
Speaker 2:Yeah they end up breaking out the classics and you guys know this song, but I had to put it at nine because it's just like another warm feeling type thing and it's a duet.
Speaker 1:I saw something in the news the other day where they found a lady that she was frozen on a park bench.
Speaker 2:Do you want to show that picture?
Speaker 1:When the cops questioned the boyfriend, he said well, I told her multiple times, it's cold outside.
Speaker 2:I mean, I think that's a valid excuse.
Speaker 1:I mean he told her, so there you go yeah yeah, she might have been dead when he put her out there, but I don't know.
Speaker 2:All right.
Speaker 1:That's yet to be determined.
Speaker 2:At number eight. This song just gives me like that, like final, like break free moment type thing, if that makes any sense. It's just like happy, good vibes and like that, like feeling of freedom, if that makes sense. But at number eight we have happy christmas, like war is over. John lennon all right so this is christmas yeah, especially when they go.
Speaker 3:war is over, and you know you heard the song from me, so I knew this song existed already before you, Scott.
Speaker 2:Well, no. Just because I like a song doesn't mean oh well, it's because of me.
Speaker 1:No, when you were seven, you didn't know this existed. Oh, mom just left work.
Speaker 4:So this is Christmas.
Speaker 2:This is true. He did introduce Christmas to me. Jewish family household. All right, that was number eight Any comments on any of my choices.
Speaker 1:Not yet, not yet.
Speaker 2:We got a good start so far. We got a good start, awesome.
Speaker 1:I don't know Could get questionable along the way. I haven't seen this list. I'm sorry, amanda, I haven't seen this list, so it's a surprise to him too.
Speaker 2:Number seven this one holds more of a special place in my heart. I know people love this song but I don't think it's like primarily on like people's like Christmas playlist whatever, because I used to be in chorus like my entire life, very, very good. Every year, every winter show, we would always do this and it was always the best performance. It was my favorite, so I'm going to.
Speaker 1:I'm all right, I'm going to put you on the spot. Now we're live. This is a podcast over 30,000 downloads. It's been heard all over the world. I got the stats to show it. Right now I'm going to put you on the spot. So you, you loved your course. You were really good in course. Would you not say that? Would you say you were very good?
Speaker 2:I'd say I was good.
Speaker 1:You were good. I think you were very good because you guys were your. You were the top of heap, uh, competitive, right. So with that um, I had amanda record the song danny boy, she just kicked me.
Speaker 3:No, we're not doing that I'm not gonna play it, I'm not gonna play it.
Speaker 1:No, and it's amazing, right, it's I. People listen to it and they are like absolutely touched by it and they're like, oh, my god, her voice. But amanda gets mad at me when I play it, and I don't know why, because it's really good.
Speaker 1:If it wasn't good, I wouldn't be playing it, like, oh, listen to my daughter, it's so cute, it's like daddy boy, the pipes, the pipes it's not that it's really good, and I don't know why you get mad at me when I, when I as like a singer like who's been like singing her whole life.
Speaker 2:It's kind of like a perfectionist thing, like I feel like I can always do better, so it's like I would. It's no point in like waiting If that makes sense. It's always good to just put everything off on the table. But, like I in my head, there's like a part of me where it's like I can do better.
Speaker 1:I want to like do better you know this is going to come around to you. Yeah, like 10 years from now, you're going to go.
Speaker 2:Oh my god, that is good okay, maybe, but like I'm still like so close to like when I recorded it, so I'm like, uh, like turn it off okay, just me being me don't get mad at me anymore for that we'll see I can
Speaker 1:be a proud father let me be a proud father, just leave me alone, abusive and number seven, moving on again with the chorus.
Speaker 2:Um, this is just a song we did every year. It's always been my favorite. I played, like soprano, alto, everything. With this you're in the sopranos. Yeah, yeah, number seven. We got carol of the bells oh, you guys used to do this really good we did a really cool thing where like, like candles were going through the um aisles yeah, I miss those. Go back to high school I wish that actually so fun and it's like when you're there, it's like surround sound of like all the voices and it's just beautiful.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I have. I recorded a bunch of those. It doesn't do them justice.
Speaker 4:Okay, before we get in trouble, all right, all right.
Speaker 2:All right, all right, are you ready for number six? I think I am All right At number six. This just like has such like a Christmas warm hearted, tender feeling, and it's just like. The words to me are like beautiful. I love the lyrics. It's just such a sweet song. So I have. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas again, frank Sinatra.
Speaker 4:Have yourself a merry little Christmas.
Speaker 2:I specifically like the line where it's like from kids from 1 to 92, showing that, no matter what age you are, you can appreciate and love the holiday as much as you did from when you were a kid.
Speaker 4:No matter how old you are, the troubles will be out of sight.
Speaker 2:So that was my number 6. Number5 again do you want to say the word for me, because I don't want to say it, boomers.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:No, I'm kidding. But for anyone who likes Justin Bieber, I know like A lot of people might have opinions on him, but this song it's called Mistletoe, it's just like. Again, it gives me the same, like happy, like Christmas feelings.
Speaker 3:Really.
Speaker 2:I knew you were going to say that. Really, just listen.
Speaker 4:Oh, no, no, no.
Speaker 2:This is my number six.
Speaker 4:I love it. I should be playing in the winter snow, but I'm going to be. This is this is nails on the chalkboard.
Speaker 2:You just can't appreciate the newer music.
Speaker 1:It's no, I do. That is nails on the chalkboard.
Speaker 2:No, it's not.
Speaker 1:That is such a contrived.
Speaker 2:It was young Justin.
Speaker 1:Bieber, it's not like new.
Speaker 2:It was like early 2000s, when that one came out. All the Christmas songs you had to choose from, you picked that one, yeah because it's like when I think of my favorite, like before even looking up Christmas songs to put on this list, like that popped up in my head.
Speaker 1:I'm like, I'm like Christmas disappointed.
Speaker 2:Well, you're just going to have to live with that.
Speaker 1:But it's just Well. You know what? While Bill Green says Justin Bieber, I'm out.
Speaker 2:Don't even give him a chance. Okay, that's fine. No, no, it's fine, keep going. Okay. I think michael buble's voice is just the most like soothing voice ever. So I'm putting it's beginning to look a lot like christmas.
Speaker 1:As number four, let's skip till. I do it His voice is just so therapeutic.
Speaker 2:I can listen to that to sleep, walking to class, like literally whenever.
Speaker 1:That's why he's.
Speaker 2:Michael Buble, exactly. And then this next one, top three. We're reaching top three top three status coming up. There's a lot of different versions to the song um. I've heard michael jackson sing it or jackson five. There's obviously the original. However, I think bruce springsteen takes the cake with this one. Just the way, his rasp and everything. It just gives it a different type of vibe.
Speaker 1:From 1975. This was recorded at a college. A college, it was recorded at a college. Yeah, do you know which one? It's in New York, somewhere upstate New York. That makes sense.
Speaker 2:Him and Billy Joel would always like to do stuff in New York. Did you know it wasn't?
Speaker 1:officially released until 1987?.
Speaker 2:So what happened to it before then?
Speaker 1:It just sat in the studio. And then they released a 77 to 87 compilation album albums, a box set, and they threw this in there and it blew up. 77 to 87 compilation album albums and they threw this in there and it blew up. So now you know.
Speaker 2:I just feel like it gives it such a different vibe to it. I love it. And Bruce Springsteen is known for his like raspy, like really out there voice.
Speaker 1:So that might come up later. The King's Christmas song, yeah.
Speaker 2:All right At number two.
Speaker 1:Delaware in Filipino.
Speaker 2:De in Francais. We got, we got a classic. It's one of those songs where it's like, if you hear it on, you're either going to hate it because it's overplayed or you love it because, like, that's the song.
Speaker 1:That's the song, right.
Speaker 2:And it's not Mariah Carey song, so it's not on the list. Sorry, last Christmas, my whim, yeah, I had to.
Speaker 3:I had if.
Speaker 1:I had to. I had to if it wasn't top three. I like that. You did that. I like this song. I love it. I actually it was tough to not put that in my top ten really believe it or not, it was very tough.
Speaker 2:I knew I had to put it like top three, my top ten.
Speaker 1:You'll listen to mine and then we'll you can't dance like that to last Christmas. No, you can't no, you can't.
Speaker 4:No, you can't tiktok dance, that's not a tiktok dance.
Speaker 2:It's not a tiktok dance. I was just going like this. I was not a tiktok I could have. I could have just like gone like this or something, and he would have been like that's a tiktok dance I could have literally like done like the sprinkler.
Speaker 3:That's literally a tiktok dance. That's not how I could breathe.
Speaker 2:He could say that's a tiktok dance, like I. I was eating my food earlier last night for scott's birthday. He was like she got that from tick tock. I'm like I was eating a steak. I'm sorry if like that offended you or what well I?
Speaker 1:I am tick tock danced. Uh, with ptsd, with tick to dances, because for the last five years of your life it was muscle memory. You would come in, you would just run into a room and stop. You know what? Amanda, this guy, the guy that just popped in, I do, hello.
Speaker 2:I call him big.
Speaker 1:No, don't say hello to him. That's big head. Todd the wet sprocket, don't oh somebody calling me, don't answer that. That's my ringtone, perfect on theme. That was hard not to put on my list too. But big head todd the west rocket comes on. He always thinks it's about him. He wants to be entertained, he wants to be did so yeah anyways back to my TikTok dance PTSD.
Speaker 1:For the last five years of your life and my life, you have, at random moments, jumped in, ran in, slid into a room like Kramer and gets in front of the TV and just starts doing these TikTok dances. It's giving me a tick, bruh, it gives me a tick. Everything I've seen that was a tick tock. You were on tick tock.
Speaker 2:Before it was tick tock, you were on musically. Yeah, yeah, that's when it was good. No, yeah, it was cringy during musically. It was music, it was millennial core it was, it was, it was.
Speaker 2:I have some good videos for you and me from christmas, from yeah and it was cringe, no, it's classic moments it's a classic moment in our like timeline but, like really looking back, if I were to have posted that, I probably would have deleted it, but kept it in my memories, kept it it in my, in my camera roll. Yeah, that's good. So that was number two.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay. And then number one, just something about this, just like hold on, hold on Big head Todd is he's poking the bear here he says I see the show has drastically improved. No, that's such a it's such a, it's such a Christmas asshole, todd the wet sprocket. Such a Christmas asshole, yeah, anyway, enough about him.
Speaker 2:At the number one spot oh just put the video on Amanda.
Speaker 1:If you moved out of the screen you would increase your follow.
Speaker 2:He's my guy. He's my guy. No, he's not, he's my guy.
Speaker 1:He's big head, todd the wet sprocket. He's nobody. He's nobody, don't he? Just he. He's a. He just comes in and he's a disruptor he is disrupting the number one announcement. Yes, I'm gonna say that see, good see, we had a good thing going, a good rhythm going, and I saw I'm looking at you on the screen.
Speaker 2:She's behind my back Pointing at the. You're my man. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no no, no, okay, number one May I continue Amanda's number one Christmas song.
Speaker 1:Let's have a big, let's have some sort of Thank you. All right, amanda's number one Christmas song is Yay.
Speaker 2:And his number one Christmas song is Yay, this song, just like like rubbed my head the right way, like I'm just, it feels right, like the melody, the singing, like the lyrics, like it's Paul McCarthy, like come on, carthy, yes.
Speaker 1:From 1979.
Speaker 4:The moon is right. Yeah, I'm not saying I'm bad, I'm not saying I'm happy. The Beatles, yes, from 1979.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm not saying I'm happy the Beatles put up, but we got some masterpieces here You're right.
Speaker 1:Another TikTok dance, If I knew a man was on.
Speaker 4:I would have showed up one time.
Speaker 1:That's my son. No, no, no, all right, copyright, copyright, yeah, copyright.
Speaker 2:So how do you rate my list? I like your list.
Speaker 1:I didn't like the Justin Bieber one. I knew you were going to have an issue with that. There's so many other songs I was on.
Speaker 2:FaceTime with my friend talking about my list and I'm like Scott's not going to like the.
Speaker 3:Justin Bieber one.
Speaker 1:You know what that's?
Speaker 2:why it's my list and not your list.
Speaker 3:So there you go, it's my show.
Speaker 2:It's my list that you asked me to be on your show All right.
Speaker 1:Well, you're going to stick around for mine then? All right, let's listen. All right, my number 10 is Wait, wait, wait Before you continue.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah do we have any overlap? Yeah, yeah, we do a couple. Okay, I think we have uh two. I think we have two that's two more than I thought we would have had, so yeah, uh, who was?
Speaker 1:who was the first artist you played sia? It's a sia, she's like a newer artist, and it's what cia right c s s I s, I yeah, and the name of the song is snowman that was number 10, though.
Speaker 2:That was kind of more honorable mention type vibe.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's Snowman. But a lot of these songs are love songs too. A lot of Christmas songs are love songs. So I give you that one. I liked it. I might give it a chance and see Big Head Todd the way it's rocked. It's Trouble. Life in a Northern Town is not a Christmas song. I just talked about that with Amanda but you were late to the show, so your fault. Yeah, so your fault, exactly. All right, my number 10 song is a song from 1977 by the Kinks and it is an absolute Kinks song.
Speaker 1:The Kinks were Amanda, were kind of part of the british invasion when the beatles came over and all these bands came over from england and the kinks kind of dragged in at the back and there was some problems with the record company, some passport problems. They kind of came in and they were always like a really hard rock, good rock band. They're very kind of middle class kind of band. You know they weren't the Beatles but they were talented in their own way. They were aggressive. The two brothers in the band they were always fighting. The Kinks were kind of a thing, a standalone. This song, again from 1977, it's called Father Christmas. It's not your stereotypical Christmas song, it's really like about the lower class people and how they look at Christmas, when all the rich people are getting all the good stuff and they're poor, and so they beat up a Santa Claus outside a store. So there you gots off. Nice right.
Speaker 4:You see that Christmas feel I knew it was my dad. A gang of kids came over and bugged me and knocked my ring into the floor. We said Father Christmas, give us a money and don't mess around with those silly toys. We'll beat you up. Don't have it over.
Speaker 1:We want your bread, so don't make us annoyed, give all the toys to the little rich boy, there you go, I'll be right, yeah, right here.
Speaker 1:There you go. So that's my number 10. I've never heard of that song. Yeah, it's good. It tells a whole story of Christmas. So my number nine song was originally done by Darlene Love and it was produced by Phil Spector in 1963, the year I was born, by Phil Spector in 1963, the year I was born, right. But then it was redone again in. Let me see here it is. It was redone in 1987 by U2, and they did a really good job at this. They did a really good job at this. It's very passionate, although Darlene Love's version is really good too. It's hard to kind of pick one, but this one came out in 87. It was like a resurgence of Christmas songs in the 80s and in the late 70s and they just did great versions of songs. So here's Christmas. Baby, please Come Home Christmas.
Speaker 4:Baby please come home, christmas that's a good one this is Bono in his prime.
Speaker 2:I like this one.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, jump ahead, yeah, jump ahead, good song.
Speaker 1:I was just talking with Sydney on the phone earlier about that song, saying I wanted to add that to my list. Yeah, it's a good song, it's a really good Christmas song. Big Head Todd the White Sprocket commented in uh, is your number one christmas song? Merry christmas baby by john legend. No, you know what. You know what you? You picked the wrong song by that piece of shit. Um, he did a remake of baby. It's cold outside and it was as woke as it gets. It talks about an Uber. And then, you know, because they were trying to say that that song was all I'll say grapey.
Speaker 2:That's what I was saying. Like it's a little controversial.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it wasn't, though they're flirting with each other because they're just all it is is like a moment in time in a conversation between a boyfriend and a girlfriend, and it's like they make it sound like he didn't know her like he was keeping her in his apartment.
Speaker 1:Hello hey, dave phillips, king of the 45s, welcome to the show. Yeah, but it's not. It's just they're being flirtatious and their boyfriend and girlfriend. That's all there is to it, you know. But no, no, well, woke is dead anyway, so we're moving on. Uh, my, what was that my number?
Speaker 2:I was number eight, that was number eight, okay, or number nine is dead anyway, so we're moving on.
Speaker 1:What?
Speaker 2:was that my number? That was number eight. That was number eight, okay. Or number nine Number nine, yeah, yeah, now we're moving on to number eight.
Speaker 1:Now we're moving on to number eight. So number eight on my list is a little different in the ranking than Amanda's. My number eight is this is my number eight.
Speaker 2:This is. This is my number eight. This is your number eight yeah. For some reason, I thought this was one of your favorites.
Speaker 1:Oh, I love this song, I mean.
Speaker 2:I guess it is one of your favorites if it's on this list.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean top ten of there's a lot of Christmas songs.
Speaker 3:I know, I just like something about this.
Speaker 1:I just can't get tired of it, I don't know why. So everybody that listens to the show and all my friends that know anything about me and music I love synthesizers, I just love synthesizers. And, as a matter of fact, my friend Jack calls me Cynthia Lopper.
Speaker 2:I will, I will.
Speaker 1:Keep them in line. What are you guys doing? What are you? Thank you, it's my Christmas show, it's my Christmas show it's my Christmas show.
Speaker 2:I think it's my Christmas show.
Speaker 1:Talk about hurting somebody's feelings. You guys are ruthless. Well, let me turn that off. Yeah, that's my number eight. I love the song. I love the song, no doubt about it. Let me turn that off. Yeah, that's my number eight. I love the song. I love the song, no doubt about it. But ahead of that one.
Speaker 1:So there's a little story about this one. So back in 1987, I was leaving Boston to go to the Philippines and it was December, my birthday had just passed and it's coming up on December I think it was like December 21st or 22nd that I was leaving Boston and I fly first to St Louis, and so in St Louis there's a layover and we're waiting, and you know this was I had already graduated basic training, so you have to fly in uniform. It was kind of funny back then they let you do that. It was a flying tigers flight, which was a military type flight anyway. So we're in st louis and get on the plane and and it was overcast, which I love that weather and plane takes off through the clouds and I'll never forget looking down and the whole city of St Louis was blanketed in snow, it was just white and it was so cool.
Speaker 1:And then I was listening to this song. I had the headphones on and I'm just looking out the window and this song came on. It was almost like perfect timing. This song came on. It was almost like perfect timing. It's the Pretenders, 2,000 Miles. I'm sure people know that. It sounds familiar to me. You've heard me play it like every Christmas.
Speaker 4:When you hear her voice, you'll probably know.
Speaker 1:You've never heard this, Amanda.
Speaker 2:It sounds so familiar but I like can't put my finger on it. Maybe I have to hear the chorus.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's coming up and this is where the reference comes in, and then it just goes 2,000 miles.
Speaker 2:I do know this, but not like super well Right, definitely heard in. Like the background it's a good song. I like it. I like it.
Speaker 1:So what was that? That was 10, 9, 8. That was 7,. Right, now I'm coming up on 6. Yes, and this, this. I'm just gonna play this one merry christmas hey, perry denovich, the ai. Yeah, how can this not be on?
Speaker 4:anybody's list? What song?
Speaker 1:is this Run DMC Christmas and Hollis.
Speaker 3:This is a great song. This is a great song. When did this come out? 87.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he found Santa's wallet with a check for a million dollars in it. He cashes it Well. He doesn dollars in it. He cashes it Well, he doesn't cash it. He dreams about it. He says no, I got to send it back to Santa. And then Santa says, no, that's for you. Ooh, collard greens.
Speaker 4:Yeah, you never heard this song.
Speaker 3:Never, it's great.
Speaker 1:You got to make that. You got to make that one got you gotta make that, you're gonna make that one you're gonna make that.
Speaker 2:Should I bring it back? Should I bring it back? I think you need to bring it back, all right christmas in hollis needs to run.
Speaker 1:dmc should never go away. First of all, it should never go away, all right. My next one is uh, this is. This song came out in 81, the year I graduated high school, and if you see the video, you see the video. I swear to God and I've said this in the past the lead singer she looks exactly like my mother did when she was young. I've seen pictures of my mother when she was young and I saw this lady and I'm like holy shit, she looks just like my mother and it just gives me that and it's a great Christmas song and it's the Waitress' Christmas rapping.
Speaker 2:So was it more the video or the song itself?
Speaker 1:No, it's the song itself. It's a Christmas song, oh yeah.
Speaker 2:Merry Christmas, so what it?
Speaker 1:is song, is it's Christmas Eve and she doesn't have anything to do. She was trying to hook up with this guy all year long. I like this one. And they try to hook up and something always happens. They can never get together, whether his car doesn't start or she got sunburned, and they just kind of give up. And then on Christmas Eve she doesn't really want to celebrate christmas. So she gets herself this little turkey and she's cooking it and she forgets cranberry sauce. So she goes to the store on christmas eve to get cranberry sauce and sees that guy that she's been chasing all year and that's the line at the end she goes oh, you mean, you forgot Cranberry too, oh, and they end up spending Christmas Eve together.
Speaker 2:I never knew the name of the song. When do they say the words Christmas wrapping in it? They don't, okay, that's why I never know.
Speaker 1:It's a play on the words wrap like the wrapping but it's spelled W-R-A-P-P-I-N-G.
Speaker 2:I remember thinking about this song literally like a week ago or whatever, and like I could not think of what the name of the song was yeah, christmas rapping.
Speaker 1:Now they I think they changed the. They kind of played the right, because back in the seventies this is one of the OG rappers Curtis blow, came out with a song called Christmas rap. And there's a whole story behind that song, christmas rap where basically the gist of it is he wanted a record contract. They were like you gotta give us, you gotta show us something, you gotta sell records. And he wrote this Christmas Rap and they were like this is garbage. Somehow it gets released and the thing sold like a hundred thousand copies. Everybody bought it because no one had heard anything like it. So it's called Christmas Rap. So they call this on Christmas rapping because that's what she's doing. So she says Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, I think I'll miss this one this year. Now, when she meets the guy, the words at the end are Merry Christmas, merry Christmas. I think I'll do this one this year.
Speaker 1:So she's back in the mood.
Speaker 2:What if it was? I think I found the one this year.
Speaker 1:What's that?
Speaker 2:If the lyrics were like I think I found the one this year.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that'd be cute. Let's jump to the end.
Speaker 2:We need a copyright. I know, I'll play like five seconds of my song. You, I know I'll play like five seconds of my song. You're like, okay, copyright, and I'm like, but you can play the whole thing and it's okay.
Speaker 1:It's my show.
Speaker 2:I think it's my show.
Speaker 1:Everyone wants to be better Get out of here, get out, get nothing. He said nothing.
Speaker 2:You fell for that, whatever.
Speaker 1:He's just mad. Whatever Okay, my's just mad. Whatever Okay. My number one, two, three, my number four song is it's Bob Doucette, merry Christmas. Frank Bing needs to be in there. Big head, todd the Witch Rocket Just messaging, replying to Todd's hugger Scott was making it up. He got that song free in his Captain Crunch cereal box. I don't know what he's talking about.
Speaker 2:About the rapping, not the.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he doesn't know anything about music. That's a guy that Tiffany Van Hill. What's up? Tiffany Tiff, welcome to the show. This is my daughter.
Speaker 2:Amanda Hi.
Speaker 1:Tiffany's part of Herd Foundation One of my favorite people over there and yeah so my next song, my next Christmas song, when it's part of herd foundation one of my favorite people over there and uh, yeah so my next song, my next christmas song. Let's see now, this one is a little controversial when it came out. It's really it's kind of an anti-christmas song. It's kind of an anti-christmas song, uh, because it kind of tells the story of you sold me a like a bill of goods on christmas and you had me believe in in the israelite, but I believed in santa and it was never a silent night, and it just kind of goes on and on uh, hi, so nice to meet. You hope to meet you in person someday, yeah, yeah, I think you two would get along just fine what does that supposed to mean?
Speaker 2:just I said you get along yeah, you kind of said it with a little bit of a just fine, see what I put up there.
Speaker 1:See.
Speaker 2:There's a little tune in that, I'm just saying.
Speaker 1:This is what I'm just calling out. I actually took Amanda to the farm a couple times, I think Once, once. Yeah and yeah. So while you two have a conversation in the middle of my show, thank you, my Christmas show. You know it was my birthday yesterday. Oh, here we go. You must be a badass independent one, do not? Oh, here we go. You have no idea the battles we have been through, me and this independent minded girl just play your song oh you know, we're gonna listen to this episode 20 years now.
Speaker 1:It's gonna be cracking up laughing I was just thinking that yeah, yeah, my grandkids all six of them that that we're gonna yeah, or what was that?
Speaker 2:look, six, I don't know. Six is crazy we'll see.
Speaker 1:Uh, so this one is kind of controversial. Uh, I'll just play it here. We go it. It's Greg Lake. I Believe in Father Christmas. Give it up, scott. Amanda rules tonight.
Speaker 4:Thank you. Yeah, they said there'll be snow at Christmas.
Speaker 1:Which is very rare, by the way.
Speaker 4:There'll be peace on earth, but instead it just kept on raining.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 4:Veil of tears for the virgin birth. I remember one Christmas morning, winter's light. There, you go and the distant quiet.
Speaker 1:Yeah, very kind of controversial. A lot of stations don't play that song because they think it's anti-Christmas. But it's a Christmas song. It has beautiful lyrics. He just questions things and God forbid we do that at Christmas. But that song came out in 1975, so it's been around for a long time. All right, number three on my list was I think it was like number seven on your list, amanda, so we kind of swapped those things.
Speaker 2:We did, we did.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and for the longest time. This was my favorite Christmas song for the longest time. This was my favorite Christmas song For the longest time. Then there's a couple that kind of moved ahead of it, so this comes in at number three, which is still a good rank. A lot of good memories to this.
Speaker 4:So this is Christmas.
Speaker 1:All right. What year did this? Dave Phillips Allison, bob Doucette Todd, what year did this song come out? Without Googling, what year did this song come out? Let's see if anybody knows the answer. I know the answer.
Speaker 1:I know, I know the answer. I know the answer. You know nothing. You know nothing. You know nothing. Well, no one seems, because everyone's Googling, it's taking I know there's like a 12 second delay on this 88, bob. You said Nope, not 88. That's an interesting guess, though. Love the song the 80s, no, and Dave Phillips said 1970. No, but Daveips was really close. Allison says you know my deal, yeah, the drug thing. Yeah, that that haze, that purple haze you were living in hold on. I need to google it. The song came out in 1971. But it didn't really so. That's why I said Bob Doucette, nice, that's an interesting guess, because it really had a revitalization in the 80s. That's when it really broke out and became a staple of Christmas songs. That came out in 71 and just kind of floated around christmas music for a long time. So I love this and you know, at the beginning it says merry christmas yes yeah, he says, uh, merry christmas.
Speaker 2:So let's, let's play the beginning again how come his wife's name is also in the title?
Speaker 1:because she's the one that goes oh, she does.
Speaker 2:Is she the one who goes? War is over too, she screams yeah that part. Yeah, I love that part, though dang it now it's ruined screams like any.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna show you some way, but it works videos of her, and this was studioed. Trust me that that part was studioed oh she has zero talent.
Speaker 2:good, because I love that part. I'med oh good, she has zero talent. Good, because I love that part.
Speaker 1:I'm going to show you a video of her singing, and you're not going to be able to put the two together. It's definitely going to be a. This is this and that's a all right. Listen to the beginning she did, she did. She destroyed the Beatles. Yeah, so listen to the beginning. There's a whisper. Happy to the beginning.
Speaker 3:There's a whisper so this is julie, julian is his son julian lennon yeah, yeah, that's not that kind of.
Speaker 1:He was a singer not the first one, the second one meaning that julian lennon was his first son, not from york oh good yeah, and sean lennon, but then he abandoned his son for a long time. Wasn't a really good father.
Speaker 2:But he sounds just like him.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that was the thing. So Julian Lennon came out with an album called Volat back in the 80s and he had a couple songs three songs of it and he sounded just like him. There was a whole thing going on between him and John Lennon's estate. His father, yoko Ono, made sure they got nothing like Julian Lennon and his mother got nothing and she was putting all the attention on Sean Lennon, who was her son from John Lennon. And so he comes out with this it was, I think it was totally planned comes out with an album called he's a good singer and it blows up and he looks like him and he sounds like him and I think behind the scenes yoko ono fucking she the shit hit the fan for her because he wasn't all about her, he's gonna start stealing all this john lennon attention, right, and all of a sudden he just disappeared off the face of the earth and I I think what happened is they came to a deal like I'll pay you to go away, you're gonna get a lot of money, just go in.
Speaker 1:He's a photographer now and he lives a happy life, but it was just like somebody that had an album that big and who had that talent and could sing and look like his father, who could have made a bankload of money off of it. I'm not even reading what Big Head talked about. All of a sudden he disappears and's because she she paid him to go away. She gave him what he wanted. So that's the story behind that. No, let's see. I can't help but read what this guy says he said I improved the show.
Speaker 1:Uh carry on I'm driving home, so no more comments from me. You were so lucky, amanda, you have definitely improved.
Speaker 2:I'm getting hyped up.
Speaker 3:Yeah well, this is the last show You're ever doing again.
Speaker 2:You're jealous, well.
Speaker 1:Jealous. Prove it, mark Smith, my man. Wait, wait, let me see, let me see, I think it's over here. No, yeah.
Speaker 4:Mark.
Speaker 2:Smith, what is?
Speaker 3:that.
Speaker 1:I always do that to him. Yeah, hi, scott and Amanda, you played Drake Lake. Yes, merry Christmas to you all and happy birthday, young hit. Thank you, and happy birthday, young hit. Thank you, my friend. Thank you, my friend. So okay, my number two song.
Speaker 2:I don't like the way my mic sounds for some reason.
Speaker 1:This is test one. Let me see, I'm gonna. That's my. The gain is up a lot, though. Okay, my number two song, and this is flip-flopped over the years. You know what I'm flip-flopped over the years. You know what I'm flip-flopping my list again. I'm flip-flopping my list again. This is my number two song. We all know it.
Speaker 4:Bye-bye, Gotta go All right.
Speaker 1:Allison, nice to see. Thanks for listening again and watching and all that.
Speaker 4:So this song evidently was done in one take.
Speaker 1:It's just an epic song, epic Christmas song, and this came out. All right, tell me what you have. This, this, this, this show aired, if you're whoever's watching now. What year did this come out? Take a wild guess. And it was recorded live when they used to do these. Amanda, are you on? Are you on the phone while I'm listening to my music? Oh, hold on. There we go. Mary McDonald says the 70s.
Speaker 2:Well, I don't know the year.
Speaker 1:Says the 70s. Yep, you're right with that, you're in the right decade. Dave Phillips, king of the 40s, 1988? Nope, nope, it was the 70s, definitely the 70s, because you got to think Bing Crosby and David Bowie. You see the video. They're relatively young. Each one of them, considering one, was a bit older than the other, so it came out in the year 1977. It aired on a Bing Crosby Christmas special. That was his last Christmas special, by the way. He used to do them every year. That was the last one Way to go out on top. Now my number one song and Amanda has heard this a number of times because after Thanksgiving I stopped playing Christmas music and I played this last night on the drive home from my birthday dinner Played.
Speaker 4:Unhappy Birthday.
Speaker 2:Yeah no, that's thehappy birthday.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no that's the greatest birthday song ever.
Speaker 2:That's the best it's for another episode.
Speaker 1:It's for another episode, birthday episode, but see. The birthday episode runs in with.
Speaker 2:My birthday.
Speaker 1:It runs into. Let me see, let me go over here. Yeah, let me go over here. My number one song what the hell? Why'd you do crickets? I don't know I hit the wrong button. Here we go Is the Pogues Fairy tale of New York. Me and Amanda are going to record this next year.
Speaker 4:It was Christmas Eve. Oh yeah, you were playing this In the drunk tank.
Speaker 1:I play this every day.
Speaker 4:Every day, every day, I play it. Yeah, say another word, every day, every day I play it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know that word. Frank Sinatra was on my list.
Speaker 4:I had like three Sinatra songs. Yeah, Fairy Tale in New York. I don't think I know anyone else who plays this song.
Speaker 1:It's such a great song. It's not the happiest song, though it's kind of. It's almost a track Amanda can sing. Yay, no, amanda, got to go back to college. You need to be quiet. He likes that. I had Frank Sinatra on my list. Oh, okay, got to go back to college, you need to be quiet.
Speaker 2:He likes that I had Frank Sinatra on my list.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay.
Speaker 3:All right.
Speaker 1:Three songs yeah, she did have Frank Sinatra on her list so it's kind of part of the show. So it's on my list too.
Speaker 2:That's not how that works. That's just not how that works, doesn't go that way.
Speaker 1:All right, Dave Phillips, King of the 45s. This is a great show.
Speaker 3:Merry Christmas to you all I think we're coming up on an hour.
Speaker 1:Yep, we are, although the first 11 minutes was a little chaotic.
Speaker 2:I don't know how that's going to come across A little technical difficulties yeah.
Speaker 1:I don't know if I'm going to keep that in or not for the podcast episode. We'll see. I think I'll listen to it. It's always interesting technical difficulties, but anyway, everybody, everybody I won't be doing a show next week I want to say thank you, have a wonderful Christmas. Thank you all for listening and watching and paying attention and contributing and supporting and everything a podcaster needs and a live streamer needs. I always say this I have a a very cult following, but they're a good cult following and I'm glad I can, uh, entertain everybody. Amanda, thank you for giving me your precious time why did you say it like that?
Speaker 1:I didn't say it, any time is precious thank you for having me.
Speaker 2:you could have just ended it, uh. Thank you for coming on my show, but, but it's fine, continue.
Speaker 1:You're welcome, I think you just said it Good for you.
Speaker 4:Good for you, I had to give my own thanks, because I'm a hater. You are my biggest hater.
Speaker 2:You are my biggest hater.
Speaker 1:Yes, tiffany, I'll see you at the farm tomorrow. Bob just said so nice that people are saying Merry Christmas again. I've never stopped, I know you never stopped.
Speaker 2:I won top 10 list.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You guys liked my list better. Who?
Speaker 1:said you had a better top 10 list. Who said that you got to talk into the microphone? Mary, oh, let me see, amanda wins a top 10. Mary is a wonderful person. I'll give her that. I like my list better, though, because, as Amanda said, my list is my list.
Speaker 2:My list is my list. Your list is your list.
Speaker 1:She had Justin Bieber on her list.
Speaker 2:How can that be? I got the pose. I was also born in 2004.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but Christmas music is ageless.
Speaker 2:It's ageless. But then you also got to appreciate the new stuff I do. Well, you don't. All your stuff is like before, like 19 like 29.
Speaker 1:That's right, because that's when it was at its best as some say yeah, anyway, all right, everybody, uh, we come up on an hour.
Speaker 1:It's a great show. Uh, again, everybody, thank you, uh, have a wonderful. Uh, I'll say the british, the english, love saying happy christmas. That never sits right and I don't like that, right. Happy holidays, merry christmas, yeah just, but they say happy christmas. I got used to it over the years but I just never really. Yeah, you know. But uh, oh well, with this song, one of my favorite songs, let me see two thousand miles and again, amanda, have anything to say to my audience.
Speaker 2:Thank you guys for watching and having me and hyping me up. Hopefully I'll be allowed to come on another show, so thanks for having me yeah, you're going back to college, so that's I don't know what to say.
Speaker 1:This is what I deal with on a day-to-day basis, guys.
Speaker 4:Say goodnight Amanda, Goodnight have a happy holiday. Merry Christmas Bye.
Speaker 1:That's the live stream thing. Yay, merry Christmas.